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Consumer-Driven Contract testing in Cookpad Introduction of our software development and Pact as a Consumer-Driven Contract testing tool 5BJLJ0OP !UBJLJ

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This talk • Introduction of our software development ‣ What we do - our products ‣ Team organization and system architecture ‣ Building and releasing • Consumer-Driven Contract testing ‣ Problem and our approach ‣ What is Consumer-Driven Contract testing ‣ How it works in our environment ‣ Lessons we learned

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Who is this speaker? • Taiki Ono (@taiki45 on the Internet) • Cookpad member since Mar. 2014 • Working in Developer Productivity team ‣ Goal: Keep developer’s productivity at high level ‣ Develop tools, build deployment system, design architecture and more..

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Introduction of our software development

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What we do • Solving problems around cooking ‣ To make everyday cooking fun ‣ Recipe sharing service ‣ Cooking school service ‣ and more..

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Products • Cookpad for sharing recipes in Japan • Cooking School • Video for cooking videos • News about cooking • and more..

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Product scale of Cookpad • over 63 million monthly active users in Japan *1 • 20,000+ test cases (It’s not related to product though) $PVOUTFWFSZBDDFTTGSPNPOFPGUIFEFWJDFTPSCSPXTFSTBCPWF

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How our team are organized Cookpad team Cooking School team Media team … SRE DevInfra

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Our system architecture Cookpad app Cooking School app Video app … Auth Notification News app Payment …

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Teams and systems boundary Cookpad team Cooking School team Media team … DevInfra Cookpad app Cooking School app Video app … Auth Notification News app Payment …

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Building and releasing Github Enterprise Rundeck Test job Build job +FOLJOT Dev servers Prod servers $BOBSZ %FQMPZ "84&$4 PS&$

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Building and releasing Github Enterprise Rundeck Test job Build job +FOLJOT Prod servers 1SPE %FQMPZ Slack "84&$4 PS&$

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Consumer-Driven Contract testing in Cookpad

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Problem • Our architecture has been shifted from Monolithic to Microservices • Testing integration points became hard ‣ We tested them by usual test suites (in- process) before, but now components are separated ‣ Running real components are expensive and too fragile and slow

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Our approach • Simple stubbing ‣ Stub all HTTP requests using WebMock or VCR ‣ Problem: Can’t detect breaking changes of API

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rack-vcr • ‣ Capture HTTP req/res in server-side request (feature) tests. Then use them to replay server behavior in client-side tests.

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How rack-vcr works

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Problem with rack-vcr 5IJTEPFTO`UTDBMF

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Consumer-Driven Contract testing

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Consumer-Driven Contracts (CDC) • “.. which imbues providers with insight into their consumer obligations, and focuses service evolution around the delivery of the key business functionality demanded by consumers.” • consumerDrivenContracts.html

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Consumer-Driven Contracts

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Consumer-Driven Contract testing

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Pact • CDC testing tool • For Ruby, Java (JVM), Swift… • Also mentioned in “Building Microservices” book

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How it works

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How it works

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Pact in Cookpad

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Pact in Cookpad •

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Good parts • We can detect breaking changes in CI ‣ Already detected breaking changes some times • We can do Test-Driven Development even in separated components development

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Bad parts • We have to write too many tests ‣ Most of them are enough with type checking ‣ Since Ruby has dynamic type system, that type checking might be run in tests

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Future works • Introduce type schema ‣ Write type definitions of API and check them in compile time or tests ‣ Use CDC tests in important or complicated integration points • Context naming problem ‣ It’s difficult to name “context” to keep consistency and uniqueness in entire name spaces