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Slides: UI Testing iOS & Android Apps @BradBroulik | [email protected] iOS Code: Android Code:

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2 UI Testing Advantages Stability Less Manual Testing Fewer Regressions Future Friendly (OS Upgrades)

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3 Test Pyramid 70% Unit Tests 30% UI Tests • UI testing compliments unit tests • UI testing covers broader aspects of functionality • Candidates for UI testing: demo sequences, common workflows, custom views

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4 UI Testing iOS

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5 Requirements 1) Xcode 7 2) iOS 9 3) iOS device must be enabled for development and connected to a trusted host

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6 Getting Started 1) Project Setup 2) Creating UI Tests 3) Running UI Tests 4) Continuous Integration

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7 Project Setup 1) Add a new UI Testing Target to your existing or new Xcode project. This will create a UI Testing Stub.

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8 Creating UI Tests Place cursor in test method and hit record to auto- generate your UI test code as you run your app TIP: Swift 2.0 has a new @testable annotation which exposes internal methods to your tests so you don’t have to mark methods public just for testing anymore. For example: @testable import

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9 Add Assertions func testPopover_whenTapped_thenDisplayDoneButton() { let app = XCUIApplication() let tablesQuery = app.tables tablesQuery.staticTexts["Adaptive Content"].tap() tablesQuery.staticTexts["Popovers"].tap() app.navigationBars.matchingIdentifier("Popover Example").buttons["Share"].tap() let doneButton = app.navigationBars["Popover"].buttons["Done"] XCTAssertEqual(doneButton.exists, true) doneButton.tap() } Add Assertions to verify state changes or expected behavior

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10 Running UI Tests To run UI tests in Xcode click the run icon next to the class or method

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11 Test API XCUIApplication XCUIElementQuery XCUIElement

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12 XCUIApplication Launches a proxy of your app in a new process. It can also terminate your app. It’s also the starting point for finding elements DEFINITION: XCUIApplication is a proxy to your application.

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13 XCUIElement XCUIElement is a proxy for elements in your UI DEFINITION: XCUIElement is a proxy for elements in your app. It’s made of a type (button, cell, window, etc) and an identifier (accessibility identifier, label, title, etc). These types and identifiers are used by queries to find your elements. Elements are found with queries which is a combination of type and identifier Identifier Element Query Type

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14 XCUIElementQuery DEFINITION: XCUIElementQuery is the API for searching for elements. A query must resolve to a unique element. A non- match or multiple-match will result in a test failure. Identifier Element Query (collection of button types) Query (collection of nav bar types) Filter to find descendant element(s)

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15 Test Reports Xcode’s report navigator Test activities

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16 Quick Look Quick look preview TIP: Quick look allows you to view the UI at any stage of the test. It’s visible when you click on a test in the Report Navigator.

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17 Accessibility Inspector TIP: Queries can only find elements that are visible to accessibility - tested apps are 508-compliant! Accessibility Inspector allows you to view the accessibility data of UI elements. Open the inspector by right-clicking Xcode icon, Open Developer Tool, and select Accessibility Inspector. View accessibility data by running your app, hover the cursor over an element and toggle Command + F7 .

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18 Continuous Integration

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19 Report Navigator

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20 UI Testing Android

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21 Requirements 1) Android SDK v22 2) Android Support Repository rev24

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22 Getting Started 1) Setting up Espresso 2) Creating UI Tests 3) Running UI Tests 4) Continuous Integration

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23 Project Setup 1) Install latest Android Support Repository and Library in SDK Manager 2) Setup Gradle dependencies 3) Setup folder structure - UI tests are created in src/androidTest

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Avoid extending ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 because of its verbose setup 24 Test Setup Setup your activity under test via ActivityTestRule

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25 Creating UI Tests 1) Find a view with a ViewMatcher or find an adapter-backed view with an ObjectMatcher 2) Perform a user action on the view with a ViewAction (tap, input text, etc) 3) Assert the state of the UI with a ViewAssertion

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26 Test API ViewMatcher ViewAction ViewAssertion ObjectMatcher

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27 1) Find a view with a ViewMatcher or find an adapter-backed view with an ObjectMatcher 2) Perform a user action on the view with a ViewAction (tap, input text, etc) 3) Assert the state of the UI with a ViewAssertion ViewMatcher ObjectMatcher

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28 ViewMatcher ObjectMatcher

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29 1) Find a view with a ViewMatcher or find an adapter-backed view with an ObjectMatcher 2) Perform a user action on the view with a ViewAction (tap, input text, etc) 3) Assert the state of the UI with a ViewAssertion ViewAction

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30 ViewAction

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31 1) Find a view with a ViewMatcher or find an adapter-backed view with an ObjectMatcher 2) Perform a user action on the view with a ViewAction (tap, input text, etc) 3) Assert the state of the UI with a ViewAssertion Add Assertions to verify state changes or expected behavior ViewAssertion

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32 ViewAssertion

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33 Running UI Tests Run tests in Android Studio by right-clicking a test class or test method and select Run Or click the Run menu, Edit Configuration, and setup a new Test runner

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34 Continuous Integration Build artifacts Build status TIP: CircleCI requires a circle.yml configuration file to manage your CI build settings.

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35 UI Testing Practices Espresso Testing best practices: • Don’t navigate through your entire UI every single time. You can launch an activity and configure state in @Before • If you can test things without the UI test them without the UI because firing up the UI is expensive • Feed your networking stack mock data (Mocktrofit)

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Thank You! @BradBroulik | [email protected] iOS Code: Android Code: Slides: