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Extending MySQL with PHP's MySQL Native Driver

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Proprietary and Confidential •Community Engineer at Engine Yard •Author of Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide, Sitepoints PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks & PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code •A contributor to Zend Framework 1 & 2, phpdoc, & PHP internals • Original creator of PHAR/PHP_Archive •@dshafik Davey Shafik

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Let’s start a conversation about mental health in tech

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ext/mysql PHP & MySQL PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql

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ext/mysql PHP & MySQL libmysqlclient PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql

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libmysqlclient (GPL) ext/mysql PHP & MySQL PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql

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libmysqlclient (GPL) mysqlnd (5.3+) ext/mysql PHP & MySQL PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql

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libmysqlclient (GPL) mysqlnd (5.3+) ext/mysql ext/mysql (5.5+) PHP & MySQL PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql

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PHP & MySQL mysqlnd PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql

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PHP & MySQL mysqlnd PHP ext/mysqli ext/pdo_mysql pecl/mysqlnd_memcache pecl/mysqlnd_ms pecl/mysqlnd_qc pecl/mysqlnd_uh

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MySQL Native Driver mysqlnd

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• Added in PHP 5.3 • Default since 5.4+ (but you can still use libmysqlclient) • Uses PHP’s internal C infrastructure for seamless integration • Uses PHP’s memory management, minimizes memory usage • Uses PHP streams for I/O MySQL Native Driver (mysqlnd)

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• Simply do not specify the path to libmysqlclient when compiling
 --with-pdo-mysql • Debian/Ubuntu have a php5-mysqlnd package that replaced php5-mysql
 sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd Installation

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MySQLnd Plugins

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• Installed from PECL • pecl install mysqlnd_ • mysqlnd_ms — Easily perform read/write splitting between master and slave (ms) servers, with simple load balancing • mysqlnd_memcache — Transparently translate SQL to use the MySQL 5.6 memcache-protocol compatible NoSQL daemon • mysqlnd_qc — Transparent application-level query cache • mysqlnd_uh — Allows writing mysqlnd plugins in PHP Installating Plugins

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Read/Write Splitting mysqlnd_ms

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• For Master/Slave(s) replication topologies • Allows transparent simple auto-routing of read and write queries • Allows custom routing for more complex situations • pecl install mysqlnd_ms • • mysqlnd_ms.enable=1 • mysqlnd_ms.config_file=/path/to/mysqlnd_ms.json Read/Write Splitting

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Proprietary and Confidential { "appname": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306", "user": "dbuser", "password": "dbpassword", "db": "dbname" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" "user": "dbuser", "password": "dbpassword", "db": "dbname" }, } } } Read/Write Splitting

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Proprietary and Confidential "master": { "master_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306", "user": "dbuser", "password": "dbpassword", "db": "dbname" } }, Read/Write Splitting

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Proprietary and Confidential "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" "user": "dbuser", "password": "dbpassword", "db": "dbname" }, } Read/Write Splitting

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Automatic Routing

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• Automatically route all queries that start with SELECT to the slave • Does not capture queries that start with (SELECT • Does capture write queries like SELECT ... INTO Automatic Routing

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Manual Routing

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• Achieved using SQL Hints (special comments) • MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH — Run the statement on the master • MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH — Run the statement on the slave • MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH — Run the statement on whichever server was last use • Constants that turn into ms=master, ms=slave, , and ms=last_used Manual Routing

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Proprietary and Confidential $sql = sprintf( "/*%s*/ SELECT * FROM table_name;",
 MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH ); Manual Routing: Send to Master

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Proprietary and Confidential $sql = sprintf( "/*%s*/ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `temp_table_name` SELECT * FROM 
 table_name;", MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH ); Manual Routing: Send to Slave

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Proprietary and Confidential { "appname": { "master": { ... }, "slave": { ... } "master_on_write": 1 } } Replication Lag & Transparent Master on Write

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Load Balancing

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• random — a random slave is picked for each read query • random once — a random slave is picked for the first read query and re-used for the remainder of the request • round robin — a new slave is picked for each read query, in the order they are defined • user — a user-specified callback determines which slave will be called for each query Load Balancing

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Proprietary and Confidential { "appname": { "master": { … }, "slave": { … } }, "filters": { "random": 1 } } Load Balancing: Random

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Proprietary and Confidential { … "filters": { "random": { "sticky": 1 } } } Load Balancing: Random Once

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Proprietary and Confidential { … "filters": { "random": { "weights": { "slave1": 2 "slave2": 2 "slave3": 1 "master": 1 } } } } Load Balancing: Weighted Random

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Proprietary and Confidential { … "filters": { "roundrobin" } } Load Balancing: Weighted Random

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Proprietary and Confidential { … "filters": { "user": { "function_name" } } } Load Balancing: User • Must be a function • Return a single server • user_multi returns an array containing an array of master, and slave servers

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• disabled: Never failover automatically. This is the default. • master: Always failover to the master • loop_before_master: If a slave request is being attempted, it will first loop through the slaves, before trying the master. Failover

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Proprietary and Confidential { … "failover": { "strategy": "loop_before_master" } } Failover

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• remember_failed: Remember failed servers for the remainder of the session. Defaults to false, but is recommended. • max_retries: The number of retries that should be attempted on each server before considering it failed. • Each server will only be tried once per iteration of the list, and will be removed only after failing N times. This defaults to 0 which means unlimited, so a server will never be removed; this conflicts with the remember_failed configuration option. Failover

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Proprietary and Confidential { … "failover": { "strategy": "loop_before_master", "remember_failed": true, "max_retries": 1 } } Failover

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Proprietary and Confidential During transactions failover is automatically disabled Failover

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• When using transactions you want all queries to go to the same server • Use MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH or MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH • When using MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH turn off auto- commit Transactions

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Proprietary and Confidential $mysqli->autocommit(false); // disable autocommit, implicitly starts a transaction $mysqli->query('BEGIN'); // queries $mysqli->query('COMMIT'); // or ROLLBACK $mysqli->autocommit(true); // enable autocommit Transactions: Disable Auto-Commit (mysqli)

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Proprietary and Confidential $pdo->setAttribute('PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT', false); 
 // disable autocommit, implicitly starts a transaction $pdo->exec('BEGIN'); // queries $pdo->exec('COMMIT'); // or ROLLBACK $pdo->setAttribute('PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT', true); 
 // disable autocommit Transactions: Disable Auto-Commit (PDO)

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Memcache mysqlnd_memcache

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• MySQL 5.6 introduced the Innodb Memcache Daemon • Memcache backed by innodb • Skips the query parser, optimizer, and other unnecessary parts • Faster • Much faster in 5.7 • Can use the data from other — regular — queries Memcache

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• Not included with Ubuntu/Debian • Add the official Oracle apt repository and install mysql • Enable with: Installation SOURCE /usr/share/mysql/innodb_memcached_config.sql; INSTALL PLUGIN daemon_memcached SONAME "";

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• Creates innodb_memcache with three tables: • cache_policies: This table contains policies determining how GET, SET, DELETE, and FLUSH commands are executed. • containers: This table contains a list of tables to expose via memcache • config_options: This table contains memcache configuration options — specifically the multi-column value separator (defaults to a pipe “|”) and the table_map_delimiter (defaults to a period “.”) Installation

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Creating a Collection • name: The name used to refer to the collection via memcache • db_schema: The database name • db_table: The database table name • key_columns: The column name containing the key • value_columns: The columns that contain values, specify them as comma separated values. In memcache column values are separated by a pipe (as per the config_options table)

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• flags: The memcache flags to set • cas_column: The CAS value assigned by memcache • expire_time_column: The expiration time (in seconds), or 0 to never expire • unique_idx_name_on_key: The name of the index which places a UNIQUE constraint on the key. If the key is the primary key, specify PRIMARY Creating a Collection

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Proprietary and Confidential CREATE DATABASE kv_data; USE kv_data; CREATE TABLE kv_store ( `key` VARCHAR(255), `value` VARCHAR(1024), `flags` INT, `cas` BIGINT UNSIGNED, `exp` INT, primary key(`key`) ) ENGINE = INNODB; Create the Table

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Proprietary and Confidential INSERT INTO innodb_memcache.containers( name, db_schema, db_table, key_columns, value_columns, flags, cas_column, expire_time_column, unique_idx_name_on_key ) VALUES ( 'kv_data', 'kv_data', 'kv_store', 'key', 'value', 'flags', 'cas', 'exp', 'PRIMARY' ); Tell the Plugin about the Table

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Proprietary and Confidential $ telnet localhost 11211 telnet> set test.key 0 0 11 Hello World STORED telnet> get test.key VALUE test.key 0 11 Hello World END Using Memcache

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• Defaults to “default” collection, or the first one • Switch using: get @@collection_name
 telnet> get @@kv_data VALUE @@kv_data 0 16 kv_data/kv_store END 
 • Use the table_map_delimiter: telnet> get @@kv_data.test.key VALUE @@kv_data.test.key 0 11 Hello World END Multiple Collections

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; Load the extension ; Enable it mysqlnd_memcache.enable=1 Queries as matched by the MYSQLND_MEMCACHE_DEFAULT_REGEXP constant: /^\s*SELECT\s*(.+?)\s*FROM\s*`?([a-z0-9_]+)`? \s*WHERE\s*`?([a-z0-9_]+)`?\s*=\s*(?(?=[“'])["'] ([^"']*)["']|([0-9e\.]*))\s*$/is mysqlnd_memcache

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•SELECT `value` FROM kv_store WHERE `key` = ‘test.key’; Won’t Match: • SELECT * FROM kv_store WHERE `key` = 'test.key'; SELECT `value` FROM kv_store WHERE `key` = `test.key` AND value LIKE '%foo%'; SELECT `key` FROM kv_store WHERE value LIKE '%foo%'; Queries

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Query Caching mysqlnd_qc

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Proprietary and Confidential Query Caching in MySQL Pros Cons Easy to use Simplistic Transparent Easy to invalidate Single threaded

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• default: per-process in-memory storage (built-in) • user: user-defined custom storage backend (built-in) • memcache: use memcached for storage • sqlite: use sqlite for storage • apc: use APC for storage — requires both mysqlnd_qc and APC be compiled statically, and may not work with apcu (for PHP 5.5+) Storage Backends

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Proprietary and Confidential mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handler('memcache'); mysqlnd_qc.memc_server = 'localhost' mysqlnd_qc.memc_port = '11211' // or ini_set('mysqlnd_qc.memc_server', 'localhost'); ini_set('mysqlnd_qc.memc_port', '11211'); Storage Backends

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• Transparently cache all SELECT queries • That do not include dynamic columns (e.g. NOW() or LAST_INSERT_ID()) • php.ini • mysqlnd_qc.cache_by_default = 1 Caching

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• Time Based: 30 second TTL • Set it manually: •mysqlnd_qc.ttl = 1800 • Using a SQL hint: MYSQLND_QC_TTL_SWITCH $sql = sprintf(
 "/*%s%d*/SELECT * FROM table”, MYSQLND_QC_TTL_SWITCH, 1800 );
 /*qc_tt=10*/SELECT * FROM table Cache Invalidation

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• SQL Hint: MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH $sql = sprintf( "/*%s*/SELECT * FROM table”, MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH ); /*qc=off*/SELECT * FROM table Cache Opt-Out

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• Done using mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition() • Three arguments: • 1st Argument: MYSQLND_QC_CONDITION_META_SCHEMA_PATTERN • 2nd Argument: Pattern to match, LIKE syntax: % multi-char, _ single-char • 3rd Argument: TTL (optional, defaults to INI setting) Conditional Caching

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// Cache all session data mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition(
 MYSQLND_QC_CONDITION_META_SCHEMA_PATTERN, "myapp.session", 5*60 ); // Cache all user data mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition( MYSQLND_QC_CONDITION_META_SCHEMA_PATTERN, "myapp.user_%", 15 ); Conditional Caching

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• User callback • false: should not be cached • true: try to cache for the default TTL • int: try to cache for int seconds Pattern Based Caching

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Proprietary and Confidential function is_cacheable($sql) { if (preg_match(
 "/SELECT (.*?) FROM session (.*)/ism", $sql) === 1) { return 5*60; } if (preg_match( "/SELECT (.*?) FROM user_(.*?) (.*)/ism", $sql) === 1) { return 15; } return false; }
 mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select('is_cacheable'); Pattern Based Caching

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Custom Plugins

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Proprietary and Confidential svn co mysqlnd_uh/trunk mysqlnd_uh cd mysqlnd_uh phpize ./configure --enable-mysqlnd-uh make sudo make install php.ini: Installation

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• mysqlnd_uh is an application level mysql proxy • Two types of proxies: • connection proxies: MysqlndUhConnection
 mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy() • prepared statement proxies: MysqlndUhPreparedStatement
 mysqlnd_uh_set_statement_proxy() • If you don’t call parent methods, you may crash PHP MySQLnd_uh Proxies

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Proprietary and Confidential class ConnectionRecorderProxy extends MysqlndUhConnection { public function connect($connection, $host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $mysql_flags) { $time = time(); file_put_contents("/tmp/connection-log", "Connection to $host on port $port for user $user at " .date('r', $time) . PHP_EOL); return parent::connect($connection, $host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $mysql_flags); } } Creating a Connection Proxy

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Transforming Queries

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• To transform queries we must use both Connection and Statement proxies • Connection proxy handles calls to mysqli->query() and 
 pdo->query() • Statement proxy handles call to mysqli->prepare() and 
 pdo->prepare() Transforming Queries

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Proprietary and Confidential class MySQLndPluginQueryTransformer { static public transform($sql) { … The Query Transformer

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Proprietary and Confidential // A list of constants to replace $constants = [ ‘MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH', 'MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH', ‘MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH', 'MYSQLND_QC_ENABLE_SWITCH', ‘MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH', 'MYSQLND_QC_TTL_SWITCH', ]; // Replace all the hints foreach ($constants as $constant) { $sql = str_replace($constant, constant($constant), $sql); } // Handle MYSQLND_QC_TTL_SWITCH= which would double up the = $sql = str_replace(MYSQLND_QC_TTL_SWITCH.'=', MYSQLND_QC_TTL_SWITCH, $sql); return $sql; MySQLndPluginQueryTransformer::transform()

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Proprietary and Confidential class MySQLndPluginConnectionProxy extends MysqlndUhConnection { public function query($connection, $query) { // Transform the query $q = MySQLndPluginQueryTransformer::transform($query); // Call & return the parent function return parent::query($connection, $q); } } Connection Proxy

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Proprietary and Confidential class MySQLndPluginStatementProxy extends MysqlndUhPreparedStatement { public function prepare($connection, $query) { // Transform the query $q = MySQLndPluginQueryTransformer::transform($query); // Call & return the parent function return parent::prepare($connection, $query); } } Statement Proxy

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Proprietary and Confidential // Set the proxies mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy( new MySQLndPluginConnectionProxy() ); mysqlnd_uh_set_statement_proxy( new MySQLndPluginStatementProxy() ); Set the Proxies

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• Run the queries! It’s transparent. Using the Proxies

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Proprietary and Confidential $query = $pdo->prepare(
 ); Transforms to: /*ms=last_used*/SELECT * FROM user Transformation

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• Blog Series: Extending MySQL with PHP’s Native Driver: • PECL Extensions: • PHP Manual: Resources

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Feedback & Questions: 
 Twitter: @dshafik Email: [email protected] Slides: 13739