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by your friend: ! Ryan Weaver @weaverryan REST API’s What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

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Slide 2 text Who is this Hipster? > Lead for the Symfony documentation
 > KnpLabs US - Symfony Consulting, training, Kumbaya ! > Writer for Tutorials > Husband of the much more talented @leannapelham

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Chapter 0 ! I thought this would be easy @weaverryan “

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@weaverryan GET /api/programmers/5 HTTP 1.1! Host:! Accept: application/json,text/html HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/json! ! {! "id": 5,! "nickname": "Namespacinator"! }

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@weaverryan Documentation Resources Hypermedia HATEOAS Testing Representations Resource State $MJFOU4UBUF Status Codes Links Embedded Resources Content-Negotation Location Header Idempotency PUT, POST, PATCH Pagination Filtering

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Chapter 1 ! Don’t be a hero @weaverryan !

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TIP! Research Services @weaverryan

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> design your API ! > play with it ! > implement ! > use your design as a test @weaverryan

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No content

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Chapter 2 ! Documentation/design beats out implementation @weaverryan

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If you build it with no (or incorrect) docs… ! people can’t use it womp womp @weaverryan

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TIP! Use a tool like Apiary or Behat @weaverryan

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Chapter 3 ! Avoid the Hype (make it work) @weaverryan

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Let’s create a Programmer

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POST /api/programmers HTTP/1.1! Host:! Content-type: application/json! Accept: application/json,text/html! ! {! "nickname": "ObjectOrienter",! "avatarNumber" : "2",! "tagLine": "Testing!"! } @weaverryan

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POST /api/programmers HTTP/1.1! Host:! Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded! Accept: application/json,text/html! ! nickname=ObjectOrienter&avatarN umber=2&tagLine=Testing @weaverryan

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HTTP/1.1 201 Created! Content-type: application/json! Location: /api/programmers/2! ! {! "id": 2,! "nickname": "ObjectOrienter",! "avatarNumber" : "2",! "tagLine": "Testing!"! } @weaverryan

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REST ! Representational State Transfer ! WTH? @weaverryan

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TIP! Resource (URI) ! vs. ! Representation (HTML, json) … don’t over-think it @weaverryan

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@weaverryan resource representation (a drawing)

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@weaverryan resource representation (JSON) {! "programmers": [! { "name" : "Alice"},! { "name" : "Leanna" }! ]! }

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TIP! Resource State* *state means “data” @weaverryan

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REST == 1) A system where a client can change the data of 
 a resource ! ! 2) The server can respond with the data of a resource @weaverryan

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TIP! Client State: ! It’s just the “page” your API client is on @weaverryan

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Client: ! impacts resource state/ data by sending a representation of the desired state/data @weaverryan

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Server: ! impacts client state by sending links that suggest what to do next (like an HTML page) @weaverryan

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TIP! Hypermedia: ! it’s just JSON/XML with links … and sends back a special content-type header to tell the user about your format @weaverryan

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HAL+JSON content-type: application/hal+json

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PNG (not hypermedia) content-type: image/png

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My Invention content-type: application/vnd.dapper+json {! "dapper_avatar": " "other_photos": [! "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.c ],! "homepage": ""! }!

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TIP! HATEOAS Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State Don’t believe the… @weaverryan

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add links to be more helpful to your client @weaverryan

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but don’t expect your API client to become self-aware and learn your API entirely by links… yet @weaverryan

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TIP! Request Representation != Response Representation @weaverryan

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New Programer Request {! "nickname": "ObjectOrienter",! "avatarNumber" : "2",! "tagLine": "Testing!"! } @weaverryan

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New Programer Response @weaverryan {! "_links": {! "self": {! "href": " }! },! "id": "2",! "nickname": "ObjectOrienter",! "tagLine": "Testing!"! }!

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Chapter 4 ! It doesn’t have to be good It has to be consistent @weaverryan

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TIP! Use objects and a serializer JMSSerializer @weaverryan

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Serialization includes everything: ! > Links > Embedded Resources > Pagination** > Filters** > Hypermedia Formatting ** BTW, use query parameters for pagination and filtering

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HATEOAS (library)

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TIP! application/problem+json ! Consistency with errors @weaverryan

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@weaverryan HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type: application/problem+json ! { "errors": {"nickname":"Enter a clever nickname"}, "status":400, "type": " /docs/errors#validation_error”, "title":"There was a validation error” }

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Return this format in *all* error situations And add exception handlers to guarantee this

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@weaverryan Silex! Oh crap, something went wild!

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@weaverryan Let’s keep our head’s straight. Create that nice ApiProblem object.

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@weaverryan type should be a URL. It’s about making it obvious what how to find out more

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@weaverryan all gravy now!

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TIP! Be consistent, but simple, with status codes 200: most response 201: after creating a resource 204: a 200, but blank response (e.g. delete resource) 400: validation errors or bad data format 401/403: Unauthorized/Access Denied 500: things are not good 202: If the resource will be created later 422: Could be used for validation errors

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TIP! Don’t get obsessed with multiple formats and content-type negotiation @weaverryan

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TIP! Don’t get obsessed with *accepting* multiple input formats ! “we support sending json, XML or www- form-urlencoded data!” @weaverryan Why?

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TIP! Use OAuth? Or maybe a simple token-based authentication … sure, if you have bigger requirement, use something bigger @weaverryan

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TIP! Don’t worry about versioning unless you really have the problem. @weaverryan

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POST, PUT, Idempotency @weaverryan

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Idempotency: ! Is it guaranteed to be safe if I accidentally make a request twice in a row? @weaverryan

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POST: Not Idempotent
 PUT: Idempotent @weaverryan blah blah…

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TIP! PUT if *both* of the following are true: 1) The request is idempotent ! 2) The URI is to the resource being updated … otherwise, use POST

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@weaverryan /api/programmers POST Not Idempotent /api/programers/5 PUT /api/programmers/5/avatar PUT /api/programmers/5/sleep POST URI is not to resource being updated POST != idempotent, but making a request twice doesn’t *need* to have a side-effect

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Editing PUT: Replace (nullify missing fields) ! PATCH: Update (send directions) @weaverryan

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TIP! > Use either PATCH or PUT
 ! > Ignore how they’re supposed to work
 ! > Document clearly how you’re using them @weaverryan

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@weaverryan GitHub API

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REST ! Keep it Simple @weaverryan

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1) Research Tools @weaverryan

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2) Decide how you’ll test and generate your documentation before coding @weaverryan

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3) Don’t let the Resource, Representation, State jargon confuse you @weaverryan

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4) Add links to help your client, but don’t go for HATEOAS @weaverryan

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5) Consistency is king 
 (use a serializer) @weaverryan

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6) Use PUT if it follows the 2 rules, POST as the catch-all @weaverryan

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And celebrate because you just survived your API! @weaverryan

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Thanks! Ryan Weaver @weaverryan PHP , Behat, Twig, OO, etc Tutorial Screencasts