Your App Is Alive
Michelle Noorali
Developer at Deis
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• Kubernetes Package Manager
• Packages = “Charts”
• “Homebrew” for Kubernetes
• Great way to find, share, and use software built for
• Community focused
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Helm Charts
+ metadata
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Try it out
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Health Checks
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a way to monitor your app’s health
A Health Check is
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Is your app…
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Is your app…
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Is your app…
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What does it look like?
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• /healthcheck or /healthz endpoint
• checked by external system at intervals
• On success, do nothing
• On failure, notify and heal
Health checks continued …
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In Kubernetes Land…
• Health checks are built in!
• But first…
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Introducing Puffy
• … a simple go web server
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• Running Kubernetes cluster on GCE [Google Compute Engine]
• Docker Image for app stored on DockerHub
• DockerHub = place to store images
• Can also use or GCR [Google Container Registry]
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Puffy Repo
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Manifest file
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Life of Puffy: It’s Alive
• Create a pod definition in manifest
• Create resource in kubernetes from manifest with
$ kubectl create -f puffy-pod.yaml
• Watch it come to life with $ kubectl get pods -w
• Talk to a route
• curl pod_ip:port/index on a node
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Let’s make sure puffy is ok.
Here comes the health check part…
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Two Probes walk into a
• Readiness Probe
• Liveness Probe
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Wait. What is this probe
• a probe = a diagnostic periodically performed on a container
• Three ways to perform a diagnostic:
• Execute a command in a container
• Successful if exit status code 0
• Perform tcp check on a container’s IP address on a specific port
• Successful if the port is open
• Perform an HTTP Get against the container’s IP address on a
specific port
• Successful if response has status code >= 200 and <400
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Back to the probes…
• Readiness Probe
• Is my app ready to serve traffic?
• On failure, it stops serving requests
• Liveness Probe
• Is my app in a good state?
• On failure, it restarts the pod
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Define a Liveness Probe in
the Pod Manifest
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Apply the Changes in the
Pod Manifest to the Cluster
$ kubectl delete -f puffy-pod.yaml
~ edit puffy-pod.yaml ~
$ kubectl create -f pod-puffy.yaml
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You’ll see failure
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• Forgot to add the /healthz endpoint
• kubectl delete -f puffy-pod.yaml
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Add /healthz
• Define /healthz in app (common convention)
• Re-build/re-tag image
• Push image to registry
• Edit image declaration in manifest
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Bring Puffy Back!
$ kubectl create -f puffy-pod.yaml
or $ helm install puffy
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe pod puffy
On node, curl ip:port/healthz
Things to watch out for
• Try to leave health checks as simple as possible
• Don’t get too aggressive
• Use the right probe for your situation
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• Automate monitoring apps with health checks
• Use Kubernetes’s built in health check features
• readinessProbe
• Is your app ready to serve traffic?
• livenessProbe
• Is your app in a good state?
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Deployment Manager
Coming together to bring you a simple and
powerful way to deploy and manage Kubernetes
Charts and is going to CNCF along with the rest of
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That’s it folks. Thank you.
My charts:
Helm charts:
Look for