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Gradle Remote Cache Misses and how to solve them by annoying your colleagues Nelson Osacky

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Gradle Task

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A Task represents a single atomic piece of work for a build.

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• Copying files • Compiling Classes • Running Tests

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A task has inputs and ouputs.

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JavaCompile • Inputs = source files • Outputs = class files

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Gradle Task Work Input Input Output Output

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JavaCompile Task Compile Output=Audio.class Output=Music.class

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Build Cache

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Build Cache • Mechanism to reuse outputs from other builds • Allows builds to refetch outputs when it is determined that the inputs haven’t changed • Can be local (filesystem) or remote (http)

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A build cache key uniquely defines the task’s outputs based on its inputs.

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• The task type and its classpath • The names of the output properties • The names and values of properties annotated as described in the section called "Custom task types" • The names and values of properties added by the DSL via TaskInputs • The classpath of the Gradle distribution, buildSrc and plugins • The content of the build script when it affects execution of the task

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Local Cache If you have built it before, skip building it again. Remote Cache If anyone else has built it before, skip building it again.

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Local Push Pull Pull Remote Cache CI

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Local CI In order to re-use task outputs we need to have the same build cache key across environments.

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Seed build cache task on CI. ./gradlew assembleDevDebug

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Build Scans

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Gradle Enterprise

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Gradle Enterprise • Aggregates Build Scans • Task Input Comparison

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Identify what changed between two executions of a task that prevented the output from being reused from a build cache.

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Local CI

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Gradle treats whitespace as build cache miss.

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public final class BuildConfig { public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); public static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; public static final int VERSION_CODE = -1; public static final int TEST_RETRY_COUNT = 0; }

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public final class BuildConfig { public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); public static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; public static final int VERSION_CODE = -1; public static final int TEST_RETRY_COUNT = 0; }

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afterEvaluate { android.libraryVariants.all { variant -> variant.resValue "bool", "analytics_enabled", "true" variant.resValue "bool", "verbose_logging", "false" variant.buildConfigField "int", "TEST_RETRY_COUNT", "${getRetryCount()}" } }

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private static int getRetryCount() { if (isCI) { return 1 } else { return 0 } }

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Retry mechanism against flaky tests.

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public final class BuildConfig { public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); public static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; public static final int VERSION_CODE = -1; public static final int TEST_RETRY_COUNT = 0; }

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public final class BuildConfig { public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); public static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; public static final int VERSION_CODE = -1; public static final int TEST_RETRY_COUNT = 1; }

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afterEvaluate { android.libraryVariants.all { variant -> variant.resValue "bool", "analytics_enabled", "true" variant.resValue "bool", "verbose_logging", "false" variant.buildConfigField "int", "TEST_RETRY_COUNT", "${getRetryCount()}" } }

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afterEvaluate { android.libraryVariants.all { variant -> variant.resValue "bool", "analytics_enabled", "true" variant.resValue "bool", "verbose_logging", "false" } }

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public final class BuildConfig { public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); public static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; public static final int VERSION_CODE = -1; public static final int TEST_RETRY_COUNT = 1; }

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public final class BuildConfig { public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); public static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; public static final int VERSION_CODE = -1; }

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open class ActivityTest protected constructor(activityClass: Class) { private val isRunningOnTestLab = Settings.System.getString(contentResolver, "firebase.test.lab") == "true" @JvmField val retryRule = RetryRule(if (isRunningOnTestLab) 1 else 0) }

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Local src/main/java/com/soundcloud/ src/main/java/com/soundcloud/ src/main/java/com/soundcloud/audio/ CI src/main/java/com/soundcloud/ src/main/java/com/soundcloud/

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Empty directories are considered part of a task’s input properties

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tasks.withType(SourceTask).configureEach {at -> t.doFirst { t.source.visit { FileVisitDetails d -> if ( && d.file.listFiles().size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Found an empty source directory. This causes build cache misses. Please remove it manually. rmdir " + d.file.absolutePath) } } } }

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tasks.withType(SourceTask).configureEach {at ->

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tasks.withType(SourceTask).configureEach {at -> t.doFirst {a t.source.visit {aFileVisitDetails d ->a if ( && d.file.listFiles().size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Found an empty source directory. This causes build cache misses. Please remove it manually. rmdir " + d.file.absolutePath) } } } }

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t.doFirst {a t.source.visit {aFileVisitDetails d ->a

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tasks.withType(SourceTask).configureEach { t -> t.doFirst {a t.source.visit {aFileVisitDetails d ->a if ( && d.file.listFiles().size() == 0) {b throw new IllegalStateException( "Found an empty source directory. This causes build cache misses. Please remove it manually. rmdir " + d.file.absolutePath) }c }d } }

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t.source.visit {aFileVisitDetails d ->a if ( && d.file.listFiles().size() == 0) {b throw new IllegalStateException( "Found an empty source directory. This causes build cache misses. Please remove it manually. rmdir " + d.file.absolutePath) }c }d

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if ( && d.file.listFiles().size() == 0) {b throw new IllegalStateException( "Found an empty source directory. This causes build cache misses. Please remove it manually. rmdir " + d.file.absolutePath) }c

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tasks.withType(SourceTask).configureEach { t -> t.doFirst { t.source.visit { FileVisitDetails d -> if ( && d.file.listFiles().size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Found an empty source directory. This causes build cache misses. Please remove it manually. rmdir " + d.file.absolutePath) }c }d } }

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A special module where code added to buildscript classpath instead of runtime classpath.

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!"" build.gradle !"" buildSrc # !"" build.gradle # $"" src # !"" main # $"" java # $"" com # $"" enterprise # !"" # $"" $"" settings.gradle

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• All classes that are visible to the task class are considered part of the implementation. • Usually a transient cache miss when adding or removing a plugin • Also a transient miss happens when modifying buildSrc

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Our buildSrc was removed. Or was it?

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if (file("buildSrc").exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Please run the following command in order to solve your build cache issues: rm -r buildSrc.") }

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android.sourceSets.main { aidl.srcDirs java.srcDirs } build.gradle

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tasks.named("compileDebugAidl").configure {a doLast {b outputs.files.forEach { directory -> directory.traverse(type: FILES) { file -> file.setText((file as String[]).findAll { !it.contains('Original file:') }.join(‚\n'), 'utf-8') } } } }

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tasks.named("compileDebugAidl").configure {a doLast {b

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tasks.named("compileDebugAidl").configure {a doLast {b outputs.files.forEach {adirectory -> directory.traverse(type: FILES) {bfile -> file.setText((file as String[]).findAll { !it.contains('Original file:') }.join(‚\n'), 'utf-8') } } } }

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outputs.files.forEach {adirectory -> directory.traverse(type: FILES) {bfile ->

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tasks.named("compileDebugAidl").configure {a doLast {b outputs.files.forEach {adirectory -> directory.traverse(type: FILES) {bfile -> file.setText((file as String[]).findAll {d !it.contains('Original file:') }.join(‚\n'), 'utf-8') } } } }

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file.setText((file as String[]).findAll {d !it.contains('Original file:') }.join(‚\n'), 'utf-8')

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tasks.named("compileDebugAidl").configure { doLast { outputs.files.forEach { directory -> directory.traverse(type: FILES) { file -> file.setText((file as String[]).findAll {d !it.contains('Original file:') }.join(‚\n'), 'utf-8') } } } }

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Fixed future release of AGP

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android.sourceSets.main { aidl.srcDirs java.srcDirs }

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Third Party Plugins

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• PathSensitivity.ABSOLUTE • Consider the full paths of files and directories. • PathSensitivity.RELATIVE • Use the location of the file relative to a hierarchy.

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• If a Task declares a file property without PathSensivity annotation, the default is PathSensivity.ABSOLUTE.

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protobuf-gradle- plugin

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10 Dec - 14 Dec

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1 Apr - 5 Apr

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25% faster builds on avg (49.55s - 36.84s) / 49.55s = 1000+ builds / week ~12s / build

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