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Quasi-Monte Carlo Kernel Density Estimation Fred J. Hickernell, Illinois Tech, Yuhan Ding, Illinois Tech Brooke Feinberg, Scripps College Guillem Grao I Grasa, Deloitte (formerly Illinois Tech) Aiwen Li, University of Pennsylvania Aadit Jain, Rancho Bernardo High School 
 Larysa Matiukha, Illinois Tech Aleksei Sorokin, Illinois Tech Richard Varela, Sacramento State University August 21, 2024 Thanks to β€’ The organizers β€’ The US National Science Foundation #2316011.& #2244553 See this Jupyter notebook for computations

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Problem If , where , then we estimate Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d population mean ΞΌ := 𝔼 (Y) = integral ∫ [0,1]d f(x) dx by sample mean 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 f(xi ) =: Μ‚ ΞΌn But what about approximating the probability density, , of the random variable ? Ο± Y

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Problem If , where , then we estimate Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d population mean ΞΌ := 𝔼 (Y) = integral ∫ [0,1]d f(x) dx by sample mean 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 f(xi ) =: Μ‚ ΞΌn But what about approximating the probability density, , of the random variable ? Ο± Y Kernel density estimation (KDE) Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k) ∫ ℝ k(z, y) proportion of z assigned to y dy = 1 ⟹ ∫ ℝ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k) dy = 1 kernel

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Problem If , where , then we may approximate the probability density, , by a kernel density estimator (KDE): Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d Ο± Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: Μ‚ Ο±(y; {xi }n i=1 , k), e.g., k(z, y) = ˜ k((z βˆ’ y)/h)/h, ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ˜ k(y) dy = 1

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Problem If , where , then we may approximate the probability density, , by a kernel density estimator (KDE): Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d Ο± Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: Μ‚ Ο±(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)

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Problem If , where , then we may approximate the probability density, , by a kernel density estimator (KDE): Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d Ο± Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: Μ‚ Ο±(y; {xi }n i=1 , k) β€’ How to choose the kernel, , including bandwidth, ? k h

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Problem If , where , then we may approximate the probability density, , by a kernel density estimator (KDE): Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d Ο± Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: Μ‚ Ο±(y; {xi }n i=1 , k) β€’ How to choose the kernel, , including bandwidth, ? k h β€’ Are low discrepancy (LD) points, , better than independent and identically distributed (IID) points? {xi }n i=1

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Problem If , where , then we may approximate the probability density, , by a kernel density estimator (KDE): Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d Ο± Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: Μ‚ Ο±(y; {xi }n i=1 , k) β€’ How to choose the kernel, , including bandwidth, ? k h β€’ Are low discrepancy (LD) points, , better than independent and identically distributed (IID) points? {xi }n i=1 β€’ What is the convergence rate for LD points?

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Problem If , where , then we may approximate the probability density, , by a kernel density estimator (KDE): Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d Ο± Ο±(y) = d dy β„™(Y ≀ y) β‰ˆ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 k(f(xi ), y) =: Μ‚ Ο±(y; {xi }n i=1 , k) β€’ How to choose the kernel, , including bandwidth, ? k h β€’ Are low discrepancy (LD) points, , better than independent and identically distributed (IID) points? {xi }n i=1 β€’ What is the convergence rate for LD points? β€’ How to choose to reach the desired error tolerance? n

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Where does this arise in practice? Y = f(X) = option payo ff underground water pressure with random rock porosity option price average water pressure = ΞΌ

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Recent work β€’ [BALEOP21] demonstrate that the mean integrated squared error of KDEs using randomized LD sequences is theoretically and empirically superior to using IID sequences. They also discuss how to choose the bandwidth of the kernel. β€’ [LEPBA22] show how conditional Monte Carlo density estimators (CDEs) of using randomized LD sequences has a faster convergence rate than using IID sequences β€’ [LEP22] compare KDEs, CDEs, and likelihood ratio density estimators using randomized LD sequences β€’ The error of interpolated pointwise CDEs of is analyzed in the deterministic setting by [GKS23] Ο± Ο±

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Why do we think that LD is better?

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Why do we think that LD is better? Grids do not fi ll space well, IID are better, but LD is best

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Big picture error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz

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Big picture error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz If and k(z, y) = ˜ k((z βˆ’ y)/h)/h |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| = π’ͺ (hp) and |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| = π’ͺ (nβˆ’qhβˆ’r) Then an optimal choice of is h hopt = π’ͺ (nβˆ’q/(p+r)) and |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| = π’ͺ (nβˆ’q/(1+r/p))

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Big picture error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz If and k(z, y) = ˜ k((z βˆ’ y)/h)/h |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| = π’ͺ (hp) and |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| = π’ͺ (nβˆ’qhβˆ’r) Then an optimal choice of is h hopt = π’ͺ (nβˆ’q/(p+r)) and |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| = π’ͺ (nβˆ’q/(1+r/p)) For IID, q = r = 1/2 hIID opt = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(2p+1)) and |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xIID i }n i=1 , k)| = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(2+1/p))

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) density independent βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky ⏟ kernel independent smooth2(k, Ky ) = Ky (y, y) βˆ’ 2 ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, y) dz + ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, t) k(t, y) dz dt

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) density independent βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky ⏟ kernel independent smooth2(k, Ky ) = Ky (y, y) βˆ’ 2 ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, y) dz + ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, t) k(t, y) dz dt |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ discrepancy({x}n i=1 ) kernel independent βˆ₯k(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx sample independent discrepancy2({x}n i=1 ) = ∫ [0,1]dΓ—[0,1]d Kx (x, t) dx dt βˆ’ 2 n n βˆ‘ i=1 ∫ [0,1]d Kx (x, xi ) dx + 1 n2 n βˆ‘ i,j=1 Kx (xi , xj )

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) density independent βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky ⏟ kernel independent smooth2(k, Ky ) = Ky (y, y) βˆ’ 2 ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, y) dz + ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, t) k(t, y) dz dt |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ discrepancy({x}n i=1 ) kernel independent βˆ₯k(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx sample independent discrepancy2({x}n i=1 ) = ∫ [0,1]dΓ—[0,1]d Kx (x, t) dx dt βˆ’ 2 n n βˆ‘ i=1 ∫ [0,1]d Kx (x, xi ) dx + 1 n2 n βˆ‘ i,j=1 Kx (xi , xj ) and are reproducing kernels Ky Kx

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| + |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ˜ Ο±(y; k):= 𝔼 [k(Y, y)] = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ο±(z) dz |Ο±(y) βˆ’ ˜ Ο±(y; k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) density independent βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky ⏟ kernel independent smooth2(k, Ky ) = Ky (y, y) βˆ’ 2 ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, y) dz + ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, t) k(t, y) dz dt |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ discrepancy({x}n i=1 ) kernel independent βˆ₯k(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx sample independent discrepancy2({x}n i=1 ) = ∫ [0,1]dΓ—[0,1]d Kx (x, t) dx dt βˆ’ 2 n n βˆ‘ i=1 ∫ [0,1]d Kx (x, xi ) dx + 1 n2 n βˆ‘ i,j=1 Kx (xi , xj ) and are reproducing kernels Ky Kx smooth(k, Ky ) ↓ ⟺ βˆ₯k(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx ↑

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky + discrepancy({xi }n i=1 ) π’ͺ (nβˆ’1+Ξ΄) βˆ₯K(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky + discrepancy({xi }n i=1 ) π’ͺ (nβˆ’1+Ξ΄) βˆ₯K(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx For k(z, y) = ˜ k((z βˆ’ y)/h)/h), ˜ k even smooth(k, Ky ) = Ky (y, y) βˆ’ 2 ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, y) dz + ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž k(z, y) Ky (z, t) k(t, y) dz dt = π’ͺ (hr+2) if ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ˜ k(w) w2l dw = Ξ΄0,l , l = 0,…, r

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Deterministic error analysis |Ο±(y) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| ≀ smooth(k, Ky ) βˆ₯Ο±βˆ₯Ky + discrepancy({xi }n i=1 ) π’ͺ (nβˆ’1+Ξ΄) βˆ₯K(f( β‹… ), y)βˆ₯Kx r = 0 r = 1 For k(z, y) = ˜ k((z βˆ’ y)/h)/h), ˜ k even smooth(k, Ky ) = π’ͺ (hr+2) if ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž ˜ k(w) w2l dw = Ξ΄0,l , l = 0,…, r

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Deterministic error analysis |˜ Ο±(y; k) βˆ’ KDE(y; {xi }n i=1 , k)| = ∫ ∞ βˆ’βˆž g(x; y) dx βˆ’ 1 n n βˆ‘ i=1 g(xi ; y) , g(x; y) := k(f(x), y) ≀ discrepancy({xi }n i=1 ) π’ͺ (nβˆ’1+Ξ΄) βˆ₯g( β‹… ; y)βˆ₯Kx E.g., discrepancy2({xi }n i=1 ) = d ∏ β„“=1 ( 1 + Ξ³2 β„“ 12) βˆ’ 2 n n βˆ‘ i=1 d ∏ β„“=1 [ 1 + Ξ³2 β„“ 2 ( xiβ„“ βˆ’ 1/2 βˆ’ xiβ„“ βˆ’ 1/2 2 )] + 1 n2 n βˆ‘ i,j=1 d ∏ β„“=1 [ 1 + Ξ³2 β„“ 2 ( xiβ„“ βˆ’ 1/2 + xjβ„“ βˆ’ 1/2 βˆ’ xiβ„“ βˆ’ xjβ„“ )] variation2(g) = ∫ [0,1] βˆ‚g(x1 , 1/2) Ξ³1 βˆ‚x1 2 dx1 + β‹― + ∫ [0,1]2 βˆ‚2g(x1 , x2 , 1/2) Ξ³1 Ξ³2 βˆ‚x1 βˆ‚x2 2 dx1 dx2 +β‹― + ∫ [0,1]d βˆ‚dg(x) Ξ³1 β‹―Ξ³d βˆ‚x1 β‹―βˆ‚xd 2 dx

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Deterministic error analysis g(x; y):= k(f(x), y) = ˜ k((f(x) βˆ’ y)/h)/h E.g., variation2(g) = ∫ [0,1] βˆ‚g(x1 , 1/2) Ξ³1 βˆ‚x1 2 dx1 + β‹― + ∫ [0,1]2 βˆ‚2g(x1 , x2 , 1/2) Ξ³1 Ξ³2 βˆ‚x1 βˆ‚x2 2 dx1 dx2 +β‹― + ∫ [0,1]d βˆ‚dg(x) Ξ³1 β‹―Ξ³d βˆ‚x1 β‹―βˆ‚xd 2 dx βˆ‚g(x 𝔲 , 1/2) βˆ‚x 𝔲 = βˆ‘ P∈Π( 𝔲 ) 1 h|P|+1 ˜ k(|P|) ( f(x 𝔲 , 1/2) βˆ’ y h )∏ 𝔳 ∈P βˆ‚| 𝔳 | (f(x 𝔳 , 1/2)) βˆ‚x 𝔳 Ξ ( 𝔲 ) := set of partitions of 𝔲 Even if is additive, i.e., , f f(x) = f1 (x1 ) + β‹― + fd (xd ) variation(˜ k(f(x βˆ’ y)/h)/h) = π’ͺ (hβˆ’d)?

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exponential K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exponential K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exponential K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d errorIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’2/5) errorLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(1+d/2))

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exponential K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d hIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/5) hLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(2+d))

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Ex. weighted sum of Gaussians, squared exponential K Y = Ξ³1 X1 + β‹― + Ξ³d Xd , Xβ„“ IID ∼ 𝒩 (0,1), Ξ³β„“ = 1/β„“

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Ex. weighted sum of Gaussians, squared exponential K Y = Ξ³1 X1 + β‹― + Ξ³d Xd , Xβ„“ IID ∼ 𝒩 (0,1), Ξ³β„“ = 1/β„“ errorIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’2/5) errorLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(1+d/2))

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Ex. weighted sum of Gaussians, Gauss kernel Y = Ξ³1 X1 + β‹― + Ξ³d Xd , Xβ„“ IID ∼ 𝒩 (0,1), Ξ³β„“ = 1/β„“ hIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/5) hLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(2+d))

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exp x quad K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exp x quad K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d errorIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’3/7) errorLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(1+d/3))

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Ex. sum of uniforms, squared exponential K Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d errorIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’2/5) errorLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(1+d/2))

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Ex. weighted sum of Gaussians, squared exp x quad K Y = Ξ³1 X1 + β‹― + Ξ³d Xd , Xβ„“ IID ∼ 𝒩 (0,1), Ξ³β„“ = 1/β„“ errorIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’3/7) errorLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(1+d/3))

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Ex. weighted sum of Gaussians, squared exponential K Y = Ξ³1 X1 + β‹― + Ξ³d Xd , Xβ„“ IID ∼ 𝒩 (0,1), Ξ³β„“ = 1/β„“ errorIID = π’ͺ (nβˆ’2/5) errorLD = π’ͺ (nβˆ’1/(1+d/2))

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Conditional Monte Carlo for Density Estimation (CDE) Estimate the probability density, , for , where Ο± Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d

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Conditional Monte Carlo for Density Estimation (CDE) Estimate the probability density, , for , where Ο± Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d y = f(x) ⟺ x1 = u(y; x2:d ) If one can identify , such that u

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Conditional Monte Carlo for Density Estimation (CDE) Estimate the probability density, , for , where Ο± Y = f(X) X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d y = f(x) ⟺ x1 = u(y; x2:d ) Then Ο±(y) = ∫ [0,1]dβˆ’1 uβ€² οΏΌ (y; x) dx If one can identify , such that u

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Ex. sum of uniforms, KDE vs. CDE Y = X1 + β‹― + Xd , X ∼ 𝒰 [0,1]d

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Ex. weighted sum of Gaussians, KDE vs CDE Y = Ξ³1 X1 + β‹― + Ξ³d Xd , Xβ„“ IID ∼ 𝒩 (0,1), Ξ³β„“ = 1/β„“

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(Preliminary) conclusions β€’ KDE allows density estimation for black box β€’ Theory for LD sequences for KDE matches practice sometimes β€’ Performance of LD sequences for KDE compared to IID is disappointing for larger ; can this be overcome? β€’ Don’t know how to β€’ Adjust to accommodate known boundaries in the sample space of β€’ Choose bandwidth from data β€’ Choose to get desired accuracy β€’ CDE, when available, outperforms KDE f d k Y n

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References [BALEOP21] A. Ben Abdellah, P. L'Ecuyer, A. B. Owen, and F. Puchhammer, Density estimation by randomized quasi-Monte Carlo, SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantif. 9 (2021), pp. 280-301. [GKS23] A. D. Gilbert, F. Y. Kuo, and I. H. Sloan, Analysis of preintegration followed by quasi-Monte Carlo integration for distribution functions and densities, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 61 (2023), 135–166. [LEP22] P. L'Ecuyer and F. Puchhammer, Density estimation by Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC, Oxford, England, August 2020 (A. Keller, ed.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 3–21. LEPBA22] P. L'Ecuyer, F. Puchhammer, and A. Ben Abdellah, Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo density estimation via conditioning, INFORMS J. Comput. 34 (2022), no. 3, 1729–1748.