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Template Engines Nunjucks & Jinja

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“Template engines are tools to separate program- logic and presentation into two independent parts. This makes the development of both logic and presentation easier, improves flexibility and eases modification and maintenance.”

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String interpolation

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String interpolation

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String interpolation

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Template logic ● placeholders (for string-substitution) ● if-defined-conditionals (to test presence/absence of some data) ● foreach-data-loops (for multi-valued data/lists) ● recursive macros (to walk recursive data-structures)

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Nunjucks ● Rich: Powerful language with block inheritance, auto escaping, macros, async control ● Fast & Lean: High-performant ● Small: 8K gzipped runtime with precompiled templates in the browser ● Extensible: Crazy extensible with custom filters and extensions ● Everywhere: Available in node and all modern web browsers

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Variables {{ username }} {{ }} {{ foo["bar"] }}

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Filters {{ foo | title }} {{ foo | join(",") }} {{ foo | replace("foo", "bar") | capitalize }}

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Template Inheritance

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if {% if variable %} It is true {% endif %}

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if {% if hungry %} I am hungry {% elif tired %} I am tired {% else %} I am good! {% endif %}

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Sample app-card/dist/samples/pt.html