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Dhrumil Shah, Shipmnts & GDG Ahmedabad @dhuma1981 Jalandhar Let’s explore Flutter with Firebase

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Dhrumil Shah Mobile Developer, @Shipmnts Co-organizer, @GDGAhmedabad Founder, @Flutter_Flakes

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Let’s start with Jalandhar

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How Flutter is different?

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Compiled to native MVC/ MVVM View Reactive Views Interpreted (JavaScript) iOS SDK Android SDK Technology: OEM SDKs

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Compiled to native MVC/ MVVM View Reactive Views Interpreted (JavaScript) iOS SDK Android SDK Titanium, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, ... Technology: WebViews

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Compiled to native MVC/ MVVM View Reactive Views Interpreted (JavaScript) iOS SDK Android SDK Titanium, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, ... Flutter React Native Technology: Reactive Views

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“Everything is Widget”

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A Widget can be defined as Jalandhar ● A structural element ○ e.g. Button, TextView, Menu ● A design element ○ e.g. Font or Color ● A layout element ○ e.g. Margin or Padding ● Or even a business logic

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Jalandhar The app itself is a Widget

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Jalandhar The app itself is a Widget

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Jalandhar The app itself is a Widget

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“Stateless Widget vs Stateful Widget”

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Stateless Widget Jalandhar ● Dumb Widget ● It doesn’t know anything ● Gets render only once or ● When the parent widget changes the configuration

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Stateful Widget Jalandhar ● Dynamic widget which has its own properties ● Those property is know as state of the widget ● The state of the widget can be changed by user input, any operation or other widget’s state change. ● setState() method is used to change the state. ● Each time widget gets rebuild when setState() method gets called.

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Let’s see it in Action

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Speaker List App

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Speaker List App... ● Basic Requirement ○ AppBar ○ ListView ○ Text

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Speaker List App... ● Let’s Start

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Speaker List App... ● Add Scaffold with AppBar

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Speaker List App... ● Create Speakers Array

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Speaker List App... ● Create Listview with Speaker’s Name

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Speaker List App... ● Wrap Text with ListTile Widget

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Speaker List App... ● Let’s add claps count in trailing

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Speaker List App... ● Let’s add border using Container & BoxDecoration widget

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Speaker List App... ● Let’s make it circular border

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Speaker List App... ● We need to add some padding. ● For that we have Padding widget & we will wrap our Container Widget to Padding Widget

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Speaker List App :) ● Widgets we used ○ MaterialApp ○ Scaffold ○ AppBar ○ Text ○ ListView ○ ListTile ○ Padding ○ Container ○ BoxDecoration ○ Border ○ BorderRadius

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Futter benefits ● Easy to understand ● Less Time consuming ● Code Length: ~50 line of code ● And you get iOS app free

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Wait… This is just static data

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We need something simple and as fast as Flutter

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We have Jalandhar

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Firebase helps you to Jalandhar ● “Build” Better Apps ● “Improve” app quality ● “Grow” your business

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Firebase - “Build” better apps Jalandhar ● Realtime Database ○ Cloud Firestore (Beta) ● Authentication ● ML Kit(Beta) ● Hosting ● Cloud Storage ● Cloud Functions

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Firebase - “Improve” app quality Jalandhar ● Crashlytics ● Performance Monitoring ● Test Lab

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Firebase - “Grow” your business Jalandhar ● Google analytics ● Cloud messaging ● Dynamic links ● Remote config ● App indexing ● Test Lab ● A/B Testing (Beta) ● Predictions (Beta)

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Firebase for Flutter

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Let’s make our Speaker List app more useful with Firebase

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Firebase console Jalandhar ● Open Firebase console ● Create new app ● Integrate platform specific code ● For Android: Download google-services.json file ● For iOS: GoogleService-Info.plist

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Create Cloud FireStore Database and add data Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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First let’s make code more readable Jalandhar

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Integration of Cloud FireStore ● Open “pubspec.yaml” and add the dependency as shown

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Cloud Firestore integration Jalandhar OLD CODE

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Cloud Firestore integration Jalandhar

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Cloud Firestore integration Jalandhar

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Cloud Firestore integration Jalandhar

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Cloud Firestore integration Jalandhar

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Cloud Firestore integration Jalandhar

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Now we can read data from Firebase Jalandhar

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Let’s write data to Firebase Jalandhar

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And That’s it

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● We changed maximum 7-9 lines and Firebase Cloud FireStore is integrated :)

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See you tomorrow to develop app using ;) Jalandhar

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Dhrumil Shah, Shipmnts & GDG Ahmedabad @dhuma1981 Jalandhar Thank you!