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ML Life Cycle for LINE Shopping Recommender

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01 02 03 04 Transform as ML Problem Modeling Execute A/B test Problem Definition 05 Evaluation CONTENT 06 Decision

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Rei Huang Machine Learning Engineer Education • Bachelor in Mathematics @ CCU • Master in Mathematics @ NTHU Work Experience • E.Sun Commercial Bank (2016 ~ 2022) • LINE Taiwan EC (2022 ~ Now)

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Sketch of ML Life Cycle Business Issue Problem Definition ML problem ML model building A/B test Evaluation Decision

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Identify the core issue Focus on the primary problem 01 Problem Definition

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鎖定問題,對症下藥! Problem Definition 設計產品 折扣券 提升用戶 體驗

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Analyze by the funnel chart Problem Definition Pageview Click Transfer page Orders Importance Sparsity

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Describe problem by ML statement 02 Transform our Problem as a ML Problem

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Transform our Problem as a ML Problem Precision@10 電話行銷 簡訊通知 email Precision@10k Recall@500k

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Transform our Problem as a ML Problem Which one do you want to click? ( ) , ?future days Regession or Classifiction?

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End-to-end model building 03 Modeling

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Feature Engineering Model Data Modeling Model Training Model Inference Offline Evaluation Modeling Cycle

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Design an effective experiment 04 Execute A/B testing

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Execute A/B test Save to Database Request Recommendation experimental control 核心概念 1. 均勻分布 2. 執行同一個實驗,user 的組別是固定的 3. 同一個實驗,若增加實驗比率,實驗組不變 4. 高計算效率 experiment_id ratio Ref: A/B Test Bucketing using Hashing Sketch of Design Version Control

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Execute A/B test Ref: A/B Test Bucketing using Hashing Core of hash function 每次進入網站時分組為 A or B 同一實驗調整 ratio 但組別重分配 同一 user 對到不同 model logic 均勻分布 全母體均勻 or acitve user 均勻 A control B control A control B control Session based User based 高計算效率

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Confirm the performance 05 Evaluation

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Evaluation Online experimental control Within a certain time Extract data CTR Precision MRR CVR ML metric business metric …

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Evaluation Others Feature correlation Ref: Monitoring

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What’s the next? 06 Decision

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What’s wrong with us? Orders Clicks Model Performance Model Tuning Bad Good Does model solve click? 這時候才調整嗎? Monitoring

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ML Life Cycle Business Issue Problem Definition ML problem ML model building A/B test Evaluation Decision

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Ideal Corporation Mode Conclusion 項目標題文字 Engineering Product Owner

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