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Yoshiko Horikoshi @mochikoAsTech Yoshiko Horikoshi is a Technical Writer in charge of documents of the LINE Developers site (https:// She used to work as an infrastructure engineer at a web design company. At Techbookfest, several books about infrastructure were published in her name, such as "Let's start DNS 2nd Edition". She also hosts the LINE Technical Writing Meetup, a meetup for engineers on the topic of technical writing. Cats are her absolute favorite animal.

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Roman Lossa - Frontend engineer - In charge of - Made in Germany - Moved to Japan 6 years ago - Loves Vue.js - Loves YouTube

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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Do you know what a Technical Writer is? I know very well Yes I've heard the term before Kind of Technical what? No

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The difference between having or not having technical writers What does a Technical Writer do?

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Docs written by developers e.g. Messaging API's rich menu alias docs

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Docs written by Technical Writers e.g. Messaging API's rich menu alias docs

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Docs written by Technical Writers e.g. Messaging API's rich menu alias docs

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Docs written by Technical Writers e.g. Messaging API's rich menu alias docs

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What is the role of a Technical Writer? In general: A Technical Writer is a person who writes instruction manuals. LINE's technical writers are responsible for writing technical documentation for external developers. In LINE:

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Adding a LINE Login button to your website You want to add a LINE Login button to your website. But how?

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LINE's Technical Writers write LINE API docs for developers CLOVA Developer Center β LINE Developers site

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Dedicated Technical Writing Team 6 Technical Writers and 1 Developer

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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How are the LINE API docs written? Yoshiko Horikoshi LINE Corporation / Developer Content Team

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Docs are available in English and Japanese Some documents are also available in Chinese

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Get specs from developers, write docs and translate

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We use VSCode to write docs in markdown With automatic grammar checking using linters like Vale and textlint

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Run on localhost and check

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Push to git, create pull request

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Automatic build, links, and grammar checks

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Review the docs on Sandbox Deploy a build of each git branch to check the changes on the actual site

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Get LGTM, merge into master, and have Jenkins do the deployment

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Dev environments / servers There’s a few Beta (internal, beta check) Sandbox (internal, all WIP builds) RC (internal, final check) Local dev server Production (public)

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We all rejoice when a docs release is done! We are releasing about 25 updates per month

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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Yoshiko Horikoshi LINE Corporation / Developer Content Team The benefits of having a technical writing team

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Docs written by Technical Writers e.g. LIFF-to-LIFF transition docs

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Docs written by Technical Writers e.g. Error notification docs

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Docs are important! - How to have your product being used: - High quality product - High quality docs - Ability to develop != ability to write - By having a dedicated team of technical writers, developers can focus on development!

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? Yoshiko Horikoshi LINE Corporation / Developer Content Team

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Skills required for Technical Writers in LINE Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? Technical skills to understand the specs Reading and writing skills in Japanese and English Writing skills to write easy- to-understand docs

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We can't write easy-to-understand docs without understanding the technology Messaging API's Flex Message docs We need to understand CSS Flexbox LINE Login docs We need to understand technologies such as OAuth

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There are many products in LINE, so Technical Writers must be actively learning about various technologies

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No Technical Writer? No problem! - IT companies are hiring - Can’t find Technical Writers? Ask your devs! - There are devs writing blogs or books!

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Next: The Engineer's perspective (Roman)

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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The unicorn in disguise Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team

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Writing is hard That’s why we have professionals - Writing is the most important part to a good documentation - There’s a reason we have professional technical writers - There’s A LOT to write about - BUT: Writing is only 1 part of the UX

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The complete UX There’s more than writing - Also: User-friendly site providing the contents - Well written documentation UX Documentation Website

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Delivering a user-friendly site (1) Features, features, features… Multi-language support UI that supports English, Japanese, and Chinese Blazing fast through SPA (VuePress) Fast navigation through site

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Delivering a user-friendly site (2) Features, features, features… Feedback form Know what our users think Full text search Making all the contents searchable (Available in English and Japanese)

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Delivering a user-friendly site (3) Features, features, features… Interactive News filtering Find the news you’re looking for Interactive API reference Collapsable sections, code samples, API playground…

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What to ask a professional Let’s be appropriate

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What to ask a professional No sushi at your Italian restaurant ⁉ “Twemoji” ©Twitter, Inc and other contributors (Licensed under CC-BY 4.0)

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What to ask a professional No developing from your writers Website dev?! “Twemoji” ©Twitter, Inc and other contributors (Licensed under CC-BY 4.0)

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…Houston, we need an engineer!

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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Supporting the writers Focus on your profession

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- Provide an easy-to-use platform to create contents (documentation) - Everyday support 2. (Internal) Technical Writers 1. (External) Outside devs - Provide an easy-to-use site for external users (developers) My role as an engineer I serve two types of users

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Platform for writers Easy-to-use environment is king - Easy local setup - git clone npm install ./

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Platform for writers Easy-to-use environment is king - Easy local setup - git clone npm install ./

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Platform for writers Easy-to-use environment is king - Write markdown! - Easy local setup - git clone npm install ./

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More than markdown When basic functionality is not enough

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- Markdown support - Localization support - Vue.js - SPA (fast!) - Markdown extensions via Vue.js components Core system: VuePress

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API reference Markdown extensions - Example 1

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Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference Not supported by plain markdown: - Two column layout - Parameter table layout - Code samples with tabs

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Two-column layout Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference

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, Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference

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, Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference

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, Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference

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Tabbed code samples Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference

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Tabbed code samples Markdown extensions - Example 1 API reference

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Messaging API: Stickers Markdown extensions - Example 2

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Markdown extensions - Example 2 Messaging API: Stickers

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Markdown extensions - Example 2 Messaging API: Stickers

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BEFORE: PDF AFTER: Interactive UI Markdown extensions - Example 2 Messaging API: Stickers

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1. Retrieve internal Messaging API data 2. Extract sticker package data 3. Integrate into interactive UI Markdown extensions - Example 2 Messaging API: Stickers

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UI source code (developer’s view) Markdown (writer’s view) Markdown extensions - Example 2 Messaging API: Stickers

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UI source code (developer’s view) Markdown (writer’s view) Markdown extensions - Example 2 Messaging API: Stickers

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Markdown (writer’s view)

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Markdown (writer’s view)

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From engineering to dev ops to tech support Everyday Support

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Sudden feature requests Deploy troubleshooting Handling CI/CD system troubles Pull request checks System updates Sandbox and local dev server support Everyday Support From engineering to dev ops to tech support 㱺 Impossible without dedicated dev!

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Benefits for me There’s many! Broadening my horizon Working independently Great responsibility

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Agenda - About this session - Technical writer's part (Horikoshi) - What does a Technical Writer do? - How are the LINE API docs written? - The benefits of having a technical writing team - Who is suited to become a Technical Writer? - Engineer's part (Roman) - Why you should assign an engineer to your writing team - Supporting the writers - Conclusion (Horikoshi)

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Conclusion Happiness is all around To make your product usable (to external devs), docs (and writers) are important! Having an engineer is good for your technical writing team Having a technical writing team is good for you

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We are hiring Technical Writers

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LINE Technical Writing Meetup

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Thank you