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Parsing the Web with Deep Learning - a shallow introduction. Sorami Hisamoto September 4, 2013 @ Rakuten Institute of Technology, New York

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/48 Abstract ‣ Deep Learning ‣ What’s it all about, and why we should care. ‣ Word Embedding ‣ How to represent language for Deep Learning. ‣ Dependency Parsing ‣ How to incorporate Deep Learning to NLP. 2

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/48 Abstract ‣ Deep Learning ‣ What’s it all about, and why we should care. ‣ Word Embedding ‣ How to represent language for Deep Learning. ‣ Dependency Parsing ‣ How to incorporate Deep Learning to NLP. 2 Our work!

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/48 3 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 4 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 How to make a good predictor? ‣ Building good predicators on complex domains mean learning complicated functions. ‣ One approach: composition of several layers of non-linearity. ➡ Deep Architecture 5

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/48 How to make a good predictor? ‣ Building good predicators on complex domains mean learning complicated functions. ‣ One approach: composition of several layers of non-linearity. ➡ Deep Architecture 5

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/48 Why “Deep” ? ‣ Parts of human brain (e.g. visual cortex) has deep architecture. ‣ Given same number of units, deeper architecture is more expressive than shallow one [Bishop 1995]. ‣ ... and other theoretical arguments in its favor. 6 Figure from [Bishop 1995] "Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition"

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/48 But learning a deep architecture is di cult ... ‣ Previous approach doesn’t work well [Rumelhart+ 1986]. Initialize at random, then stochastic gradient descent (SGD). ‣ Poor result, very slow. Vanishing gradient problem. ‣ High representation power ↔ Difficult to learn. ➡ ... recent breakthrough of “Deep Learning”. 7

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/48 But learning a deep architecture is di cult ... ‣ Previous approach doesn’t work well [Rumelhart+ 1986]. Initialize at random, then stochastic gradient descent (SGD). ‣ Poor result, very slow. Vanishing gradient problem. ‣ High representation power ↔ Difficult to learn. ➡ ... recent breakthrough of “Deep Learning”. 7

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/48 Deep Learning in action. ‣ Shown very effective in various areas (especially in vision & sound). ‣ #1 @ recent competitions in Image Recognition, Sound Recognition, Molecular Activity Prediction, etc. ‣ Google/Microsoft/Baidu’s voice recognition systems, and Apple’s Siri use deep learning algorithms. ‣ Used in Google Street View to recognize human faces. ‣ etc. 8

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/48 ... and it’s HOT! ‣ Workshops in NIPS, ICML, ACL, CVPR, etc. ‣ Baidu opened Deep Learning research lab. in Silicon Valley. ‣ Google accquired Geoffrey Hinton (one of the originator of deep learning)’s company. ‣ Google’s Jeff Dean now working on Deep Learning. ‣ etc. 9

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/48 WIRED UK June 26, 2012

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/48 WIRED UK June 26, 2012

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/48 MIT Technology Review April 23, 2013

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/48 12 The New Yorker November 25, 2012

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/48 The New York Times November 23, 2012

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/48 The New York Times November 23, 2012 Too much HYPE! (similar to “Big Data”...)

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/48 So, what’s “Deep Learning” anyway? ‣ 2 different meanings; ‣ Traditional: A model with many layers (e.g. neural network), trained in a layer-wise way. ‣ New: Unsupervised feature representation learning, at successively higher levels. ‣ First conference on deep learning; “International Conference on Learning Representations” (ICLR2013). 14

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/48 So, what’s “Deep Learning” anyway? ‣ 2 different meanings; ‣ Traditional: A model with many layers (e.g. neural network), trained in a layer-wise way. ‣ New: Unsupervised feature representation learning, at successively higher levels. ‣ First conference on deep learning; “International Conference on Learning Representations” (ICLR2013). 14

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/48 15 Figure from [Bengio 2009] "Learning Deep Architecture for AI" Figure from Andrew Ng's presentation at Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2013

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/48 ... and how does it work? ‣ One key point is a good layer-by-layer initialization (pre-training) with local unsupervised criterion. ‣ 2 different main approaches: ‣ Deep Belief Nets (DBN) [Hinton+ 2006] Initialize by stacking Restricted Boltzmann Machines, fine tune with Up-Down. ‣ Stacked Autoencoders (SAE) [Bengio+ 2007] [Ranzato+2007] Initialize by stacking autoencoders, fine tune with gradient descent. ‣ SAE simpler, but DBN performs better. 16

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/48 ... and how does it work? ‣ One key point is a good layer-by-layer initialization (pre-training) with local unsupervised criterion. ‣ 2 different main approaches: ‣ Deep Belief Nets (DBN) [Hinton+ 2006] Initialize by stacking Restricted Boltzmann Machines, fine tune with Up-Down. ‣ Stacked Autoencoders (SAE) [Bengio+ 2007] [Ranzato+2007] Initialize by stacking autoencoders, fine tune with gradient descent. ‣ SAE simpler, but DBN performs better. 16

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/48 Stacked (denoising) autoencoders. ‣ Autoencoder: Basically a PCA with non-linearity. 17 Figure from Pascal Vincent's presentation "Deep Learning with Denoising Autoencoders"

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/48 Why does unsupervised pre-training help? ‣ Hypotheses (shown empirically) [Erhan+ 2010]: 1.Regularization. Parameters don’t move much. 2.Good initialization. So the parameters don’t get stuck in local optima! 18

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/48 Why does unsupervised pre-training help? ‣ Hypotheses (shown empirically) [Erhan+ 2010]: 1.Regularization. Parameters don’t move much. 2.Good initialization. So the parameters don’t get stuck in local optima! 18

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/48 Why does unsupervised pre-training help? ‣ Hypotheses (shown empirically) [Erhan+ 2010]: 1.Regularization. Parameters don’t move much. 2.Good initialization. So the parameters don’t get stuck in local optima! 18

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/48 Improving, non-stop. ‣ “The area is developing extremely fast, and what we knew last year may no longer be "true" this year.” - Kevin Duh ‣ Group theory [Mallat]. ‣ Supervised approach: Stacked SVM [Vinyals+]. ‣ Novel applications: 3-D object classification [Socher+], text-image modeling [Srivastava&Salakhutdinov], video [Zou+], computational biology [Di Lena+], etc... ‣ etc. 19

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/48 Deep Learning and NLP. ‣ Still not much deep learning in NLP (...yet?) . ‣ e.g. Sentiment classification [Glorot+ 2011]. Classification with term features. Not much linguistics aspect. ‣ Success in vision (pixels), sound (digital waves). NLP: How do we represent the text? ‣ Many NLP tasks beyond classification: Structured prediction. 20

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/48 Deep Learning and NLP. ‣ Still not much deep learning in NLP (...yet?) . ‣ e.g. Sentiment classification [Glorot+ 2011]. Classification with term features. Not much linguistics aspect. ‣ Success in vision (pixels), sound (digital waves). NLP: How do we represent the text? ‣ Many NLP tasks beyond classification: Structured prediction. 20

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/48 Deep Learning and NLP. ‣ Still not much deep learning in NLP (...yet?) . ‣ e.g. Sentiment classification [Glorot+ 2011]. Classification with term features. Not much linguistics aspect. ‣ Success in vision (pixels), sound (digital waves). NLP: How do we represent the text? ‣ Many NLP tasks beyond classification: Structured prediction. 20

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/48 21 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 22 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 Mathematical representation of words. ‣ Vector Space Model [Turney&Pantel 2010]. ‣ LSA[Deerwester+ 1990], LDA[Blei+ 2003]. ➡Word Embeddings with Neural Language Model (2008~). 23

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/48 Mathematical representation of words. ‣ Vector Space Model [Turney&Pantel 2010]. ‣ LSA[Deerwester+ 1990], LDA[Blei+ 2003]. ➡Word Embeddings with Neural Language Model (2008~). 23

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/48 Word embeddings a.k.a. distributed representations ‣ Real-valued dense low-dimensional (e.g. 50) word vectors. Background also from cognitive science. ‣ Task independent, ideal for language modeling. Shown effective in POS tagging, NER, chunking, SRL. ‣ Often induced from a neural language model (next slide). 24

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/48 Neural Language Model (NLM) [Bengio+ 2001] 25 Figure from [Bengio+ 2001] "A Neural Probabilistic Language Model"

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/48 Neural Language Model (NLM) [Bengio+ 2001] 25

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/48 Neural Language Model (NLM) [Bengio+ 2001] 25 Neural Language Model Hidden Layers ↓ Word Embeddings

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/48 Training embeddings with NLM [Collobert+ 2011] ‣ Idea of “Implicit Negative Evidence” [Smith&Eisner 2005]. ‣ Corrupt original phrase by replacing a word with random one. ‣ Model learning by making score(original) > score(corrupted). 26 Figure from Richard Socher et al. 's tutorial "A Neural Probabilistic Language Model" at ACL2012

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/48 Training embeddings with NLM [Collobert+ 2011] ‣ Idea of “Implicit Negative Evidence” [Smith&Eisner 2005]. ‣ Corrupt original phrase by replacing a word with random one. ‣ Model learning by making score(original) > score(corrupted). 26 Unsupervised!

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/48 27 Figures by Masashi Tsubaki

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/48 27 Figures by Masashi Tsubaki

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/48 27 ‣ Similar to a normal NN, but we learn the x (word vector) as well. ‣ Word vectors initialized randomly. Learn by SGD, BFGS, etc.

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/48 ‣ Multiple Word Prototypes [Huang+ 2012]. ‣ multiple vectors for words with multiple meanings. ‣ “Modeling and Learning Semantic Co-Compositionality through Prototype Projections and Neural Networks” [Tsubaki+ 2013]. To appear in EMNLP2013. 28 Progress in NLMs: some examples

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/48 ‣ Multiple Word Prototypes [Huang+ 2012]. ‣ multiple vectors for words with multiple meanings. ‣ “Modeling and Learning Semantic Co-Compositionality through Prototype Projections and Neural Networks” [Tsubaki+ 2013]. To appear in EMNLP2013. 28 Progress in NLMs: some examples Figure from

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/48 ‣ Multiple Word Prototypes [Huang+ 2012]. ‣ multiple vectors for words with multiple meanings. ‣ “Modeling and Learning Semantic Co-Compositionality through Prototype Projections and Neural Networks” [Tsubaki+ 2013]. To appear in EMNLP2013. 28 Progress in NLMs: some examples

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/48 ‣ Multiple Word Prototypes [Huang+ 2012]. ‣ multiple vectors for words with multiple meanings. ‣ “Modeling and Learning Semantic Co-Compositionality through Prototype Projections and Neural Networks” [Tsubaki+ 2013]. To appear in EMNLP2013. 28 Progress in NLMs: some examples

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/48 King - Man + Woman = Queen? [Mikolov+ 2013] ‣ Word vectors capture many linguistic regularities; ‣ One example; ‣ vector('Paris') - vector('France') + vector('Italy') results in a vector that is very close to vector('Rome'). ‣ vector('king') - vector('man') + vector('woman') is close to vector('queen'). 29

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/48 King - Man + Woman = Queen? [Mikolov+ 2013] ‣ Word vectors capture many linguistic regularities; ‣ One example; ‣ vector('Paris') - vector('France') + vector('Italy') results in a vector that is very close to vector('Rome'). ‣ vector('king') - vector('man') + vector('woman') is close to vector('queen'). 29

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/48 King - Man + Woman = Queen? [Mikolov+ 2013] ‣ Word vectors capture many linguistic regularities; ‣ One example; ‣ vector('Paris') - vector('France') + vector('Italy') results in a vector that is very close to vector('Rome'). ‣ vector('king') - vector('man') + vector('woman') is close to vector('queen'). 29

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/48 King - Man + Woman = Queen? [Mikolov+ 2013] ‣ Word vectors capture many linguistic regularities; ‣ One example; ‣ vector('Paris') - vector('France') + vector('Italy') results in a vector that is very close to vector('Rome'). ‣ vector('king') - vector('man') + vector('woman') is close to vector('queen'). 29

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/48 Publicly available resources ‣ Joseph Turian provides an open source NLM code, and some pre-trained embeddings. ‣ In August 2013, Google released a tool to train word embeddings, word2vec. 30

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/48 31 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 32 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 Dependency parsing 33 John hit the ball with the bat

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/48 Dependency parsing 33 Determine each word’s head in a sentence. John hit the ball with the bat

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/48 Dependency parsing 33 Determine each word’s head in a sentence. John hit the ball with the bat

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/48 Dependency parsing 33 “hit” is head of “John” Determine each word’s head in a sentence. John hit the ball with the bat

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/48 Dependency parsing 33 “hit” is head of “John” Determine each word’s head in a sentence. John hit the ball with the bat

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/48 Dependency parsing 33 “hit” is head of “John” Determine each word’s head in a sentence. John hit the ball with the bat Core process for applications such as Information Retrieval, Machine Translations, etc.

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/48 Graph-based approach [McDonald+ 2005] 34 Non-Projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms “John saw Mary.” Input sentence

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/48 Graph-based approach [McDonald+ 2005] 34 Non-Projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms “John saw Mary.” Input sentence All dependency edges with costs Step 1

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/48 Graph-based approach [McDonald+ 2005] 34 Non-Projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms “John saw Mary.” Input sentence All dependency edges with costs Spanning tree with highest costs Step 1 Step 2

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/48 Graph-based approach [McDonald+ 2005] 34 Non-Projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms “John saw Mary.” Input sentence All dependency edges with costs Spanning tree with highest costs By a graph algorithm (Chu-Liu-Edmonds) Step 1 Step 2

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/48 Graph-based approach [McDonald+ 2005] 34 Non-Projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms “John saw Mary.” Input sentence All dependency edges with costs Spanning tree with highest costs By a graph algorithm (Chu-Liu-Edmonds) How to calculate those scores? Step 1 Step 2

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/48 Calculating edge scores 35 ‣ Input: Features of a word pair. ‣ Output: Edge score between word pair. ➡ Can we make use of unlabeled data? Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights get scores of all edges

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/48 Calculating edge scores 35 ‣ Input: Features of a word pair. ‣ Output: Edge score between word pair. ➡ Can we make use of unlabeled data? Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights get scores of all edges

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/48 Calculating edge scores 35 ‣ Input: Features of a word pair. ‣ Output: Edge score between word pair. ➡ Can we make use of unlabeled data? Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights get scores of all edges Add extra features from unlabeled data (e.g. cluster info.)

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/48 Calculating edge scores 35 ‣ Input: Features of a word pair. ‣ Output: Edge score between word pair. ➡ Can we make use of unlabeled data? Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights get scores of all edges Add extra features from unlabeled data (e.g. cluster info.)

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Word Representations for Dependency Parsing Our work, presented at NLP2013.

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/48 Semi-supervised learning with word representations ‣ [Koo+ 2008] Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. → Simple, yet effective. ‣ [Turian+ 2010] Brown clusters & embeddings as extra features for chunking & NER. → Effective, but Brown better than embeddings. ‣ [Collobert+ 2011] Multitask learning (POS, chunking, NER, SRL, etc.) with word embeddings. Minimal feature engineering. → state-of-art results. 37

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/48 Semi-supervised learning with word representations ‣ [Koo+ 2008] Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. → Simple, yet effective. ‣ [Turian+ 2010] Brown clusters & embeddings as extra features for chunking & NER. → Effective, but Brown better than embeddings. ‣ [Collobert+ 2011] Multitask learning (POS, chunking, NER, SRL, etc.) with word embeddings. Minimal feature engineering. → state-of-art results. 37

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/48 Semi-supervised learning with word representations ‣ [Koo+ 2008] Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. → Simple, yet effective. ‣ [Turian+ 2010] Brown clusters & embeddings as extra features for chunking & NER. → Effective, but Brown better than embeddings. ‣ [Collobert+ 2011] Multitask learning (POS, chunking, NER, SRL, etc.) with word embeddings. Minimal feature engineering. → state-of-art results. 37

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/48 Word representations for parsing the web ‣ Unsupervised word representation features for dependency parsing on web text. ‣ Web domain: lot of unlabeled data. 38 Dependency parsing NER & Chunking Dependency parsing (web text) Brown clustering Word embedding [Koo+ 2008] [Turian+ 2010] our work [Turian+ 2010] our work

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/48 Word representations for parsing the web ‣ Unsupervised word representation features for dependency parsing on web text. ‣ Web domain: lot of unlabeled data. 38 Dependency parsing NER & Chunking Dependency parsing (web text) Brown clustering Word embedding [Koo+ 2008] [Turian+ 2010] our work [Turian+ 2010] our work Preliminary investigation for incorporating deep structure to parsing.

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/48 Do they help parsing the web? [Hisamoto+ 2013] 39 ‣ Word embeddings & Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. ‣ Data: Google Web Treebank.

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/48 Do they help parsing the web? [Hisamoto+ 2013] 39 Answers Emails Newsgroups Reviews Weblogs 0.33 0.34 0.04 0.96 -0.11 0.48 0.08 0.19 0.83 0.04 0.91 0.53 0.33 0.91 -0.61 -0.08 0.01 -0.57 0.1 -0.1 -0.29 -0.47 -0.93 0.13 -0.07 -0.06 -0.18 -0.35 -0.1 -0.59 Brown, 50 cl. (Gold POS) C&W, 50 cl. (Gold POS) C&W, 1000 cl. (Gold POS) Brown, 50 cl. (Predicted POS) C&W, 50 cl. (Predicted POS) C&W, 1000 cl. (Predicted POS) ‣ Word embeddings & Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. ‣ Data: Google Web Treebank.

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/48 Do they help parsing the web? [Hisamoto+ 2013] 39 Answers Emails Newsgroups Reviews Weblogs 0.33 0.34 0.04 0.96 -0.11 0.48 0.08 0.19 0.83 0.04 0.91 0.53 0.33 0.91 -0.61 -0.08 0.01 -0.57 0.1 -0.1 -0.29 -0.47 -0.93 0.13 -0.07 -0.06 -0.18 -0.35 -0.1 -0.59 Brown, 50 cl. (Gold POS) C&W, 50 cl. (Gold POS) C&W, 1000 cl. (Gold POS) Brown, 50 cl. (Predicted POS) C&W, 50 cl. (Predicted POS) C&W, 1000 cl. (Predicted POS) ‣ Word embeddings & Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. ‣ Data: Google Web Treebank. Word reps. helped with Predicted POS data, but not with Gold POS data.

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/48 Do they help parsing the web? [Hisamoto+ 2013] 39 Answers Emails Newsgroups Reviews Weblogs 0.33 0.34 0.04 0.96 -0.11 0.48 0.08 0.19 0.83 0.04 0.91 0.53 0.33 0.91 -0.61 -0.08 0.01 -0.57 0.1 -0.1 -0.29 -0.47 -0.93 0.13 -0.07 -0.06 -0.18 -0.35 -0.1 -0.59 Brown, 50 cl. (Gold POS) C&W, 50 cl. (Gold POS) C&W, 1000 cl. (Gold POS) Brown, 50 cl. (Predicted POS) C&W, 50 cl. (Predicted POS) C&W, 1000 cl. (Predicted POS) POS tags very strong information for dependency parsing. e.g. verbs normally the head. ‣ Word embeddings & Brown clusters as extra features for dependency parsing. ‣ Data: Google Web Treebank. Word reps. helped with Predicted POS data, but not with Gold POS data.

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Dependency Parsing with Deep Structures Our next ideas.

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/48 Calculating edge scores, revisited. 41 Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights “John saw Mary.”

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/48 Calculating edge scores, revisited. 41 Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights “John saw Mary.”

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/48 Calculating edge scores, revisited. 41 Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Incorporate deep structures Parse get max. spanning tree Update Weights “John saw Mary.”

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 P1 Training Data

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 P1 Training Data Train perceptron “P1”

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 P1 Training Data

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 P1 P2 Training Data permuted data

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 P1 P2 P3 Training Data permuted data permuted data

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ Training Data permuted data permuted data

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ Training Data permuted data permuted data

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ Training Data permuted data permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different.

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ Training Data permuted data permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different. Can see them as “samples from a true perceptron”. Better generalization (important for web text)

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ Training Data score permuted data score score permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different. Can see them as “samples from a true perceptron”. Better generalization (important for web text)

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ P Training Data score permuted data score score permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different. Can see them as “samples from a true perceptron”. Better generalization (important for web text)

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ P Training Data score Final Score permuted data score score permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different. Can see them as “samples from a true perceptron”. Better generalization (important for web text)

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 2nd layer After 1st layer training done, train the perceptron in 2nd layer. (layer-by-layer training) Take scores from 1st layer as input. 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ P Training Data score Final Score permuted data score score permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different. Can see them as “samples from a true perceptron”. Better generalization (important for web text)

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/48 Preliminary idea: use multiple perceptrons 42 2nd layer After 1st layer training done, train the perceptron in 2nd layer. (layer-by-layer training) Take scores from 1st layer as input. 1st layer train multiple different perceptrons with shuffled data. P1 P2 P3 ɾɾɾ P Training Data score Final Score permuted data score score permuted data Data shuffled, so each perceptron are different. Can see them as “samples from a true perceptron”. Better generalization (important for web text) Basically Ensemble Learning. Similar to Bayes Point Machine.

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/48 Results 43 0 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 10 20 UAS relative to baseline / % Number of perceptrons in 1st layer Answers Emails Newsgroups Reviews Weblogs

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/48 Results 43 0 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 10 20 UAS relative to baseline / % Number of perceptrons in 1st layer Answers Emails Newsgroups Reviews Weblogs “Multiple perceptrons” improve the result.

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/48 Results 43 0 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 10 20 UAS relative to baseline / % Number of perceptrons in 1st layer Answers Emails Newsgroups Reviews Weblogs “Multiple perceptrons” improve the result. General Trend: More #perceptron the better.

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/48 Make it deeper! ‣ Beyond 2 layers ... 44

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/48 Make it deeper! ‣ Beyond 2 layers ... 44 Failed!

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/48 Recursive SVM with random projection [Vinyals+ 2012] 45 SVM 1 input d SVM 2 prediction o_1 New Input x_2 Scale as linear SVMs, and exhibits better generalization ability than kernel-based SVMs. Intuitively, the random projection aims to push data from different classes towards different directions.

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/48 Recursive SVM with random projection [Vinyals+ 2012] 45 SVM 1 input d SVM 2 prediction o_1 New Input x_2 Scale as linear SVMs, and exhibits better generalization ability than kernel-based SVMs. Random projection matrix Output of first SVM Initial input Intuitively, the random projection aims to push data from different classes towards different directions.

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/48 Recursive SVM with random projection [Vinyals+ 2012] 45 SVM 1 input d SVM 2 prediction o_1 New Input x_2 Scale as linear SVMs, and exhibits better generalization ability than kernel-based SVMs. Random projection matrix Output of first SVM Initial input Intuitively, the random projection aims to push data from different classes towards different directions. → Let’s incorporate this idea to dependency parsing.

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/48 Recursive SVM with random projection [Vinyals+ 2012] 45 SVM 1 input d SVM 2 prediction o_1 New Input x_2 Scale as linear SVMs, and exhibits better generalization ability than kernel-based SVMs. Random projection matrix Output of first SVM Initial input Intuitively, the random projection aims to push data from different classes towards different directions. → Let’s incorporate this idea to dependency parsing. Failed!

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/48 Next: Train embeddings & parse, together. 46 Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Pervious: Update weights. Update

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/48 Next: Train embeddings & parse, together. 46 Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Pervious: Update weights. Our idea: Update weights&embeddings. Update

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/48 Next: Train embeddings & parse, together. 46 Word Pair (John, saw) Embeddings Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Update Word Pair (John, saw) Features p-word: “John”, p-pos: NN, c-word: “saw”, c-pos: VB, ... Perceptron / MIRA Score of the edge “John → saw” Parse get max. spanning tree Pervious: Update weights. Our idea: Update weights&embeddings. Update

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/48 47 Deep Learning Word Embedding Dependency Parsing

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/48 To summarize ... ‣ Deep Learning is exciting! ‣ Learning deep structures. ‣ Unsupervised representation learning. ‣ Deep Learning in NLP. ‣ How to represent language? → Word embeddings. ‣ Structured prediction is the challenge. 48