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Parallelism and Symmetry Alex Tercete @alextercete

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Verb forms

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Olympic athletes usually like practicing, competing, and to eat ice cream sandwiches. DON'T Alice Underwood @ Grammarly

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Olympic athletes usually like practicing, competing, and eating ice cream sandwiches. or Olympic athletes usually like to practice, compete, and eat ice cream sandwiches. DO Alice Underwood @ Grammarly

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Nouns vs. verbs

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For dinner we like lamb chops and to fry brussel sprouts. DON'T Alice Underwood @ Grammarly

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For dinner we like lamb chops and brussel sprouts. or For dinner we like to grill lamb chops and fry brussel sprouts. DO Alice Underwood @ Grammarly

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Noun number

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Public transit such as buses or a train can help reduce air pollution. DON'T Alice Underwood @ Grammarly

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Public transit such as buses or trains can help reduce air pollution. DO Alice Underwood @ Grammarly

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DON'T function getThings(): Thing[] { const things = getFirstHalfOfThings(); things.push(...getSecondHalfOfThings()); return things; }

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DON'T function getThings(): Thing[] { const things = getFirstHalfOfThings(); const secondHalfOfThings = getSecondHalfOfThings(); things.push(...secondHalfOfThings); return things; }

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DON'T function getThings(): Thing[] { const things = getFirstHalfOfThings(); const secondHalfOfThings = getSecondHalfOfThings(); return things.concat(secondHalfOfThings); }

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DO function getThings(): Thing[] { const things: Thing[] = []; things.push(...getFirstHalfOfThings()); things.push(...getSecondHalfOfThings()); return things; }

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DO function getThings(): Thing[] { const firstHalf = getFirstHalfOfThings(); const secondHalf = getSecondHalfOfThings(); return firstHalf.concat(secondHalf); }

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DO function getThings(): Thing[] { const firstHalf = getFirstHalfOfThings(); const secondHalf = getSecondHalfOfThings(); return [...firstHalf, ...secondHalf]; }

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DON'T function getStuffName(): Promise { return fetchThing().then(convertToStuff) .then(stuff =>; }

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DO function getStuffName(): Promise { return fetchThing() .then(convertToStuff) .then(stuff =>; }

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DO function getStuffName(): Promise { return fetchThing() .then(thing => convertToStuff(thing)) .then(stuff =>; }

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DO function getStuffName(): Promise { return fetchThing() .then(thing => convertToStuff(thing)) .then(stuff => getName(stuff)); }

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DO function getStuffName(): Promise { return fetchThing() .then(convertToStuff) .then(getName); }

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const thing = createThing(); export default thing;

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DON'T const thing = createThing(); export const thingWithSomething = createThingWithSomething(); export default thing;

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DON'T export default const thing = createThing(); // Doesn't compile export const thingWithSomething = createThingWithSomething();

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DO const thing = createThing(); const thingWithSomething = createThingWithSomething(); export default thing; export { thingWithSomething };

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DO const thing = createThing(); const thingWithSomething = createThingWithSomething(); export { thing as default, thingWithSomething };

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Thomas Hawk