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Apache Arrow
 Exploring the tech that powers the modern data (science) stack Uwe Korn – QuantCo – May 2024

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About me • Uwe Korn / @xhochy • CTO at Data Science startup QuantCo • Previously worked as a Data Engineer • A lot of OSS, notably Apache {Arrow, Parquet} and conda-forge • PyData Südwest Co-Organizer

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Agenda 1. Why do we need this? 2. What is it? 3. What’s its impact?

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Why do we need this? • Di ff erent Ecosystems • PyData / R space • Java/Scala „Big Data“ • SQL Databases • Di ff erent technologies • Pandas / SQLite

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Why solve it? • We build pipelines to move data • We want to use all tools we can leverage • Avoid working on converters or waiting for the data to be converted

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Introducing Apache Arrow • Columnar representation of data in main memory • Provide libraries to access the data structures • Building blocks for various ecosystems to use them • Implements adopters for existing structures

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All the languages! 1. „Pure“ implementations in
 C++, Java, Go, JavaScript, C#, Rust, Julia, Swift, C(nanoarrow) 2. Wrappers on-top of them in
 Python, R, Ruby, C/GLib, Matlab

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There is a social component 1. A standard is only as good as its usage 2. Di ff erent communities came together to form Arrow 3. Nowadays even more use it to connect

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Arrow Basics 1. Array: a sequence of values of the same type in contiguous bu ff ers 2. ChunkedArray: a sequence of arrays of the same type 3. Table: a sorted dictionary of ChunkedArrays of the same length

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Arrow Basics: valid masks 1. Track null_count per Array 2. Each array has a bu ff er of bits indicating whether a value is valid,
 i.e. non-null

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Arrow Basics: int array Python array: [1, null, 2, 4, 8] Length: 5, Null count: 1 Validity bitmap buffer: | Byte 0 (validity bitmap) | Bytes 1-63 | |--------------------------|-----------------------| | 00011101 | 0 (padding) | Value Buffer: | Bytes 0-3 | Bytes 4-7 | Bytes 8-11 | Bytes 12-15 | Bytes 16-19 | Bytes 20-63 | |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-----------------------| | 1 | unspecified | 2 | 4 | 8 | unspecified (padding) |

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Arrow Basics: string array Python array: ['joe', null, null, 'mark'] Length: 4, Null count: 2 Validity bitmap buffer: | Byte 0 (validity bitmap) | Bytes 1-63 | |--------------------------|-----------------------| | 00001001 | 0 (padding) | Offsets buffer: | Bytes 0-19 | Bytes 20-63 | |----------------|-----------------------| | 0, 3, 3, 3, 7 | unspecified (padding) | Value buffer: | Bytes 0-6 | Bytes 7-63 | |----------------|-----------------------| | joemark | unspecified (padding) |

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Impact! Arrow is now used in all „edges“ where data passes through: • Databases, either in clients or in UDFs • Data Engineering tooling • Machine Learning libraries • Dashboarding and BI applications

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Examples of Arrow’s massive Impact If it ain’t a 10x-100x+ speedup, it ain’t worth it.

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Anatomy of a Parquet fi le

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Parquet 1. This was the fi rst exposure of Arrow to the Python world 2. End-users only see pandas.read_parquet 3. Actually, it is: A. C++ Parquet->Arrow reader B. C++ Pandas<->Arrow Adapter C. Small Python shim to connect both and give a nice API

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DuckDB Interop 1. Load data in Arrow 2. Process in DuckDB 3. Convert back to Arrow 4. Hand over to another tool All the above happened without any serialization overhead

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DuckDB Interop

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Fast Database Access

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Fast Database Access Nowadays, you get even more speed with • ADBC – Arrow DataBase Connector • arrow-odbc

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Should you use Arrow? 1. Actually, No. 2. Not directly, but make sure it is used in the backend. 3. If you need performance, but the current exchange is slow; then dive deeper. 4. If you want to write high-performance, framework-agnostic code.

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The ecosystem …and many more.…

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Questions? Follow me: / @xhochy