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Building a mindful relationship with digital media for zillennials prone to anxiety So fi ia Kaminska 
 Digital Ideation, 2024

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millennials - zillennials - gen z

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що було далі

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Empowering zillennials for digital wellness Objective: Tools & Resources: Community Support: Outcome: Develop a conducive environment and comprehensive guide. O ff er practical strategies and interventions designed to foster healthier digital habits. Create a supportive environment
 for sharing experiences and solutions Equip Zillennials to navigate digital spaces healthily, reducing compulsive technology use and encouraging a balanced digital lifestyle

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Previous prototypes

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TACSI & Clear Horizons model for integrating TOC for design

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Current prototypes individual > collective > cultural

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individual > /Focus iPhone Cover

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individual >

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individual >

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No content

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collective > /Public Spaces Offer

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collective >

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collective >

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collective >

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cultural > /DAA

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cultural >

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cultural >

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Next Steps: test > make more > build

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