Slide 20
Slide 20 text
--- a/pep-0373.txt
+++ b/pep-0373.txt
+The End Of Life date (EOL, sunset date) for Python 2.7 has been moved
+five years into the future, to 2020. This decision was made to
+clarify the status of Python 2.7 and relieve worries for those users
+who cannot yet migrate to Python 3. See also PEP 466.
+This declaration does not guarantee that bugfix releases will be made
+on a regular basis, but it should enable volunteers who want to
+contribute bugfixes for Python 2.7 and it should satisfy vendors who
+still have to support Python 2 for years to come.
+There will be no Python 2.8.
Release Manager and Crew
@@ -50,15 +65,16 @@ Maintenance releases