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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify HELLO

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify PHILHAWKSWORTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify PHILHAWKSWORTH @

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify STATIC SITES GO ALL HOLLYWOOD 7 7 @PHILHAWKSWORTH FRONTEERS, AMSTERDAM, 2015 ~ I C CAN SMELL YOUR MS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify killer insight

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth BUILDING SITES TO WORK WITH A CMS IS A MASSIVE PAIN IN THE ARSE PHIL'S KILLER INSIGHT

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify THIS EVENING / THE TROUBLE WITH CMS / WHAT A GOOD CMS WOULD LOOK LIKE / THE NEXT WAVE / GIT BY STEALTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify THIS EVENING / THE TROUBLE WITH CMS / WHAT A GOOD CMS WOULD LOOK LIKE / THE NEXT WAVE / GIT BY STEALTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify MONOLITHIC

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify VISITORS & AUTHORS SERVED FROM THE SAME PLACE

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CONTENT & CODE

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify SCALING IS HARD

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify PERFORMANCE IS HARD

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify SECURITY IS HARD

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify STABILITY IS HARD

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify PROCESSES ARE HARD

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF USERS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF SKILLS

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth BUILDING SITES TO WORK WITH A CMS IS A MASSIVE PAIN IN THE ARSE PHIL'S KILLER INSIGHT

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth BUILDING SITES TO WORK WITH A CMS IS HARD A MORE REASONABLE OBSERVATION

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CMS ARE EXPENSIVE AND DEPEND ON A COMPLEX STACK MYTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CONTENT & CODE

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CONTENT & CODE ARE TREATED THE SAME ...AS CONTENT ...IN A DATABASE

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify VERSION CONTROL PROCESSES ARE INTRODUCED

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify EVERYTHING VERSION CONTROLFor

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify VERSION CONTROL PROCESSES ARE INTRODUCED

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify VERSION CONTROL PROCESSES ARE REINVENTED

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth LAUNCH DAY

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify THIS EVENING / THE TROUBLE WITH CMS / WHAT A GOOD CMS WOULD LOOK LIKE / THE NEXT WAVE / GIT BY STEALTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify FREEDOM TO CREATE AND MANAGE CONTENT for authors

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify A SENSIBLE AND LOGICAL PUBLISHING WORKFLOW for authors

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify FREEDOM TO BUILD AND PROTECT THE EXPERIENCE for developers

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CONFIDENCE THAT THE DESIGN WILL STAY INTACT for designers

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify A SAFE, SECURE AND RAPID EXPERIENCE for users

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify THIS EVENING / THE TROUBLE WITH CMS / WHAT A GOOD CMS WOULD LOOK LIKE / THE NEXT WAVE / GIT BY STEALTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify APPROACH? a new

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify HEADLESS CMS

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify LOTS & LOTS

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify DECOUPLED

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify API-BASED HEADLESS CMS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify BEST FRIENDS WITH SSG

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CI & HOSTING BUILD CDN LOCAL BUILD STATIC SERVER GIT CONTENT APIS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify GIT-BASED HEADLESS CMS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CI & HOSTING BUILD CDN LOCAL BUILD STATIC SERVER GIT CONTENT APIS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CI & HOSTING BUILD CDN LOCAL BUILD STATIC SERVER GIT CONTENT CMS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify THIS EVENING / THE TROUBLE WITH CMS / WHAT A GOOD CMS WOULD LOOK LIKE / THE NEXT WAVE / GIT BY STEALTH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify THE LOGIC

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify GIT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM give developers

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify A UI THAT NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER MENTIONS GIT give authors

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify A SITE YOU CAN EXPERIMENT WITH

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify DEMO - FASTEST NEW DEPLOY (DTN)

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify ADDING THE CMS TO YOUR SITE

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify /DIST YOUR LOVELY SITE FILES /ADMIN INDEX.HTML CONFIG.YML

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify /DIST YOUR LOVELY SITE FILES /ADMIN INDEX.HTML CONFIG.YML

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify Content Manager

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No content

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify CI & HOSTING BUILD CDN LOCAL BUILD STATIC SERVER GIT CONTENT CMS

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify NETLIFY BUILD CDN LOCAL BUILD STATIC SERVER GIT CONTENT CMS

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netlify Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify ADDING WORKFLOW

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify /DIST YOUR LOVELY SITE FILES /ADMIN INDEX.HTML CONFIG.YML

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify 
 media_folder: "site/static/img public_folder: "img" publish_mode: editorial_workflow

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify GET GIT WORKFLOWS WITHOUT KNOWING ABOUT GIT authors

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify DON'T EVEN NEED A GITHUB ACCOUNT authors

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify RETAIN CONTROL OF DEVELOPMENT AND PROPER WORKFLOWS developers

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify EVERYTHING VERSION CONTROLFor

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify HEADLESSCMS.ORG

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Stealthy Git Front End London, February 2018 @philhawksworth netlify JAMSTACK.ORG / COMMUNITY

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