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We Are Hiring!!

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8IBU*UBMLBCPVU • Why does React replace its implementation from Stack to Fiber? • The concept of Fiber • How to solve the problems • Algorithms that Fiber uses

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const LikeApp = props => Like App!


 like ; let likeCount = 0; const update = () => ++likeCount; const render = () => ReactDOM.render( update() && render()} />, document.getElementById(‘app’) ); render(); ←only update the UI ←render the whole App

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No content

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Stack Fiber DOM(Stack) Native(Stack) Canvas etc Component Reconciler Renderer HTMLElement SVGElement UIView Host CanvasElement Native(Fiber) DOM(Fiber) Fiber(Wasm?)

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4UBDL3FDPODJMFS • ʙv15 • Traverse and process a ReactElement tree recursively • Diff and Patch are the same time during traversing ReactElement tree • Process synchronously • Create a public instance and an internal instance

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3FBDU&MFNFOU • ReactElement is an object represents the corresponding DOM • Recreate each calling the render function • Lightweight • No state

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1VCMJD*OTUBODF • An instance of Composite Component that you create with React.Component • The lifecycle is mounting ʙ unmounting

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*OUFSOBM*OTUBODF • An instance that React uses internally • The lifecycle is mounting ʙ unmounting • Stack traverses a React Component tree through the internal instance • ReactInstanceMap.set(publicInstance, internalInstance);

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3FBDU*OTUBODF.BQ var ReactInstanceMap = { remove: function(key) { key._reactInternalInstance = undefined; }, get: function(key) { return key._reactInternalInstance; }, has: function(key) { return key._reactInternalInstance !== undefined; }, set: function(key, value) { key._reactInternalInstance = value; }, }; /15-stable/src/renderers/shared/shared/ReactInstanceMap.js

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ReactElement InternalInstance ReactElement ReactElement PublicInstance Mount Unmount

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Reconciler.mountComponent InternalInstance.mountComponent Reconciler.mountComponent InternalInstance.mountComponent Reconciler.mountComponent InternalInstance.mountComponent … child child child recursive

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5IFQSPCMFNTPG4UBDL • Stack must process a ReactElement tree synchronously because it traverse the tree with recursive calls • It leads blocking the UI thread with a big ReactElement tree • It takes time to traverse the tree even though you have only small updates • In order to avoid that, you have to implement shouldComponentUpdate in your components

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'JCFS3FDPODJMFS • Traverse and process a ReactElement tree through Fiber objects • Render Phase and Commit Phase • Fiber can suspend and resume in its Render Phase

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'JCFS • Fiber is an unit of work • A ReactElement tree becomes A Linked list of Fibers • Fiber is a fixed data structure, which can share the same hidden class • A Fiber has an alternate Fiber • Double Buffer (workInProgress <-> current)

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type Fiber = {| tag: WorkTag, type: any, stateNode: any, return: Fiber | null, child: Fiber | null, sibling: Fiber | null, pendingProps: any, memoizedProps: any, memoizedState: any, updateQueue: UpdateQueue | null, mode: TypeOfMode, effectTag: TypeOfSideEffect, nextEffect: Fiber | null, expirationTime: ExpirationTime, alternate: Fiber | null, : |} /packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiber.js

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-JOLFE-JTU • A ReactElement tree becomes A Linked list of Fibers • Fiber processes sequentially, doesn’t need random access • Search … O(n) • Insert/Delete … O(1)

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HostRoot App child parent UserList child parent User child parent User sibling koba01 koba02 child parent parent child parent

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child parent child parent Insert child parent Delete child child parent parent

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let root = fiber; let node = fiber; while (true) { if (node.child && !hasProcessed(node.child)) { node = node.child; continue; } if (node === root) { return; } while (!node.sibling) { if (!node.parent) { return; } node = node.parent;
 } node = node.sibling; } Search the children Reach the root Return to the root Reach the root Search the siblings

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HostRoot App UserList User User koba01 koba02 child child child parent sibling child parent parent parent child parent

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%PVCMF#VGGFS HostRoot App child parent section child parent … alternate HostRoot App child parent section child parent … Current Work in Progress alternate alternate alternate

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%PVCMF#VGGFS HostRoot App child parent section child parent … alternate HostRoot App child parent section child parent … (Work In Progress) Current alternate alternate alternate Commit!

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FiberA FiberB FiberC FiberD FiberE IdleTime IdleTime IdleTime Render Phase (Async) Commit Phase (Sync) SideEffect SideEffect SideEffect Commit SideEffects

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3FOEFS1IBTF $PNNJU1IBTF • Prepare for updating • Render Phase can be async • Extract Side Effects • No Side Effects • Interruptible • Apply Side Effects that affect to the Host • Commit Phase must be sync • Call some lifecycle methods • Consistency

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let nextUnitOfWork = findNextUnitOfWork(); const workLoop = () => { while (nextUnitOfWork !== null) { const workInProgress = nextUnitOfWork; nextUnitOfWork = beginWork(workInProgress); if (nextUnitOfWork === null) { nextUnitOfWork = completeWork(workInProgress); ɹɹ } if (!hasRemainingTime()) {
 scheduleUpdate(workLoop); return; } } commitWork(); }

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HostRoot App child parent UserList child parent User child parent User sibling koba01 koba02 child parent parent child parent beginWork completeWork

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4JEF&GGFDU • Side Effect is set to Fiber at Render Phase • Side Effect is processed at Commit Phase • Because it must process at the right time • Fiber has nextEffect property as the pointer to apply Side Effects by the right order

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export const NoEffect = 0b00000000000; export const PerformedWork = 0b00000000001; export const Placement = 0b00000000010; export const Update = 0b00000000100; export const PlacementAndUpdate = 0b00000000110; export const Deletion = 0b00000001000; export const ContentReset = 0b00000010000; export const Callback = 0b00000100000; export const DidCapture = 0b00001000000; export const Ref = 0b00010000000; export const Snapshot = 0b00100000000; export const Incomplete = 0b01000000000; export const ShouldCapture = 0b10000000000; /packages/shared/ReactSideEffectTags.js

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HostRoot App UserList User User koba01 koba04 nextEffect nextEffect nextEffect firstEffect PureComponent

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6QEBUF2VFVF • Update Queue is a Linked list • Update Queue is stored in a Fiber that invoke the update • Double Buffering to interrupt the other updates • workInProgress 㲗 current • You can imagine Git rebase as a metaphor

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type Update = { expirationTime: ExpirationTime, tag: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, payload: any, callback: (() => mixed) | null, next: Update | null, nextEffect: Update | null, }; type UpdateQueue = { baseState: State, firstUpdate: Update | null, lastUpdate: Update | null, firstEffect: Update | null, lastEffect: Update | null, : } /packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactUpdateQueue.js

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if (queue.lastUpdate === null) {
 queue.firstUpdate = queue.lastUpdate = update; } else { = update; queue.lastUpdate = update; } Append a update to the Update Queue /packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactUpdateQueue.js

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class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { this.state = { count: 1 } } render() { return (


this.setState(state => ({ count: state.count + 1}))} > ++ ); } }

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HostRoot App child parent section child parent … alternate HostRoot App child parent section child parent … alternate alternate alternate Update Queue Update Queue

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A Current Queue WorkInProgress Queue B C D C D Commit A Current Queue WorkInProgress Queue B C D C D

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A Current Queue WorkInProgress Queue B C D C D Abort Current Queue WorkInProgress Queue A B C D A B C D

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A(High) Update Queue 1st Update B(Low) C(High) D(Low) A(High) C(High) 2nd Update B(Low) C(High) D(Low) A(High) Rebase baseState

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this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 }); this.setState(state => ({ count: state.count + 1 }));

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&YQJSBUJPO5JNF • React had used priority levels to prioritize the updates • The approach of priority levels has a Starvation Problem • In order to solve this, React uses Expiration Time • If an expiration time has come, the update processes synchronously

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export type PriorityLevel = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5; module.exports = { NoWork: 0, SynchronousPriority: 1, AnimationPriority: 2, HighPriority: 3, LowPriority: 4, OffscreenPriority: 5, }; /15-stable/src/renderers/shared/fiber/ReactPriorityLevel.js

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export const NoWork = 0; export const Sync = 1; export const Never = MAX_SIGNED_31_BIT_INT; const UNIT_SIZE = 10; const MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET = 2; function ceiling(num: number, precision: number): number { return (((num / precision) | 0) + 1) * precision; } function computeExpirationBucket(currentTime, expirationInMs, bucketSizeMs): ExpirationTime { return ( MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET + ceiling( currentTime - MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET + expirationInMs / UNIT_SIZE, bucketSizeMs / UNIT_SIZE, ) ); } export const LOW_PRIORITY_EXPIRATION = 5000; export const LOW_PRIORITY_BATCH_SIZE = 250; export const HIGH_PRIORITY_EXPIRATION = __DEV__ ? 500 : 150; export const HIGH_PRIORITY_BATCH_SIZE = 100 /packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberExpirationTime.js

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100 90 120 50 100 90 120 100 120 1 Sync 1st 2nd 3rd

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*OUFSBDUJWF&WFOU5ZQF • React treats some event types as interactive events • Updates in interactive events are prioritized as High Priorities • Interactive Events … • blur, click, dragStart, drop, focus, input, keyDown, mouseDown, play, pause, submit, touchStart… • /packages/react-dom/src/events/SimpleEventPlugin.js

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{ this.setState({ inputText: value }); // High Priority requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.setState({ filterValue: value }); // Low Priority }); }} />

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#JUXJTF0QFSBUPST • Fiber uses Bitwise operations in many places internally • Mode • Effect • Context API - ObservedBits • (Simple Cache Provider - CalculateChangedBits)

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export const PerformedWork = 0b00000000001; export const Placement = 0b00000000010; export const Update = 0b00000000100; export const PlacementAndUpdate = 0b00000000110; export const Deletion = 0b00000001000; export const ContentReset = 0b00000010000; export const Callback = 0b00000100000; export const DidCapture = 0b00001000000; export const Ref = 0b00010000000; export const Snapshot = 0b00100000000; export const LifecycleEffectMask = 0b00110100100; export const HostEffectMask = 0b00111111111; /packages/shared/ReactSideEffectTags.js

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// Render Phase (/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberCompleteWork.js) next.effectTag &= HostEffectMask; sourceFiber.effectTag &= ~LifecycleEffectMask; function markUpdate(workInProgress: Fiber) { workInPregress.effectTag |= Update; } // CommitPhase (/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberCommitWork.js) if (finishedWork.effectTag & Update) { if (current === null) { : instance.componentDidMount(); } else { : } }

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// Mode export const NoContext = 0b000; export const AsyncMode = 0b001; export const StrictMode = 0b010; export const ProfileMode = 0b100; if (workInProgress.mode & StrictMode) { // do something } const pingTime = (workInProgress.mode & AsyncMode) === NoEffect ? Sync : renderExpirationTime; /packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactTypeOfMode.js

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const observedBits = { foo: 0b01, bar: 0b10 }; const { Consumer } = React.createContext(store, (prev, next) => { let result = 0; if ( !== result |=; if ( !== result |=; return result; }); const Foo = () => {({foo}) => …} const Bar = () => {({bar}) => …}

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&SSPS#PVOEBSJFT HostRoot App UserList User Text Throw Error!!! ErrorPage Error Error componentDidCatch

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4VTQFOTF HostRoot App UserList User Text Throw Promise!!! Promise React. Placeholder If Promise has not yet been resolved -> Suspend has been resolved -> Resume the rendering had not resolved -> Display Fallback Component Fallback

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const App = () => ( }> ); const EntrySection = () => ; const Entry = () => { // throw Promise if a cache doesn’t have an entry data const entry = fetchEntryWithCache(); return


; };

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How to handle tryʙcatch in async reconciliation?

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4VTQFOTF HostRoot App UserList User Text Throw Promise!!! React. Placeholder Fallback parent parent Fiber can trace the component stack through the Linked List structures

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4VTQFOTF • Suspense can suspend a rendering by throwing a Promise • tryʙcatch can’t catch thrown objects in Async Rendering • Fiber can trace the component stack through Linked List • Still in development

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3FDBQ • React has replaced its implementation from Stack to Fiber to solve the problems. • Fiber makes async and flexible scheduling possible • Fiber uses many technics internally like LinkedList, Double Buffer, Expiration Time, Bitwise Operators etc.

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