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Utah Code Camp Spring 2014 Bressain Dinkelman yes, you belong here

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who am i? Bressain Dinkelman @dinkelburt +BressainDinkelman

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DISCLAIMER I am not a psychologist

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DISCLAIMER Use at your own risk

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why are ! ! here? YOU

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impostor syndrome? What is

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how can i help myself and others?

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Awareness Spread

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what is impostor syndrome?

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"[it's] a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments […] those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved"

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“i got lucky”

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“i'm not smart”

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“i'm not a good developer”

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“i'm a phony”

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“i don't belong here”

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No content

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what's got to do with it?

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50% social

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what makes us so susceptible?

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impostor syndrome is an ! ! problem intellectual field

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we praise & celebrate intelligent developers!

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“We are looking for a rockstar front-end developer to join our team.” “Come work with a team of AlphaGeeks, Git Ninjas, and Linux Jedis!” “…looking for a JavaScript and jQuery guru…” “Startup Superhero/ Ninja Internship”

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we surround ourselves with smart people

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open source

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social media

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how doesimpostor affect developers? syndrome

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Afraid to speak upor share ideas

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no contribute desire to

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afraid to apply to new jobs

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burnout Due To Keeping up

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thanks bressain, now i'm sad

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overcoming impostor syndrome

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first step: education

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great resources Julie Pagano talk Ruby Rogues podcast Scott Hanselman post

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Acknowledge Some important truths

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you ! ! at evaluating you SUCK

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impostor syndrome may never fully go away

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pro crasti nation bad tech skills !=

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Create a support system

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avoid negative people

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reconnect with spiritual side your

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step away from the trees

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stop & acknowledge real success

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learn don't from Failure dwell on it

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everything ! experiment is an

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watch the self-deprecating jokes

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your are human intellectual heroes

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measure yourself against yourself

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cliché phrase incoming:

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fake it make it ’til you

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do the things holding you back That are

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track measurable progress x x

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help others

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pretty sure i don't have impostor syndrome

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How Do I someone has know impostor syndrome?

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regularly Skills or Experiences Disclaimsor Understatestheir

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not willing for to take credit roles in projects

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self- deprecating humor

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what things can i actually do to help?

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hacker school user's manual

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No feigning surprise No “well actually” No backseat driving No subtle sexism or other isms

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recognize success and call out

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give start permissionto

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don't they need to avoid be the Negative Person

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be proactive when offering help

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with Great Power great responsibility comes

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we're all impostors to some degree (and that’s OK)

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move burning out Forwardwithout

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please talk about this

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help yourself

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help others

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do i belong here?

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• It’s Dangerous to Go Alone: Battling the Invisible Monsters in Tech - Julie Pagano • the-invisible-monsters-in-tech/ • I’m a Phony. Are You? - Scott Hanselman • • Impostor Syndrome with Tim Chevalier - Ruby Rogues Podcast • • Impostor syndrome - Geek Feminism Wiki • • Hacker School User’s Manual - Social rules • !78