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Better statistics, better decisions Laura Dewis Office for National Statistics @lauradee

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Slide 2 text How statistics lost their power – and why we should fear what comes next - The Guardian - William Bain The  ability  of  statistics  to  accurately  represent  the   world  is  declining.

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Due accuracy Land transport accidents leading cause of death for 5- 19 year olds The leading cause of death for both males and females aged 5-19 was land transport accidents, accounting for 13% of deaths at this age group. This was more common among males than females.

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7 Principles 1. Uncertainty 2. Trends 3. Accessible explanation 4. International comparisons 5. Context 6. Attribution 7. Causation

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Standards Bristol City, City of Bristol and Bristol, City Of.

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Adoption Use official lists consistently Apply established metadata standards Follow dataset structure definitions eg Work towards CSV on the Web standards Make use of RDF to describe relationships Agree and implement API and URI standards

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Sorry Technology, but it’s not all about you.

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Credit @SamHallWales

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Starting point 1.Develop an editorial policy and guidelines 2.Make time to focus on the fundamentals of data quality and recognise people for it 3.Build a solid community of good practice in the analytical community 4.Capture user needs more regularly and systematically

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Slide 12 text practice-stock-take-latest-news/ Ask Engage with the consultation to review the Code of Practice for Statistics 5 July – 5 October 2017

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