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The JUnit Crew Presents What’s New IntelliJ IDEA Livestream, Nov 2024

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The JUnit crew Christian Marc Juliette Sam 2 Duke

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Intro 3 Marc

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Maven Central Downloads (JUnit Jupiter) 4

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Adoption ● Maven Central downloads as of 9/2024: ○ JUnit Jupiter: 50 million downloads per month ○ JUnit 4: 45 million downloads per month ○ JUnit 3: 27 million downloads per month ○ JUnit 5 BOM: 129 million downloads per month ● New projects (e.g. Spring Initializr, Gradle init task) use JUnit Platform with Jupiter by default ● JUnit 5 is used by 477k repositories on GitHub 5

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JUnit Jupiter is the most used testing framework for Java! 🎉🎉🎉 6

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Thank you to our sponsors! 7

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Platform & Console 8 Christian

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Console & Launcher ● The Launcher now provides a --version option ● The existing functionality of the Launcher has been split into two subcommands: execute for executing tests and engines for listing registered test engines ● A new discover subcommand has been added to the Launcher to print the discovered tests for the specified details mode without executing them ● New dry-run execution mode to simulate test execution without actually running tests 9

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Platform News ● Stack traces produced by failing tests are now pruned of calls from the org.junit, jdk.internal.reflect, and other packages ● New ConversionSupport utility in junit-platform-commons which exposes the conversion logic that was previously private — for re-use in third-party extensions and test engines ● Support for the Open Test Reporting format which supports all features of the JUnit Platform such as hierarchical test structures, display names, tags, etc. ● JUnit Platform Standalone Console JAR now also includes the JUnit Platform Suite Engine 10

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@Suite Lifecycle Methods Extension API Improvements 11 Juliette

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@Suite Lifecycle Methods ● New annotations in junit-platform-suite-api ○ @BeforeSuite ○ @AfterSuite 12

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Test Instance Pre-construct Callback 13 ● Extension invoked prior to test instances being constructed ● Symmetric call to TestInstancePreDestroyCallback

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Executable Invoker 14 ● Allows invoking methods and constructors with support for dynamic resolution of parameters via ParameterResolvers ● Available via ExtensionContext.getExecutableInvoker() Leveraged by: ● Parameterized Test Extension (@MethodSource) ● Spring Extension (@BeforeTransaction, @AfterTransaction)

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Parameterized & Repeated Tests 15 Sam

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@RepeatedTest Failure Threshold ● When dealing with a flaky test… ● Have you ever wanted to abort a @RepeatedTest after the first failure or a certain number of failures? ● Starting with JUnit Jupiter 5.10, you can… via the failureThreshold feature! 16

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Example: @RepeatedTest Failure Threshold @RepeatedTest(value = 8, failureThreshold = 2) void repeatedTestWithFailureThreshold(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) { // Simulate unexpected failure every second repetition if (repetitionInfo.getCurrentRepetition() % 2 == 0) {"Boom!"); } } 17

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Example: @RepeatedTest Failure Threshold 18

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Repeatable @*Source Annotations ● Since JUnit Jupiter 5.11, source annotations such as @ValueSource, @MethodSource, etc. can be repeated on a @ParameterizedTest method. @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("category1Files") @MethodSource("category2Files") void processCategoryOneAndTwoFiles(Path path) { // assertions } 19

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@FieldSource ● @FieldSource is essentially a companion to @MethodSource. ● Allows you to source a stream of argument sets from a field. ○ Local to your test class ○ Or in an external class ■ Using a fully-qualified field name ■ For example, in a production class or a third-party utility 20

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Named Argument Sets ● Prior to JUnit Jupiter 5.11, individual arguments for a @ParameterizedTest could be given a custom display name via the Named API. ● With an ArgumentSet, it’s now possible to give a custom display name to an entire set of arguments. ● Via the Arguments.argumentSet(String, Object...) factory method. 21

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Example: @FieldSource and Argument Sets @DisplayName("A parameterized test with named argument sets") @ParameterizedTest @FieldSource("argumentSets") void testWithArgumentSets(File file1, File file2) { } static List argumentSets = List.of( argumentSet("Important files", new File("path1"), new File("path2")), argumentSet("Other files", new File("path3"), new File("path4")) ); 22

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Example: @FieldSource and Argument Sets 23

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Arguments for @MethodSource Factory Methods ● Parameterizing your parameterized tests 😉 ● Previously only possible via a custom ArgumentsProvider ● @MethodSource factory methods can now accept arguments ○ Made possible by the ExecutableInvoker ○ Arguments provided by a ParameterResolver ○ For example, the SpringExtension 24

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Demo 25 @MethodSource and Spring

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Core Extension Improvements 26 Marc

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Demo 27 ● @TempDir ○ Cleanup mode ○ Factory ● @AutoClose ● @Timeout ○ Thread mode

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Outlook 28 Marc

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The Sovereign Tech Fund is investing in JUnit in 2024 and 2025! 🎉🎉🎉 29

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Sovereign Tech Fund ● German government program to strengthen the open source ecosystem ● Invests in foundational technologies that enable the creation of other software Marc will work full-time on JUnit for about a year! 30

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JUnit 5.12 Planned release date: Feb 2025 Highlights ● Open Test Reporting ○ HTML test reports ○ Attaching files such as screenshots to test results ● Improved support for resource-based test engines (such as Cucumber) 31

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JUnit 5.13 Planned release date: ~Sep 2025 Highlights ● Parameterized test classes ● Test discovery validation mechanism ● Improved usability of documentation ● Better Kotlin support (contracts, Sequence support, …) ● Safe cancellation of test execution 32

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Resources ● Today’s code examples: ● User Guide, Javadoc, and everything else: 33

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Q & A More questions? ● StackOverflow: ● GitHub: 34