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Cross-platform apps with Ionic React & Capacitor J S f o rW P C o n f 2 0 2 0

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Agenda • About Capacitor / Ionic • Why should we use Capacitor • How can we use Capacitor • Create a Native PWA using Capacitor and Ionic • Integrating Capacitor with a Jamstack application

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Example: Ionic React with Capacitor react-capacitor Example: Gatsby WordPress with Capacitor capacitor-wordpress

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Hide (Hidetaka Okamoto) • Digitalcube Co. Ltd. • Nishinomiya / Kobe • WordPress Core contributor 4.7 / 5.0 / 5.3

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h t t p s : / / w w w. g e t s h i f t e r. i o /

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Agenda • About Capacitor / Ionic • Why should we use Capacitor • How can we use Capacitor • Create a Native PWA using Capacitor and Ionic • Integrating Capacitor with a Jamstack application

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Capacitor: Application runtime for Native PWA • Similar to Apache Cordova or Adobe PhoneGap • Easy to convert your application to Native App • iOS / Android / Electron / and PWA • Access the native API from JavaScript

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Ionic React: Mobile UI toolkit for React • Simply and framework friendly toolkit • Angular / React / Vue • Single codebase, running web and native application • Useful and various UI components

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Ionic & Capacitor Great for cross-platform apps • Ionic provides cross-platform friendly UI components • Capacitor helps us to access the device native API. • Capacitor build application for the native and web. • Single codebase, running everywhere :)

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Agenda • About Capacitor / Ionic • Why should we use Capacitor • How can we use Capacitor • Create a Native PWA using Capacitor and Ionic • Integrating Capacitor with a Jamstack application

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Native W H AT ? !

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PWA is good, but NOT a perfect solution • PWA provides an installable, app-like experience via the web • PWA can make a multi-device support web application • Many API can use from JavaScript (Web push / Camera / etc..) • But, still not able to access several native APIs. • If we want to access these APIs, we need to create a Native App

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Declined Web Apis in Safari (June 28, 2020) • Web Bluetooth • Web MIDI API • Magnetometer API • Web NFC API - • Device Memory API • Network Information API - • Battery Status API • • Serial API • Web USB Geolocation Sensor (background geolocation) • User Idle Detection • Proximity Sensor Web Bluetooth Scanning • Ambient Light Sensor - • WebHID

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PWA or Native Native PWA • Capacitor provides wrapper API for PWA and native • Single Capacitor API, calling optimized API • And Ionic provides a device optimized UI component • Build PWA and Native App by JavaScript

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Capacitor has check Available method import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core'; if (Capacitor.isPluginAvailable('Camera')) { // make the call: Camera.getPhoto() } else { // Have the user upload a file instead }

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Accessibility Background task Browser Clipboard Filesystem Toast Geolocation Network Push Notification Splash Screen Share Device etc… Core APIs of Capacitor

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Capacitor has Plugins

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Examples of Community Plugins

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Access Phone Contacts npm install -S @capacitor-community/contacts

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Authenticate Face ID & Touch ID npm install -S \ capacitor-biometric-auth

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NativeAudio.preloadSimple({ assetPath: "audio/chime.mp3", assetId: "chime_audio", }); NativeAudio.preloadComplex({ assetPath: "audio/inception.mp3", assetId: "inception_audio", volume: 1.0, audioChannelNum: 1, });{ assetId: "chime_audio", }); Audio Control npm install -S
 @capacitor-community/native- audio

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And more… Single Sign On (FB / Apple etc…) Google Admob Apple Game Center Google play QRCode scanner Text to Speech Camera preview etc…

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Explore your favorite plugins ! • Plugin registry: Search by "@capacitor-community" • Common plugin: Search by ”capacitor plugin”

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Agenda • About Capacitor / Ionic • Why should we use Capacitor • How can we use Capacitor • Create a Native PWA using Capacitor and Ionic • Integrating Capacitor with a Jamstack application

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$ cd /PATH/TO/YOUR/APP # Install packages $ npm i -S @capacitor/core # Initialize $ npx cap init - ? App name YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME - ? App Package ID - ? Which npm client would you like to use? › npm yarn Your Capacitor project is ready to go! Simplest setup for existing app

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{ "appId": "", "appName": "YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME", "bundledWebRuntime": false, "npmClient": "npm", "webDir": "www", "cordova": {} } ↓ Should replace webDir to your app build destination. { "appId": "", "appName": "YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME", "bundledWebRuntime": false, "npmClient": "npm", "webDir": "public", "cordova": {} } Update capacitor.config.json

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% npx cap add ios ℹ Installing iOS dependencies – Skipping: already installed ✔ Adding native xcode project in: /Users/development/ionic-react/ios in 17.76ms ✔ add in 19.83ms ✔ Copying web assets from public to ios/App/public in 4.21ms ✔ Copying native bridge in 2.36ms ✔ Copying capacitor.config.json in 1.12ms ✔ copy in 23.29ms ✔ Updating iOS plugins in 4.67ms Found 0 Capacitor plugins for ios: ✔ Updating iOS native dependencies with "pod install" (may take several minutes) in 7.46s ✔ update ios in 7.48s Now you can run npx cap open ios to launch Xcode % npx cap add android % npx cap add electron % npx cap add web Add Supported Platform

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$ npx cap open electron

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$ npx cap open ios

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# Build your SPA $ npm run build # Sync Capacitor % npx cap sync ✔ Copying web assets from public to android/app/src/main/assets/public in 9.31ms ✔ Copying native bridge in 1.01ms ✔ Copying capacitor.config.json in 766.90μp ✔ copy in 23.18ms ✔ Updating Android plugins in 3.58ms Found 0 Capacitor plugins for android: ✔ update android in 19.35ms ✔ Copying web assets from public to ios/App/public in 4.78ms ✔ Copying native bridge in 912.98μp ✔ Copying capacitor.config.json in 671.34μp ✔ copy in 14.16ms ✔ Updating iOS plugins in 2.32ms Found 0 Capacitor plugins for ios: ✔ Updating iOS native dependencies with "pod install" (may take several minutes) in 6.33s ✔ update ios in 6.34s ✔ copy in 237.76μp ✔ update web in 5.83μp Sync finished in 6.415s Update & Sync

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S i m p l e s t u s a g e = J u s t c o m p i l e • Capacitor converts your SPA to a Native App • We can publish Native apps just using build artifacts by Capacitor • iOS app: /ios • Android app: /android • Electron app: /electron

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Agenda • About Capacitor / Ionic • Why should we use Capacitor • How can we use Capacitor • Create a Native PWA using Capacitor and Ionic • Integrating Capacitor with a Jamstack application

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Capacitor provides a Native API wrapper

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import { Plugins } from ‘@capacitor/core'; const shareTweet = async () => { const { Share } = Plugins; const share = await Share.share({ title: 'Share Capacitor', text: 'I deployed a native mobile app', url: '', }); } Social Share Example

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Show Native share UI

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import { Plugins, NetworkStatus } from '@capacitor/core'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from ‘react'; const { Network, Toast } = Plugins; export const useNetworkHook = () => { const [status, updateStatus] = useState() const checkNetworkStatus = () => { Network.getStatus() .then(data => updateStatus(data)) } useEffect(() => { checkNetworkStatus() const handler = Network.addListener('networkStatusChange', (status) => { checkNetworkStatus() }); return () => handler.remove(); }, []) const connected = status ? status.connected: undefined useEffect(() => { if (connected === undefined || connected) return{ text: "Network is offline" }) }, [connected]) return status } Example of Network status Check hook

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import { Plugins, NetworkStatus } from '@capacitor/core'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from ‘react'; const { Network, Toast } = Plugins; export const useNetworkHook = () => { const [status, updateStatus] = useState() const checkNetworkStatus = () => { Network.getStatus() .then(data => updateStatus(data)) } useEffect(() => { checkNetworkStatus() const handler = Network.addListener('networkStatusChange', (status) => { checkNetworkStatus() }); return () => handler.remove(); }, []) const connected = status ? status.connected: undefined useEffect(() => { if (connected === undefined || connected) return{ text: "Network is offline" }) }, [connected]) return status } Access Native network API from Capacitor

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import { Plugins, NetworkStatus } from '@capacitor/core'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from ‘react'; const { Network, Toast } = Plugins; export const useNetworkHook = () => { const [status, updateStatus] = useState() const checkNetworkStatus = () => { Network.getStatus() .then(data => updateStatus(data)) } useEffect(() => { checkNetworkStatus() const handler = Network.addListener('networkStatusChange', (status) => { checkNetworkStatus() }); return () => handler.remove(); }, []) const connected = status ? status.connected: undefined useEffect(() => { if (connected === undefined || connected) return{ text: "Network is offline" }) }, [connected]) return status } Add event listener to check network status

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import { Plugins, NetworkStatus } from '@capacitor/core'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from ‘react'; const { Network, Toast } = Plugins; export const useNetworkHook = () => { const [status, updateStatus] = useState() const checkNetworkStatus = () => { Network.getStatus() .then(data => updateStatus(data)) } useEffect(() => { checkNetworkStatus() const handler = Network.addListener('networkStatusChange', (status) => { checkNetworkStatus() }); return () => handler.remove(); }, []) const connected = status ? status.connected: undefined useEffect(() => { if (connected === undefined || connected) return{ text: "Network is offline" }) }, [connected]) return status } Toast network offline messages

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Show offline notifications

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Several APIs can’t use from web

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$ npm install -S

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import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { defineCustomElements } from '@ionic/pwa-elements/loader'; import App from './App'; ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root')); // Call the element loader after the app has been rendered the first time defineCustomElements(window); Add element loader after render function

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Show Camera element in browser

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Capacitor Access Native API pwa-element Use it from PWA Native (and) PWA

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Use Ionic React with Capacitor

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Capacitor DOES NOT provide UI components

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Mutli-framework support import React from 'react'; import { IonButton, IonContent } from '@ionic/react'; export const ButtonExample: React.FC = () => ( Default )

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Platform styled component

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Support Darkmode

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Ionic can create a new app with Capacitor % npx ionic start NativePWAApp my-first-app --type=react --capacitor % tree NativePWAApp -I node_modules -L 2 ᵓ── android ᵓ── capacitor.config.json ᵓ── ionic.config.json ᵓ── ios ᵓ── package.json ᵓ── public │ ᵓ── index.html │ └── manifest.json ᵓ── src │ ᵓ── App.test.tsx │ ᵓ── App.tsx │ ᵓ── index.tsx

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Blogged how to use Ionic & Capacitor with WP

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Use case: Japanese web magazine Areaia

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Ionic (Angular) + Capacitor + • UI: Ionic • Content (API): WordPress • Native / PWA: Capacitor

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Headless WordPress Hosting • Use WordPress as a Content manager & API • Call from JS SPA to WP API • Fully managed WordPress

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Agenda • About Capacitor / Ionic • Why should we use Capacitor • How can we use Capacitor • Create a Native PWA using Capacitor and Ionic • Integrating Capacitor with a Jamstack application

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Error: ReferenceError: window is not defined.

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Some tool need to use the Window property import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { defineCustomElements } from '@ionic/pwa-elements/loader'; import App from './App'; ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root')); // Call the element loader after the app has been rendered the first time defineCustomElements(window);

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But, Node has no Window obj

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Solution: use lazy load to ignore SSR const useLoadPWAElements = () => { const windowGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window useEffect(() => { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { import('@ionic/pwa-elements/loader') .then((module) => { module.defineCustomElements(windowGlobal) }) } }, [windowGlobal]) }

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Lazy load Capacitor component const loadCapComponents = async () => { // Load Component async const { DemoClipboard } = await import('./Clipboard') return } const Component: FC = (props) => { // state for handle pwa-elements components const [elem, setSelem] = useState(


) // Load pwa-elements components useEffect(() => { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { loadCapComponents().then(elements => { setSelem(elements) }) } }, []) return ( {elem} ) }

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$ gatsby build $ npx cap sync $ npx cap open ios

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Create Native PWA with JavaScript • Capacitor unifies the API calling between Native and web • Ionic unifies the UI style too • Single codebase (Use JavaScript / TypeScript) multi build • We can provide our own content from many approaches

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Thanks you! • Capacitor unifies the API calling between Native and web • Ionic unifies the UI style too • Single codebase (Use JavaScript / TypeScript) multi build • We can provide our own content from many approaches Blog post about Ionic & Capacitor Shifter Twitter @motchi0214 GitHub