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What’s new in Symfony 5.3

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Malte Schlüter @malteschlueter @ocrampete16 Marco Petersen @jschaedl Jan Schädlich

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Agenda Deprecations

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Agenda Deprecations Improvements

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No content

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Deprecations Symfony 5.3 from 5.2 to 5.3 Code will be removed in Symfony 6.0

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Rename master request to main request HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST -> HttpKernelInterface::MAIN_REQUEST KernelEvent::isMasterRequest() -> KernelEvent::isMainRequest() RequestStack::getMasterRequest() -> RequestStack::getMainRequest() HttpFoundation|HttpKernel

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Deprecated the SessionInterface alias use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface; final class SessionAwareService { public function __construct( private SessionInterface $session ) { } public function someMethodUsingTheSession(): void { $foo = $this->session->get('foo'); } } FrameworkBundle

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Deprecated the SessionInterface alias use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; final class SessionAwareService { public function __construct( private RequestStack $requestStack ) { } public function someMethodUsingTheSession(): void { $foo = $this->requestStack->getSession()->get('foo'); } } final class TestController { public function __invoke(Request $request): Response { $foo = $request->getSession()->get('foo'); } } FrameworkBundle

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Removed dependency on symfony/intl composer req symfony/intl Form LocaleType CountryType CurrencyType LanguageType TimezoneType

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Deprecated the use of TLS option for Redis Bridge # .env # before MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=redis://localhost:6379/messages?tls=true # after MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=rediss://localhost:6379/messages Messenger

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More PHP 8 Attributes

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Autowire arguments in controller actions final class Symfony52Controller { #[Route('/symfony52', name: 'symfony52', methods: ['GET'])] public function __invoke(UserRepository $userRepository): Response { return new Response('Go and get PHP 8!'); } } Symfony 5.2 # services.yaml App\Controller\Symfony52Controller: tags: ['controller.service_arguments'] Symfony 5.2

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#[AsController] #[AsController] final class Symfony53Controller { #[Route('/symfony52', name: 'symfony52', methods: ['GET'])] public function __invoke(UserRepository $userRepository): Response { return new Response('Symfony 💖 PHP 8!'); } } Symfony 5.3 # services.yaml App\Controller\Symfony52Controller: tags: ['controller.service_arguments'] Symfony 5.3

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Event Listeners/Subscribers final class Symfony52Listener implements EventSubscriberInterface { public static function getSubscribedEvents() { return [ CustomEvent::class => [ ['onCustomEvent', 10], ], ]; } public function onCustomEvent(CustomEvent $event): void { $event->messages[] = 'Greetings from Symfony52Listener 👋'; } } Symfony 5.2

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#[AsEventListener] #[AsEventListener( event: CustomEvent::class, method: 'onCustomEvent', priority: 10 )] final class Symfony53Listener { public function onCustomEvent(CustomEvent $event): void { $event->messages[] = 'Greetings from Symfony53Listener 👋'; } } Symfony 5.3

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Commands final class Symfony52Command extends Command { protected static $defaultName = 'app:symfony52'; protected static $defaultDescription = 'an awesome description'; protected function configure() { $this ->setAliases(['symfony52']) ->setHidden(false); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { (new SymfonyStyle($input, $output))->text('Go and get PHP 8!'); return 0; } } Symfony 5.2

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#[AsCommand] #[AsCommand( name: 'app:symfony53', description: 'an awesome description', aliases: ['symfony53'], hidden: false )] final class Symfony53Command extends Command { protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { (new SymfonyStyle($input, $output))->text('Symfony 💖 PHP 8!'); return 0; } } Symfony 5.3

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#[When] #[When(env: 'dev')] #[AsCommand(name: 'app:when-dev')] final class WhenDevCommand extends Command { protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { (new SymfonyStyle($input, $output)) ->text(‘Symfony 💖 PHP 8, but for now only in dev environment!'); return 0; } } Symfony 5.3

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Autocon fi gure services via Attributes services: _defaults: autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services # as commands, event subscribers, etc. Symfony 5.2

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Autocon fi gure services via Attributes services: _defaults: autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services # as commands, event subscribers, etc. Symfony 5.2 services: _instanceof: App\Security\CustomInterface: tags: ['app.custom_tag']

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Autocon fi gure services via Attributes services: _defaults: autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services # as commands, event subscribers, etc. Symfony 5.2 services: _instanceof: App\Security\CustomInterface: tags: ['app.custom_tag'] // src/Kernel.php class Kernel extends BaseKernel { // ... protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container): void { $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(CustomInterface::class) ->addTag('app.custom_tag') ; } }

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Autocon fi gure services via Attributes services: _defaults: autoconfigure: true # Automatically registers your services # as commands, event subscribers, etc. Symfony 5.2 services: _instanceof: App\Security\CustomInterface: tags: ['app.custom_tag'] // src/Kernel.php class Kernel extends BaseKernel { // ... protected function build(ContainerBuilder $container): void { $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(CustomInterface::class) ->addTag('app.custom_tag') ; } } // src/DependencyInjection/MyBundleExtension.php class MyBundleExtension extends Extension { // ... public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container): void { $container->registerForAutoconfiguration(CustomInterface::class) ->addTag('app.custom_tag') ; } }

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#[Autocon fi gure] Symfony 5.3 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autoconfigure; #[Autoconfigure(tags: ['app.loader'])] interface LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool; public function load(); }

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#[Autocon fi gure] Symfony 5.3 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autoconfigure; #[Autoconfigure(tags: ['app.loader'])] interface LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool; public function load(); } namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute; #[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)] class Autoconfigure { public function __construct( public ?array $tags = null, public ?array $calls = null, public ?array $bind = null, public bool|string|null $lazy = null, public ?bool $public = null, public ?bool $shared = null, public ?bool $autowire = null, public ?array $properties = null, public array|string|null $configurator = null, ) { } }

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#[Autocon fi gureTag] Symfony 5.3 namespace App\Loader; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AutoconfigureTag; #[AutoconfigureTag('app.loader')] #[AutoconfigureTag()] # tag name => App\Loader\LoaderInterface interface LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool; public function load(); }

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Use tagged services use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } Symfony 5.3

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Use tagged services use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'yaml_loader', priority: 10)] final class YamlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } Symfony 5.3

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Use tagged services use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'xml_loader', priority: 20)] final class XmlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'yaml_loader', priority: 10)] final class YamlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } Symfony 5.3

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Use tagged services use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'xml_loader', priority: 20)] final class XmlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'yaml_loader', priority: 10)] final class YamlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } Symfony 5.3

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Use tagged services use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'xml_loader', priority: 20)] final class XmlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsTaggedItem; #[AsTaggedItem(index: 'yaml_loader', priority: 10)] final class YamlLoader implements LoaderInterface { public function supports(string $type): bool { ... } public function load() { ... } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedIterator; final class LoaderIterator { public function __construct( #[TaggedIterator('app.loader')] private iterable $loaders, ) { } } use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\TaggedLocator; final class LoaderLocator { public function __construct( #[TaggedLocator('app.loader')] private ContainerInterface $container, ) { $yamlLoader = $container->get('yaml_loader'); $xmlLoader = $container->get('xml_loader'); } } Symfony 5.3

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Add support for sorting fi elds Form

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Add support for sorting fi elds Form class PersonRegistrationType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder ->add('firstName') ->add('lastName') ->add(‘register', SubmitType::class); $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) { $person = $event->getData(); if ($person->isLegalType()) { $event->getForm()->add('company'); } }); } }

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Add support for sorting fi elds Form class PersonRegistrationType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder ->add('firstName') ->add('lastName') ->add(‘register', SubmitType::class); $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) { $person = $event->getData(); if ($person->isLegalType()) { $event->getForm()->add('company'); } }); } } Register {# wrong place #} {# wrong place #}

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class PersonRegistrationType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder ->add('firstName') ->add('lastName') ->add(‘register', SubmitType::class, ['priority' => -1/*, ... */]); $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) { $person = $event->getData(); if ($person->isLegalType()) { $event->getForm()->add('company', null, ['priority' => 1]); } }); } } Add support for sorting fi elds Form

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Noti fi er Component Symfony 5.3

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Noti fi er Component Symfony 5.3 not experimental anymore

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New Noti fi er integrations Noti fi er Texter Chatter

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FakeSms & FakeChat Noti fi er # .env FAKE_SMS_DSN=fakesms+email://default?to=TO&from=FROM FAKE_CHAT_DSN=fakechat+email://default?to=TO&from=FROM # config/packages/dev/notifier.yaml framework: notifier: chatter_transports: slack: '%env(FAKE_CHAT_DSN)%' telegram: '%env(FAKE_CHAT_DSN)%' texter_transports: twilio: '%env(FAKE_SMS_DSN)%' nexmo: '%env(FAKE_SMS_DSN)%'

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(de)normalization context in mapping Serializer use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DateTimeNormalizer; class Foo { /** * @Serializer\Context({ DateTimeNormalizer::FORMAT_KEY = 'Y-m-d' }) */ public \DateTime $date; // In PHP 8 applications you can use PHP attributes instead: #[Serializer\Context([DateTimeNormalizer::FORMAT_KEY => 'Y-m-d'])] public \DateTime $anotherDate; }

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(de)normalization context in mapping Serializer #[Serializer\Context( normalizationContext: [DateTimeNormalizer::FORMAT_KEY => 'Y-m-d'], denormalizationContext: [DateTimeNormalizer::FORMAT_KEY => \DateTimeImmutable::COOKIE] )] public \DateTime $date; #[Serializer\Context( normalizationContext: [DateTimeNormalizer::FORMAT_KEY => \DateTimeImmutable::RFC3339], groups: ['extended'] )] public \DateTime $date;

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New Tailwind CSS form theme TwigBridge # twig.yaml twig: form_themes: - tailwind_2_layout.html.twig

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Export concatenated translations {{ ('aa' ~ 'bb') | trans }} TwigBridge php bin/console translation:update --dump-messages de

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Twig serialize fi lter {{ object|serialize(format = 'json', context = []) }} TwigBridge

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Twig serialize fi lter {{ object|serialize(format = 'json', context = []) }} TwigBridge {{ stimulus_controller('product-show', { product: product|serialize('json', { groups: 'product:read'}) }) }}

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PHP Con fi guration Builder Con fi g

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PHP Con fi guration Builder Con fi g

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Removing Directories without Race Conditions Filesystem

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No-Lock Rate Limiters RateLimiter

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A Quick Security Recap

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New Authentication System (since 5.1) • Remove everything but Guard. • Use an event-driven system (like HttpKernel). • Guards are now called Authenticators, and are a bit di ff erent. • Unauthenticated Tokens are now Passports, and are also a bit di ff erent.

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Mandatory Passport Badges Security

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bin/console debug: fi rewall Security

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bin/console debug: fi rewall Security

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Generate Login Link with User Locale Security

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Mask CSRF Token against BREACH Security

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UID Component (experimental) 🎉

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New UID Factory Methods UID

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Generate UIDs via CLI UID

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Generate UIDs via CLI UID

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UUID & ULID Form Types Form / UID

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New UID Normalization Formats Serializer / UID

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Support binary / negatable options Contributed by jderusse in #39642 Console class SomeCommand extends Comman }

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Support binary / negatable options Contributed by jderusse in #39642 Console class SomeCommand extends Comman d { // ... protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): in t { // if command is run as `command-name`, $useAnsi = nul l // if command is run as `command-name --ansi`, $useAnsi = tru e // if command is run as `command-name --no-ansi`, $useAnsi = fals e $useAnsi = $input->getOption('ansi') ; // .. . } }

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Linter: add Github annotations format for errors Contributed by ogizanagi in #38982 Console

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Linter: add Github annotations format for errors Contributed by ogizanagi in #38982 Console

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Linter: add Github annotations format for errors Contributed by ogizanagi in #38982 Console

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Add a remove() method to the PHP con fi gurator Contributed by dunglas in #39806 DependencyInjection // config/ p namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator ; use App\Service\FooService ; return function(ContainerConfigurator $configurator) { // .. . $services->remove(FooService::class) ; };

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Add env() and EnvCon fi gurator in the PHP-DSL Contributed by fancyweb in #40682 DependencyInjection // config/ p namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator ; use App\Service\FooService ; use App\Service\BarService ; return function(ContainerConfigurator $configurator) { // .. . $services->set(FooService::class ) ->arg('$myArg', '%env(default:my_param:key:path:url:MY_ENV_VAR)%' ) ; $services->set(BarService::class ) ->arg ( '$myArg' , env('MY_ENV_VAR' ) ->url( ) ->key('path' ) ->default('my_param' ) ) ; };

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Negated (not:) env var processor Contributed by bpolaszek in #40169 DependencyInjection # .en v TRUE_ENV_VAR=tru e FALSE_ENV_VAR=false # config/services.yam l parameters : is_processed_as_false: ‘%env(not:TRUE_ENV_VAR)% ’ is_processed_as_true: ‘%env(not:FALSE_ENV_VAR)%’

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New Form Handler Helper "renderForm" Contributed by lyrixx and nicolas-grekas in #41178 and #41190 FrameworkBundle use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController ; class TaskController extends AbstractControlle r { public function new(Request $request): Respons e { $form = $this->createForm(TaskType::class ) ->handleRequest($request ) ; $response = $this->render('task/new.html.twig', [ 'form' => $form->createView() , 'other_variable' => 'foo' , ]) ; if ($form->isSubmitted() && !$form->isValid()) { $response->setStatusCode(Response::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) ; } return $response ; } }

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New Form Handler Helper "renderForm" Contributed by lyrixx and nicolas-grekas in #41178 and #41190 FrameworkBundle use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController ; class TaskController extends AbstractControlle r { public function new(Request $request): Respons e { $form = $this->createForm(TaskType::class ) ->handleRequest($request ) ; return $this->renderForm('task/new.html.twig', [ 'form' => $form , 'other_variable' => 'foo' , ]) ; } }

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Command cache:pool:clear warns and fails when one of the pools fails to clear Contributed by jderusse in #39910 FrameworkBundle Symfony <=5.2 Symfony >=5.3 Return code: 0 Return code: 1

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Con fi gure Multiple Environments in a Single File Contributed by nicolas-grekas in #40214 and #40782 FrameworkBundle

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Con fi gure Multiple Environments in a Single File Contributed by nicolas-grekas in #40214 and #40782 FrameworkBundle // config/packages/ l framework: secret: '%env(APP_SECRET)%' when@dev: services: App\SomeServiceForDev: ~ when@test: framework: test: true # ...

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Con fi gure Multiple Environments in a Single File Contributed by nicolas-grekas in #40214 and #40782 FrameworkBundle // config/packages/ >

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Con fi gure Multiple Environments in a Single File Contributed by nicolas-grekas in #40214 and #40782 FrameworkBundle # config/packages/framework.yam p namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator ; use App\SomeServiceForDev ; use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig ; return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework, ContainerConfigurator $container) { $framework->secret(env('APP_SECRET')) ; if ($container->env() === 'dev') { $container->services( ) ->set(SomeServiceForDev::class ) ; } if ($container->env() === 'test') { $framework->test(true) ; } // .. . };

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Add SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE env variable Contributed by acasademont in #40059 PhpUnitBridge

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Add SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE env variable Contributed by acasademont in #40059 PhpUnitBridge

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Add SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE env variable Contributed by acasademont in #40059 PhpUnitBridge

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class BooksTest extends WebTestCas e { public function testGetCollection(): voi d { static::createClient()->request('GET', '/books') ; $this->assertResponseFormatSame('jsonld') ; } } // Predefined formats see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::initializeFormats() add assertResponseFormatSame() Contributed by dunglas in #39666 FrameworkBundle

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class FooTest extends WebTestCas e { public function testGetContainerA(): void { $kernel = self::bootKernel() ; $container = $kernel->getContainer() ; } public function testGetContainerB(): void { self::bootKernel() ; $container = self::$container; // @deprecated since Symfony 5.3, use static::getContainer() instea d } public function testGetContainerC(): void { $client = self::createClient() ; $container = $client->getContainer() ; } public function testGetContainerTheOnlyWayYouShouldUse(): void { $container = self::getContainer() ; } Add KernelTestCase::getContainer() Contributed by Nyholm in #40366 FrameworkBundle

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There is even more 😱

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New Components

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Thank you!