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Laws of motion Overcoming the challenges of digital transformation in your organisation Lindsay Holmwood

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1. Where are we now? 2. Where do we want to be? 3. How do we start? 4. What happens next?

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 200x more frequent deployments

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 24x faster recovery from failures

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 3x lower change failure rate

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 2,555x shorter lead times

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 22% less time on unplanned work and rework

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High-performing organisations decisively outperform their lower- performing peers in terms of throughput.

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No content

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Where are we now? (In the APS)

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IT as a cost centre

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Delivery approach: Buy and adapt

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custom product & commodity

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Buy and adapt: Upfront requirement gathering

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Buy and adapt: Long procurement cycles

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Inward looking

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Supporting people and activities within your organisation

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Guardians of legacy heritage

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Heritage: Systems that are why our organisations are still here

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Fragile software

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High defect rates

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 3x lower change failure rate

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Low user satisfaction (if we know what it is at all)

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Slow turnaround on even simple changes

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Hierarchical management

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“Cylinders of excellence”

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People grouped around functional specialties

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“The developers”

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“Ops team”

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Work bounces between groups

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 2,555x shorter lead times

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Where do we want to be? (if we’re serious about digital transformation)

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• IT as a cost centre • Technology as a value driver nope

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Outward looking

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User Centred Design

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“What is the user need?”

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Delivering services to support users outside your organisation

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Who are your users?

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The public is a user

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Your organisation is also a user

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You can not sustainably meet user needs if you are not meeting your own needs at the same time.

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Sustainable, resilient, internal capability

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Multidisciplinary teams

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Augmented by private sector expertise

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Teams organised around services

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Services built for end-to-end task completion

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Do the hard work to make it easy for users

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Delivery approach: Leverage and iterate

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Leverage and iterate Knowing when & where to re-use, build, or buy

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Leverage and iterate Eliminate undifferentiated heavy lifting

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commodity custom

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Leverage and iterate Use Open Source

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Leverage and iterate Use the ☁ (Software & Platforms & Infrastructure as a Service)

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☁ Software

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Leverage and iterate SaaS: Support and ticketing systems (JIRA, Zendesk, GitHub)

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☁ Software ☁ Platform

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Leverage and iterate PaaS: Application runtime and resiliency (Heroku, Cloud Foundry)

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☁ Infrastructure ☁ Software ☁ Platform

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Leverage and iterate IaaS: Hosting (AWS, Azure, Vault, GCP) IRAP accredited by ASD

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☁ Software ☁ Infrastructure ☁ Platform digital service

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Risk management approach:

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minimise technology investment risk

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integration not adaptation

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“Give me an API, or give me death”

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interoperability through high quality APIs

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more options down the road

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your systems end up being more resilient in the face of change

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But harder work because you must grow & maintain a high performing culture

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But harder work that supports a highly skilled software engineering workforce

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Redesigning the org to better meet policy and service delivery outcomes

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Feedback loops built in to the software we ship

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Feedback loops supporting hypothesis driven development

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Meeting objectives on-time & on-budget

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 22% less time on unplanned work and rework

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Meeting objectives on-time & on-budget: data driven

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Meeting objectives on-time & on-budget: weekly granularity

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Meeting objectives on-time & on-budget: reported up and out

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Trending towards state of devops metrics 200x more frequent deployments 24x faster recovery from failures 3x lower change failure rate 2,555x shorter lead times 22% less time on unplanned work and rework

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“People with targets […] will probably meet the targets - even if they have to destroy the enterprise to do it.” – Deming

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Where do we start?

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Start on the edges

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Pick a small problem

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Understand and serve a user need (as well as a government need)

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You can not sustainably meet user needs if you are not meeting your own needs at the same time.

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Use the Digital Service Standard as the guide for what good looks like

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Start with this

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Then do this

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Then this

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Create small, multi-disciplinary teams

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Template: 1x front end developer 1x back end developer 1x user experience designer 1x agile coach (part time)

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Use the Digital Service Standard as the guide for what good looks like

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No executive sponsorship? Don’t even bother.

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Set delivery constraints

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⏰ Time Budget Scope (pick 2)

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Build the smallest, simplest thing that meets a user need

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“You build it, you run it” – Vogels, AWS

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Don’t change what tech you use

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Change how you use that tech

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Don’t blow your innovation budget on experimenting with tech

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All changes go through a Continuous Delivery pipeline

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deploy to production acceptance tests integrate unit tests code done Continuous Delivery Manual Auto Auto Auto

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Multiple deploys a day

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High-performing IT organisations report experiencing: 200x more frequent deployments

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Code doesn’t create value until it is running in front of a user

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Ship usable software multiple times a day

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Write high level acceptance tests (like Cucumber)

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An executable specification

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Feature: Refund item Scenario: Jeff returns a faulty microwave Given Jeff has bought a microwave for $100 And he has a receipt When he returns the microwave Then Jeff should be refunded $100

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Nail your automated delivery pipeline from the start

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Decouple what you build from existing systems

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Build in isolation

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Don’t create dependencies

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Manual processing is OK

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No point investing in automation until you have validated the service meets a user need

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Risk: you automate the wrong thing

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automation is a means

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meeting a user need is the end

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manage team workload by: only sending a percentage of the workload to the service

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Bonus: build empathy with users by doing the grunt work

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What happens next?

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The team don’t get reabsorbed

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The service doesn’t get lobbed over the wall

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It’s not a one-off

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It’s not a project

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It’s a long lived service

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Team and service need to be resilient

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Team continues with the service

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No executive sponsorship? Don’t even bother.

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“This worked well! Let’s scale it up!”

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Limit scope creep

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Amazon’s two pizza teams rule

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Don’t aim for economies of scale

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Scale out, not up

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The goal: Simple, self contained systems, interacting with one another…

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The goal: … supported by teams who are iterating each system independently, to meet complex user needs.

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Prefer duplication over dependency

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Dependencies introduce blockers

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You don’t want blockers when you’re iterating quickly

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But what about legacy?

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“APIs for applications”

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Teams create APIs for services they consume

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legacy system new service intermediary API new system

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Longer term: modernise your existing systems

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Longer term: upgrade functionality, peicemeal

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legacy system new service intermediary API ❌ ⬅ manual at first

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Event sourcing

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Short term: It’s not about modernising your legacy

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It’s about providing services that meet user needs

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It’s about organising people in your organisation to meeting those user needs

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It’s about building the future of how your organisation works

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The biggest challenge:

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Minimal software engineering culture in the APS

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Leverage and iterate Knowing when & where to re-use, build, or buy

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Limiting and managing risk

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commodity custom

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We must drive a cultural change in technology delivery

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We do that by attracting talent & cultivating the talent we have

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We do that with modern technology delivery practices like continuous delivery

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We do that by reinforcing the resiliency of our organisations

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“If the government was a private company, it would go out of business”

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Great sound bite

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Government is not a private company

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Businesses are designed to fold

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When a business fails: People become unemployed.

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When a business fails: Assets are liquidated.

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When a business fails: Creditors are paid.

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When a business fails: Shareholders loose cash.

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When a business fails: If there is demand, other businesses in the market will fill that gap.

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Governments are designed not to fail

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Government is designed to be resilient

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When a government fails: The underpinning of a society disappears.

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When a government fails: Folk-systems emerge to fill the gaps.

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When a government fails: Inequality and inequity thrive.

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When a government fails: People get hurt. People die.

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Government has built-in inertia

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Inertia is linked to resilience

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Government is designed to be resistant to change

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Digital transformation of government means changing something designed not to change

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Resilience is our greatest strength and our greatest weakness

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Newton’s first law an object at rest stays at rest

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Newton’s first law an object in motion stays in motion

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Newton’s first law an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed

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Newton’s first law an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction

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Newton’s first law unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

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Digital transformation is your unbalanced force

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We must drive a cultural change in technology delivery

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We do that not by changing the technology we use

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We do that by changing the how we use that tech

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We do that with modern technology delivery practices like continuous delivery

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We do that by attracting talent & cultivating the talent we have

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I’m Lindsay

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Thank you