Meeting objectives
on-time & on-budget:
reported up and out
Slide 80
Slide 80 text
Trending towards state
of devops metrics
200x more frequent deployments
24x faster recovery from failures
3x lower change failure rate
2,555x shorter lead times
22% less time on unplanned work and rework
Slide 81
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“People with targets […] will probably meet the
targets - even if they have to destroy the
enterprise to do it.” – Deming
Slide 82
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Where do
we start?
Slide 83
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Start on the edges
Slide 84
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Pick a small problem
Slide 85
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Understand and
serve a user need
(as well as a government need)
Slide 86
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You can not sustainably
meet user needs
if you are not meeting
your own needs
at the same time.
Slide 87
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Use the
Digital Service Standard
as the guide for
what good looks like
Slide 88
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Start with this
Slide 89
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Then do this
Slide 90
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Then this
Slide 91
Slide 91 text
Create small,
Slide 92
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1x front end developer
1x back end developer
1x user experience designer
1x agile coach (part time)
Slide 93
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Use the
Digital Service Standard
as the guide for
what good looks like
Slide 94
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No executive
Don’t even bother.
Slide 95
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Set delivery
Slide 96
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⏰ Time
(pick 2)
Slide 97
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Build the smallest,
simplest thing that
meets a user need
Slide 98
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“You build it,
you run it”
– Vogels, AWS
Slide 99
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Don’t change what
tech you use
Slide 100
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Change how
you use that tech
Slide 101
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Don’t blow your
innovation budget on
with tech
Slide 102
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All changes go
through a
Continuous Delivery
Slide 103
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deploy to
unit tests
code done
Continuous Delivery
Slide 104
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Multiple deploys a day
Slide 105
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High-performing IT organisations
report experiencing:
200x more frequent
Slide 106
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Code doesn’t create value
until it is running
in front of a user
Slide 107
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Ship usable software
multiple times a day
Slide 108
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Write high level
acceptance tests
(like Cucumber)
Slide 109
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An executable
Slide 110
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Feature: Refund item
Scenario: Jeff returns a faulty microwave
Given Jeff has bought a microwave for $100
And he has a receipt
When he returns the microwave
Then Jeff should be refunded $100
Slide 111
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Nail your automated
delivery pipeline
from the start
Slide 112
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Decouple what you build
from existing systems
Slide 113
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Build in isolation
Slide 114
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Don’t create
Slide 115
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Manual processing
is OK
Slide 116
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No point investing
in automation
until you have validated the
service meets a user need
Slide 117
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you automate the
wrong thing
Slide 118
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is a means
Slide 119
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meeting a user need
is the end
Slide 120
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manage team
workload by:
only sending a percentage of
the workload to the service
Slide 121
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build empathy with
users by doing the
grunt work
Slide 122
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Slide 123
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The team don’t get
Slide 125
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The service doesn’t get
lobbed over the wall
Slide 126
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It’s not a one-off
Slide 127
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It’s not a project
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It’s a long lived service
Slide 129
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Team and service
need to be resilient
Slide 130
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Team continues
with the service
Slide 131
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No executive
Don’t even bother.
Slide 132
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“This worked well!
Let’s scale it up!”
Slide 133
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Limit scope creep
Slide 134
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two pizza
teams rule
Slide 135
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Don’t aim for
economies of scale
Slide 136
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Scale out,
not up
Slide 137
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The goal:
Simple, self contained
systems, interacting with
one another…
Slide 138
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The goal:
… supported by teams
who are iterating each
system independently, to
meet complex user needs.
Slide 139
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Prefer duplication
over dependency
Slide 140
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introduce blockers
Slide 141
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You don’t want
blockers when
you’re iterating
Slide 142
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But what about
Slide 143
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“APIs for
Slide 144
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Teams create APIs
for services they
Slide 145
Slide 145 text
legacy system
new service
intermediary API
new system
Slide 146
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Longer term:
modernise your
existing systems
Slide 147
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Longer term:
Slide 148
Slide 148 text
legacy system
new service
intermediary API
❌ ⬅ manual at first