Trust Your Code
Seattle Code Camp 2019
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Quinn Gil
Software Development Coach
International Speaker on Software Development
Past 15 years focused on High Quality code
Blog at
Untrusted Code - Defenses
● Defend the Method Perspective
○ PreConditions
○ Nulls
○ Assertions
● Defend the Caller Perspective
○ State Verification
○ Exception Handling
○ OK to call
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Untrusted Code - Defenses
● Defend the Method Perspective
○ PreConditions
○ Nulls
○ Assertions
● Defend the Caller Perspective
○ State Verification
○ Exception Handling
○ OK to call
● Defend the Using Perspective
○ Null
○ Ready
○ Valid
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Is “Defensive Code”
really that bad?
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Why not “Defensive Code”?
● A defense somewhere is a defense everywhere
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Why not “Defensive Code”?
● A defense somewhere is a defense everywhere
● Complicates the code
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Why not “Defensive Code”?
● A defense somewhere is a defense everywhere
● Complicates the code
● Higher Cognitive Load
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Why not “Defensive Code”?
● A defense somewhere is a defense everywhere
● Complicates the code
● Higher Cognitive Load
● Write more code
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Why not “Defensive Code”?
● A defense somewhere is a defense everywhere
● Complicates the code
● Higher Cognitive Load
● Write more code
● Maintain more code
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Why not “Defensive Code”?
● A defense somewhere is a defense everywhere
● Complicates the code
● Higher Cognitive Load
● Write more code
● Maintain more code
● Dead Code? Undetectable?
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How do we protect the code?
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How do we protect the code?
I don’t
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How do we protect the code?
I don’t... directly.
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Trust Your Code
Technical Practices
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Trusting Your Code
Sustainable Code
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Sustainable Code
Technical Practices
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Sustainable Code
Technical Practices
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Sustainable Code
Technical Practices
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
Isolate Their Code
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
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Technical Practices - Isolate Their Code - 3rd Party
public async Task NetworkCall(HttpRequestMessage r)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.SendAsync(r);
string readAsStringAsync = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JObject jsonContent = JObject.Parse(readAsStringAsync);
string value = jsonContent.Value("some_key");
return value.Contains("expected_Value") ? "Success" : "Failure";
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Technical Practices - Isolate Their Code - 3rd Party
public async Task NetworkCall(HttpRequestMessage r)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.SendAsync(r);
string readAsStringAsync = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JObject jsonContent = JObject.Parse(readAsStringAsync);
string value = jsonContent.Value("some_key");
return value.Contains("expected_Value") ? "Success" : "Failure";
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Technical Practices - Isolate Their Code - 3rd Party
public async Task NetworkCall(HttpRequestMessage r)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.SendAsync(r);
string readAsStringAsync = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JObject jsonContent = JObject.Parse(readAsStringAsync);
string value = jsonContent.Value("some_key");
return value.Contains("expected_Value") ? "Success" : "Failure";
User Interface
Technical Practices - Isolate Their Code
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
Isolate Their Code
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
Trust Your Code by controlling interactions with 3rd Party Code
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
Never `null`
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
if (canBeNull == null) return "Default";
IAlsoNull alsoNull = canBeNull.Example();
if (alsoNull == null) return "Default";
string sample = alsoNull.Sample();
if (sample == null) return "Default";
return sample;
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
if (canBeNull == null) return "Default";
IAlsoNull alsoNull = canBeNull.Example();
if (alsoNull == null) return "Default";
string sample = alsoNull.Sample();
if (sample == null) return "Default";
return sample;
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
return canBeNull?.Example()?.Sample() ?? "Default";
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
if (canBeNull == null) return "Default";
IAlsoNull alsoNull = canBeNull.Example();
if (alsoNull == null) return "Default";
string sample = alsoNull.Sample();
if (sample == null) return "Default";
return sample;
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
return canBeNull?.Example()?.Sample() ?? "Default";
public string CalculateThing(ICanNotBeNull canNotBeNull)
return canNotBeNull.Example().Sample();
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
if (canBeNull == null) return "Default";
IAlsoNull alsoNull = canBeNull.Example();
if (alsoNull == null) return "Default";
string sample = alsoNull.Sample();
if (sample == null) return "Default";
return sample;
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
return canBeNull?.Example()?.Sample() ?? "Default";
public string CalculateThing(ICanNotBeNull canNotBeNull)
return canNotBeNull.Example().Sample();
public void Foo()
string thing = _bar.CalculateThing(_canBeNull);
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
if (canBeNull == null) return "Default";
IAlsoNull alsoNull = canBeNull.Example();
if (alsoNull == null) return "Default";
string sample = alsoNull.Sample();
if (sample == null) return "Default";
return sample;
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
return canBeNull?.Example()?.Sample() ?? "Default";
public string CalculateThing(ICanNotBeNull canNotBeNull)
return canNotBeNull.Example().Sample();
public void Foo()
string thing = _bar.CalculateThing(_canBeNull);
public void Foo()
string thing = _canNotBeNull.Example().Sample();
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Technical Practices - Never `null`
public class NullObject : ICanNotBeNull
public IAlsoNotNull Example() => new NullObjectAlso();
public class NullObjectAlso : IAlsoNotNull
public string Sample() => "Default";
public string CalculateThing(ICanBeNull canBeNull)
if (canBeNull == null) return "Default";
IAlsoNull alsoNull = canBeNull.Example();
if (alsoNull == null) return "Default";
string sample = alsoNull.Sample();
if (sample == null) return "Default";
return sample;
public void Foo()
string thing = _canNotBeNull.Example().Sample();
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
Never `null`
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
Trust Your Code by always having valid objects
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
No Primitives
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
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Technical Practices - No Primitives
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Technical Practices - What are Primitives?
● Data (string, int, double, float, ...)
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Technical Practices - What are Primitives?
● Data (string, int, double, float, ...)
● Collections (List, Map, Dictionary, ...)
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Technical Practices - What are Primitives?
● Data (string, int, double, float, ...)
● Collections (List, Map, Dictionary, ...)
● Enums
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Technical Practices - What are Primitives?
● Data (string, int, double, float, ...)
● Collections (List, Map, Dictionary, ...)
● Enums
● More?
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Why not Primitives?
Technical Practices - No Primitives
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● Object oriented programming wants object interaction, not data manipulation
Technical Practices - Why No Primitives?
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● Object oriented programming wants object interaction, not data manipulation
● Primitives are data, not objects
Technical Practices - Why No Primitives?
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● Object oriented programming wants object interaction, not data manipulation
● Primitives are data, not objects
● Primitives force complex imperative code
Technical Practices - Why No Primitives?
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● Object oriented programming wants object interaction, not data manipulation
● Primitives are data, not objects
● Primitives force complex imperative code
● Primitives hinder Emergent Design
Technical Practices - Why No Primitives?
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● Object oriented programming wants object interaction, not data manipulation
● Primitives are data, not objects
● Primitives force complex imperative code
● Primitives hinder Evolutionary Architecture
● Primitives limit use of Design Patterns
Technical Practices - Why No Primitives?
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Technical Practices - No Primitives
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Represent the Concept
Technical Practices - No Primitives
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
public bool ThirteenOrLess(DataPerson person)
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(person.BirthDate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
/* is this right?*/
return age <= 13;
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public bool ThirteenOrLess(DataPerson person)
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(person.BirthDate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) age--;
return age <= 13;
Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
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public bool ThirteenOrLess(DataPerson person)
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(person.BirthDate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) age--;
switch (person.State)
case "WA":
return age <= 13;
case "AK":
return age <= 14;
return false;
Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
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public bool IsMinor(DataPerson person)
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(person.BirthDate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) age--;
switch (person.State)
case "WA":
return age <= 13;
case "AK":
return age <= 14;
return false;
Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
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public class Age : IAge
public bool IsMinor()
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(_birthdate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) age--;
switch (_state)
case "WA":
return age <= 13;
case "AK":
return age <= 14;
return false;
Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
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public class Age : IAge
public bool IsMinor()
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(_birthdate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) age--;
switch (_state)
case "WA":
return age <= 13;
case "AK":
return age <= 14;
return false;
public class Person
private readonly string _birthdate;
private readonly string _state;
public IAge Age() => new Age(_birthdate, _state);
Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
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public class Age : IAge
public bool IsMinor()
DateTime birthDate = DateTime.Parse(_birthdate);
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) age--;
return age <= _state.MinorAge();
public class Person
private readonly string _birthdate;
private readonly State _state;
public IAge Age() => new Age(_birthdate, _state);
Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
Represent the Concept
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public float Convert(float value)
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public float Convert(float value)
return value * 1.609334f;
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public float Convert(float value)
return value * 1.609334f;
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public float Convert(float value)
return value * 1.609334f;
Money? Distance?
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public float Convert(float value)
return value * 1.609334f;
Money? Distance?
Convert To? From?
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public float Convert(float distance)
return distance * 1.609334f;
Missing Meta Data
Convert To? From?
Money? Distance?
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Units
public class Distance
With Meta Data
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Technical Practices - No Primitives - Age Example
Represent the Concept
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
No Primitives
Trust Your Code by having objects represent the concepts in the code
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection
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Feature Parity in
25% of the Dev Hours
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Sustainable Code through Technical Practices
● No Getters / No Setters
● `if` Only As Guard Clause
● Isolate Their Code
● Never `null`
● No `new` inline
● Composition, Not Inheritance
● Be Immutable
● No Primitives
● Extract Cohesion
● No Public Statics
● Never Reflection