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Zend Expressive Workshop By: Adam Culp Twitter: @adamculp

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2 Zend Expressive Workshop ● About me – OSS Contributor – PHP Certified – Zend Certification Advisory Board – PHP-Fig voting member (IBM i Toolkit) – Consultant at Zend Technologies – Organizer SoFloPHP (South Florida) – Organizer SunshinePHP (Miami) – Long distance (ultra) runner – Photography Enthusiast – Judo Black Belt Instructor

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3 Zend Expressive Workshop ● About me – OSS Contributor – PHP Certified – Zend Certification Advisory Board – PHP-Fig voting member (IBM i Toolkit) – Consultant at Zend Technologies – Organizer SoFloPHP (South Florida) – Organizer SunshinePHP (Miami) – Long distance (ultra) runner – Photography Enthusiast – Judo Black Belt Instructor PHP Ninja!!!

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4 Zend Expressive Workshop ● I Help Build The Web

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5 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Frameworks Suck – Complicated ● Routing ● Databases ● Connectivity ● Communication (HTTP, API) ● Information Container ● GUI (html, javascript, templates, CSS,) ● Errors and Exceptions ● Validation and Cleansing Data ● State

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6 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Frameworks Web Applications Suck – Complicated ● Routing ● Databases ● Connectivity ● Communication (HTTP, API) ● Information Container ● GUI (html, javascript, templates, CSS,) ● Errors and Exceptions ● Validation and Cleansing Data ● State

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7 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Buzzword Bingo – We will mention many buzzwords, but...

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8 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Microservice – All the buzz is “microservices”. – ...complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs. These services are small building blocks, highly decoupled and focused on doing a small task, facilitating a modular approach to system-building. – Wikipedia

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9 Zend Expressive Workshop ● But in PHP... – How to keep microservices light? – Microservices shouldn’t be heavy I’m a Microservice!!!

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10 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Full Stack Frameworks Suck – Heavy and bloated – “Kitchen Sink” – “You don’t have to use everything, but its there...”

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11 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Need For Speed – What does a microservice “need”? ● HTTP message layer ● Routing capabilities ● Dependency injection – Testable – Swappable pieces ● Templating – Optional (APIs may not need it, except documentation)

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12 Zend Expressive Workshop ● PHP Ecosystem Facilitators – PHP 7 – Microframeworks – Libraries – Components – Containers – Composer

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13 Zend Expressive Workshop ● All The Things!!! – So many tools: Monolog Whoops Flysystem IBMiToolkit OAuth2 Server

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14 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Communication Sucks – Say what!?! Monolog Whoops Flysystem IBMiToolkit OAuth2 Server

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15 Zend Expressive Workshop ● PSR-7 Doesn’t Suck – Part of recommendations – HTTP Messages ● Request from client to server ● Response from server to client – Interfaces ● Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface – Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface ● Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface – Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ● Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface ● Psr\Http\Message\UploadFileInterface ● Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface

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16 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Middleware – ...Middleware makes it easier for software developers to implement communication and input/output, so they can focus on the specific purpose of their application. – Wikipedia – Lighter applications (only what is needed) – Composed of layers

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17 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Zend Expressive – Microframework built around middleware – Very lean runtime – Built to consume PSR-7 – Use for building: ● APIs ● Web applications ● Single page sites – Choose your own stack – Great documentation ●

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18 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script – Done “right” from the start

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19 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script

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20 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script – Minimal skeleton or full*? ● With or without samples

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21 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script – Router options ● Aura.Router ● FastRoute* ● Zend Router

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22 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script – Container options: (container interop) ● Aura.Di ● Pimple ● Zend ServiceManager*

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23 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script – Template engine options: ● Plates ● Twig ● Zend View ● None*

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24 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Composer Install Script – Error handler options: ● Whoops* ● None

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25 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 01 – Install Zend Expressive – From within the VM install Zend Expressive ● At ‘/home/vagrant/workspace/’ delete the ‘expressive’ folder ● Composer is globally installed in the VM, enabling easy project creation. (stick to the defaults) $ composer create-project zendframework/zend-expressive- skeleton expressive ● Verify that Zend Expressive Skeleton was properly installed. http://localhost then click on the Expressive link. →

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26 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Skeleton Application

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27 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Structure – Folder structure of Zend Expressive Skeleton

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28 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Not MVC – Files and structure focused on Actions

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29 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Middleware Addition Approaches – Currently uses a config-driven approach to creating/using middleware ● Middleware added to services through configuration – With version 1.1 of Zend Expressive the “recommended” will be programmatic/explicit approach versus config-driven. ● Middleware information driven by pipes ● More on this later – In this workshop the config-driven approach is used in examples

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30 Zend Expressive Workshop ● The Flow

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31 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Initial File – Front controller (/public/index.php)

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32 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Container Creation – We specified Zend ServiceManager (/config/container.php)

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33 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Load Configs (/config/config.php)

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34 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Load Dependencies – Items to be called as middleware in routes. (/config/autoload/

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35 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Load Routes – Matches path to middleware (Dependencies shown earlier) (/config/autoload/ cont’d)

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36 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Ping Action Anatomy – Creates raw JSON response (/src/App/Action/PingAction.php)

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37 Zend Expressive Workshop ● JSON Response – Created by action

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38 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 02 – REST Test using HTTPie – Within the VM ● We will use HTTPie from the command line instead of raw cURL to make requests. ● Make a request to the existing ping action we analyzed: $ http http://expressive/api/ping ● If doing this from the host browser the URL would be different: $ http http://expressive:8081/api/ping ● Observe the response: – Note the Header information – Note the json response object

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39 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 02 – REST Test using HTTPie (cont’d) – Within the VM ● Observe the response: – Note the Header information – Note the json response object

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40 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Let’s Create a Middleware!!!

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41 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Header Middleware – Create class for new middleware (or include someone else’s)

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42 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Header Middleware – The class to include the very important header (/src/App/Middleware/TheClacksMiddleware.php)

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43 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Header Middleware – Add the middleware to the container – Set it to always be included (/config/autoload/

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44 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Header Middleware – Header for every call now carries our important message

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45 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 03 – Create a Middleware – Create middleware to add content into ALL response headers ● Add an appropriately named middleware class. (Example: TheClacksMiddleware) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Middleware’) – Use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface and ServerRequestInterface. – Return the response withHeader. ● Add the new middleware into our middleware services. Remember we want it to ALL responses. ● Verify NOTE: Refer to the expressive-final application if you need hints

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46 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Let’s Create a Database Connected Middleware!!! ● With Zend Db

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47 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – First we need a database connection. ● Will use Zend-Db for this example, but could be anything. ● Composer to the rescue!

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48 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Specify adapter (provided by Zend/Db/ConfigProvider() in this case) (/config/autoload/

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49 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Provide local/instance configuration ● This would be driver and credentials ● (credentials not needed with sqlite) (/config/autoload/db.local.php)

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50 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Create the action (view 1 of 2 - constructor) (/src/App/Action/UserListAction.php)

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51 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Create the action (view 2 of 2 - __invoke method) (/src/App/Action/UserListAction.php cont’d)

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52 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Create a factory to pass items needed by the action (/src/App/Action/UserListFactory.php)

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53 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Add the new action to dependencies (/config/autoload/

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54 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Add the new route to dependencies (/config/autoload/ cont’d)

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55 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Create the view template (/templates/app/user-list.phtml)

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56 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Zend Db – Rejoice!

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57 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 04 – Database Connected Middleware – Create a User middleware allowing management of user records in a database using Zend Db ● Using Composer require dependency ‘zendframework/zend-db:2.8.*’ ● Create an autoload global config file to provide Zend/Db/ConfigProvider ● Create an autoload local config to provide a db container supplying the location to the users.db Sqlite database in the /data directory ● Add an appropriately named middleware class (Example: UserListAction) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Action’) – Use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, ServerRequestInterface, Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse, Zend\Expressive\Template, and Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter. – Define $template and $adapter fields for those objects

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58 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 04 – Database Connected Middleware (Cont’d) – Create a User middleware (Cont’d ● Add a middleware class (Cont’d) – Add a constructor to receive/set $template and $adapter ● Typehint $template with Template\TemplateRendererInterface – Add an invoke method leveraging Server\RequestInterface, ResponseInterface, and $next as callable. – Using the Zend Db adapter create the query for Sqlite. ● For Sqlite this involves defining a statement, then executing – Return the HtmlResponse rendering the view template. ● Add a factory class to prepare the items needed by the Action just created – Use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface, Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface, and Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface.

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59 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 04 – Database Connected Middleware (Cont’d) – Create a User middleware (Cont’d ● Add a factory class (Cont’d) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Action’) – In the invoke() method typehint the $container argument using ContainerInterface. – Gain the $template if the $container has the TemplateRenderInterface. – Gain the DB $adapter also from the $container using AdapterInterface. – Return an instantiation of the Action class created earlier by passing the $template and $adapter. ● Add the factory to the dependencies in the global routes. ● Add a route to access the new middleware ● Create a view template to display the user results.

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60 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Let’s Create Moar Middleware!!!

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61 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 05 – Create Moar Middleware – Create a uuid middleware to add content into all response headers ● Using Composer add a dependency ‘ramsey/uuid’ ● Add an appropriately named middleware class. (Example: UuidMiddleware) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Middleware’) – Use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, ServerRequestInterface, and Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid (and maybe Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\UnsatisfiedDependencyException). – Return a uuid in the response withHeader. ● Add the new middleware into our middleware services. Remember we want it to ALL responses. ● Verify

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62 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 05 – Create Moar Middleware (cont’d) – Continuing… Create middleware to add response time to ALL response headers ● Add an appropriately named middleware class. (Example: RequestTimeMiddleware) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Middleware’) – Use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface and ServerRequestInterface. – Create code returning the time the request took – Return the response withHeader. ● Add the new middleware into our middleware services. Remember we want it to ALL responses. ● Verify NOTE: Refer to the expressive-final application if you need hints

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63 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Let’s Create a Database Connected Middleware!!! ● With Doctrine!!!

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64 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – First we need a database connection. ● Will use Doctrine DBAL for this example, but could be anything. ● Composer to the rescue!

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65 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Provide local/instance configuration ● This would be driver and credentials ● (credentials not needed with sqlite) (/config/autoload/dbal.local.php)

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66 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Create the action (view 1 of 2 - constructor) (/src/App/Action/UserDbalListAction.php)

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67 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Create the action (view 2 of 2 - __invoke method) (/src/App/Action/UserDbalListAction.php cont’d)

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68 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Create a factory to pass items needed by the action (/src/App/Action/UserDbalListFactory.php)

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69 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Add the new action to dependencies, as shown below for the previous action, but with the new namespace for this example (/config/autoload/

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70 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Add the new route to dependencies (/config/autoload/

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71 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Create the view template (/templates/app/user-dbal-list.phtml)

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72 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Database Connected Example With Doctrine – Rejoice!

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73 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 06 – Database Connected Middleware – Create a User middleware allowing management of user records in a database using Doctrine Dbal ● Using Composer require dependency ‘doctrine\dbal:2.5.*’ ● Create an autoload local config to provide a doctrine-connection container supplying the location to the users.db sqlite database in the /data directory ● Add an appropriately named middleware class (Example: UserDbalListAction) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Action’) – Use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, ServerRequestInterface, Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse, and Zend\Expressive\Template. – Define $template and $connection fields for those objects

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74 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 06 – Database Connected Middleware (Cont’d) – Create a User middleware (Cont’d ● Add a middleware class (Cont’d) – Add a constructor to receive/set $template and $connection ● Typehint $template with Template\TemplateRendererInterface – Add an invoke method leveraging Server\RequestInterface, ResponseInterface, and $next as callable. – Using the Doctrine $connection create the query for Sqlite. – Return the HtmlResponse rendering the view template. ● Add a factory class to prepare the items needed by the Action just created – Use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface, Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface, and Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager.

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75 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Lab 06 – Database Connected Middleware (Cont’d) – Create a User middleware (Cont’d ● Add a factory class (Cont’d) – Define the namespace (Example: ‘App\Action’) – In the invoke() method typehint the $container argument using ContainerInterface. – Gain the $template if the $container has the TemplateRenderInterface. – Define the DB $credentials also from the $container and kick off Doctrine to return the $connection to users for the view to use. – Return an instantiation of the Action class created earlier by passing the $template and $connection. ● Add the factory to the dependencies in the global routes. ● Add a route to access the new middleware ● Create a view template to display the user results.

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76 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Let’s Use Programmatic!!!

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77 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Zend Expressive Skeleton Programmatic – Version 1.1 of Zend Expressive “recommended” approach to adding more middleware will be with a programmatic/explicit approach. ● In Github the repo for expressive-final has an additional branch (name: programmatic) created by Matthew Weier O’Phinney, from the Zend Expressive team, showing the programmatic approach to everything in this workshop. ●

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78 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Resources – Zend Expressive Site - – MasterZendFramework - – Oscar Otero’s list – This github repo – Slides - – Code used for the workshop - workshop – More to come!

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79 Zend Expressive Workshop ● With Zend Expressive: – Easy to build middleware – Lightweight, add what is really needed – Fast – no extra load – Microservices in PHP are better

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80 Zend Expressive Workshop ● Give Zend Expressive a Try...Today!!! –

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● Thank you! ● Code at: ● Please rate at: Adam Culp Twitter @adamculp