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CSS Custom Properties a.k.a. CSS Variables

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Sass → CSS

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What’s the big deal? • part of CSS specification • no compilation • dynamic ✨

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“Dynamic”…? Behold… *drumroll*

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Custom Properties CSS Custom Properties are a new feature in CSS. I encourage you to experiment with them! 320px 2rem 1rem

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Custom Properties CSS Custom Properties are a new feature in CSS. I encourage you to experiment with them! 1440px 3rem 1.5rem

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Giving you some information. Warning you about a potential problem. Telling you about a serious error.

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JavaScript? Demo time!

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Browser support tl;dr no IE

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Polyfill? Not really

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Fallback? Yes. Browsers ignore
 declarations that they don’t understand.

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postcss-custom-properties PostCSS plugin that automatically adds fallbacks for CSS Custom Properties!

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Try using Custom Properties today! --thanks-for: “listening”;