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No content

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LINE Services

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Amount of data being processed 2020-10 (Global) Services 53 Records/Day 700B Tables 17800+

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Data Science & Engineering Center Data Science & Engineering Data Management Data Platform Data Labs Engineering Infrastructure Data Governance Data Strategy Inquiry Management Business Consulting Data Product Management Data ETL Data Engineering IU Dev Data Solutions Cloudera PS/PSE Data Science 1-4 Machine Learning 1-2 DSP ML OCR Voice Speech NLP Speech & Voice Planning SET Delivery Infra Observability Infra

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Mission & Goal Unified Self-Service Data Platform Machine Learning Engineering Data Science Data Governance

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Agenda › Data and ML Platform › Application: Cross-domain recommendation › Data analysis and management

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Agenda › Data and ML Platform › Application: Cross-domain recommendation › Data analysis and management

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Information Universe (IU) The data platform at LINE HDFS:// s3a:// POSIX filesystem YARN Container Docker Container Distributed system

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Information Universe (IU) The data platform at LINE HDFS:// s3a:// POSIX filesystem YARN Container Docker Container Distributed system Execution engine Read data Write data

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Information Universe (IU) The data platform at LINE HDFS:// s3a:// POSIX filesystem YARN Container Docker Container Distributed system Execution engine Read data Write data External data source Export to Collect data

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Information Universe (IU) The data platform at LINE HDFS:// s3a:// POSIX filesystem YARN Container Docker Container Distributed system Execution engine Read data Write data External data source Export to Collect data Business intelligence

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IU - Scale 2020-10 (Global) Servers 2585 Workloads/Day 303K+ Storage 270PB

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Aggregated Feature Data Across Services

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Aggregated Feature Data Across Services

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Aggregated Feature Data Across Services

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Aggregated Feature Data Across Services

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Cross-Service User Features

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Z-Features - Statistics 2020-10 (Global) Users 935M+ Dimension 62M+

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Agenda › Data and ML Platform › Application: Cross-domain recommendation › Data analysis and management

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Cross-Domain Recommendation › Timeline Discover › Use various features obtained from other LINE Family services (News, Live, etc.) › LINE Theme Recommendation › Utilize sticker purchase log › Smart Channel › Leverage feedbacks from multiple domains to improve recommendation performance Timeline Discover Theme Recommendation Smart Channel

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Smart Channel › Display recommended content of various services and advertisements › Weather › Fortune › News › Sticker › Theme › Manga › Music › Point › Search › Local Safety › Train Delay › Lottery

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Where do these contents come from? Smart Channel Service A First-stage Recommendation Recommendation for User A Service B News articles Sticker Fortune Service C

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Where do these contents come from? Smart Channel Service A First-stage Recommendation Recommendation for User A Service B News articles Sticker Fortune Service C CRS Engine Second-stage Cross-Domain Recommendation targeting scoring filtering Only a subset of items passes User A 35-39 male Feedback

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CRS Engine Available Features User Segment / Preference Estimated from z-features (user features) Contextual Bandits Algorithm to maximize the rewards. As contexts change, the model should adapt its bandit choice. Cross-domain User / Item Embedding Learn node embeddings in an online manner. 35-39 male fond of music User Manga News Sticker Music User News Sticker

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CRS Engine Available Features User Segment / Preference Estimated from z-features (user features) Contextual Bandits Algorithm to maximize the rewards. As contexts change, the model should adapt its bandit choice. Cross-domain User / Item Embedding Learn node embeddings in an online manner. 35-39 male fond of music User Manga News Sticker Music User News Sticker

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CRS Engine Available Features User Segment / Preference Estimated from z-features (user features) Contextual Bandits Algorithm to maximize the rewards. As contexts change, the model should adapt its bandit choice. Cross-domain User / Item Embedding Learn node embeddings in an online manner. 35-39 male fond of music User Manga News Sticker Music User News Sticker

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CRS Engine Available Features User Segment / Preference Estimated from z-features (user features) Contextual Bandits Algorithm to maximize the rewards. As contexts change, the model should adapt its bandit choice. Cross-domain User / Item Embedding Learn node embeddings in an online manner. 35-39 male fond of music User Manga News Sticker Music User News Sticker

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Case: Free Stickers 1st Trial Do not use cross-domain user / item embeddings 2nd Trial Use cross-domain user / item embeddings Notify all JP users of free stickers

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Case: Free Stickers Results Impression ×36 Score ×13 CTR +40% › Note that a low score brings less impressions because other content is more likely to be chosen by bandit algorithm. = click / mute

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Auto Targeting Smart Channel Service A First-stage Recommendation Recommendation for User A Service B News articles Sticker Fortune Service C CRS Engine Second-stage Cross-Domain Recommendation targeting scoring filtering Only a subset of items passes User A 35-39 male Feedback Service D Upload Content First-stage recommendation is not mandatory

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Agenda › Data and ML Platform › Application: Cross-domain recommendation › Data analysis and management

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Data Science efforts Data Science Team 1 Data Science Teams Data Science Team 2 Data Science Team 3 Data Science Team 4

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BI Suite IU tools OASIS yanagishima

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Analytics IU tools LINE Analytics Logsearch

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A/B Testing Tool Libra suite Libra Report Libra

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Data Analysis Examples › Chat Menu Renewal › Define KPIs in the order of priority › Estimate effects of new UI bias › Open Score for OA › Users tend to open messages less when receiving them more › Predicting `open rate’ and control the volume of message delivery

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OA Targeting for Fintech Services Improvement with Lookalike Fintech Services Text message Rich message Send OA message › Past: Manual targeting › Present: Lookalike targeting Sent March 18, 2020

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All Users Lookalike Audience Targeting › Lookalike engine takes a seed user set as input and output a set of similar users z-features Similar Users Seed Users Seed Users Similar Users Lookalike Engine

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Experiments CTR +164% CVR +159% CTR +117% CVR +53% CTR +67% CVR +12% CTR +200% CVR +814% Manual Targeting vs Lookalike Targeting (2019-12 - 2020-02) Note that these campaigns have already ended

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Data Management Data Catalog Data Governance › Information security › Data owner approval › Data Open guidance Security › Authentication: LDAP + Kerberos › Authorization: Apache Ranger › Auditing: Apache Ranger + native audit log for each component

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Data Catalog IU tools

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Data Governance Communication Data management is a hub for inquiries and assists with utilizing data Planner/Engineer Data Management Security Privacy Legal Data Scientist / ML Inquiry

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Future Work

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ML Universe (MLU) Towards company-wide ML democratization

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DeepPocket/PicCell To help service developers to integrate various ML/DL models easily

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Jutopia Jupiter to Pipeline Architecture Notebooks Multi-framework Model Serving Pipelines Infrastructures

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Dataground IU Kubernetes

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Masala Library for Distributed ML on Kubernetes › ZeroMQ › Fast and stable › asyncio with aiozmq library › Transfer Manager › Manage push/pull sockets lifecycle › MPI › State Synchronization › Distributed Training (e.g. Horovod) Kubernetes mpi run CPU Pod Process Process push push CPU Pod Process Process push push mpi run GPU Pod Process pull Process pull GPU Pod Process pull Process pull Transfer Manager

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Closing The Distance By Data

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Thank you