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Critical CSS for CMS-based, Server-rendered Websites

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CMS Browser Server /home

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CMS Browser Server /hom e 
 .. . .. . 

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 Cra ft CMS 
 Expression Engine

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Recap: Critical CSS

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How fast does the page load? ⚡

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1 large CSS file with rules for entire page/site ⏳

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Only a part of the page is visible 🪟

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Fetch CSS for visible portion of the page only 🧐

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Fetch CSS for visible portion of the page only 🧐 a.k.a Critical CSS

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Bundle CSS for visible portion of the page with HTML 📦

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Async-load rest of the CSS 🚶

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Improve “perceived” load speed 🪄⏱

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First Contentful Paint (FCP) ⏱

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“The time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page’s content is rendered on the screen.”

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Credit: Time

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1.8 seconds or less 🚀

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Critical CSS directly impacts FCP

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Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) ⏱

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“The render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading.”

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Credit: Time

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Credit: Time

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2.5 seconds or less 🚀

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Critical CSS indirectly impacts LCP

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Apply this to CMS-based sites

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1. Content is dynamic. 
 What is above the fold?

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2. Extracted CSS will go out of sync as website styles change

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3. Can subsequent pages avoid bundling extra CSS with HTML?

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4. How does this work with server side page caching?

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1. Page Selection

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We might have 1000s of active pages on any site

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No content

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But these 1000s of pages are powered by handful of templates

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Article Category Author

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Extract Critical CSS per template, not for every single page

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Pick one average case sample per unique template

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Article Category Author

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Extract CSS for that page & re-use for all instances of that template

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2. CSS Extraction

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1. Render full page (HTML, CSS, assets etc.) 2. Define viewport width & height 3. Filter CSS selectors used in the viewport

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Web-based Command line Build tools

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We have to re-extract every time any HTML or CSS changes

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Use a build tool such as Gulp.js

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1. Get a fully rendered sample page (per template) 2. Feed this HTML & CSS to the tool 3. Save generated Critical CSS (per template) 4. Watch for changes in template or CSS files, repeat steps 1-3.

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1. One sample page per template const samples = {
 article: 'http://site.local/article-2',
 page: 'http://site.local/about',
 index: 'http://site.local/page/2',
 category: 'http://site.local/categories/perf',

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2. Extract Critical CSS using `npm i critical` function extract(src, destination) {
 return critical.generate({
 css: ['dist/styles.css'],
 target: `dist/${destination}.critical.css`,
 minify: true,
 dimensions: [
 { width: 400, height: 900 },
 { width: 1300, height: 900 },

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3. Run the extraction for all templates Object.entries(samples)
 .forEach(([template, sample]) => {
 exports[`critical:${template}`] = () => extract(sample, template)
 exports.critical = gulp.parallel(
 .map(template => `critical:${template}`)

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4. Watch for changes in template or CSS files, repeat exports.default = () => {'dist/styles.css', 'critical')'templates/**/*.{html,twig}', 'critical')

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3. Delivery

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CSS is typically included via one (or more) external files

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.. . 🚫 Blocks rendering

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.. .

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 /* Critical CSS */
 ... 📦 Bundle with HTML

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/* Critical CSS * / 
 ... 🚶 Async load full CSS

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This is great for first-time visitors. ⚡

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What about subsequent or 
 repeat visits?

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The browser already has the full CSS from the first visit.

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Di ff erent responses for 
 first time visits & repeat visits

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 /* Critical CSS */

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How do we figure out if a request is a first or repeat visit? 🤔

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Set a cookie during the first visit 🍪

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Does the request contain 🍪? 
 ✅ has cookie = repeat visit ❌ no cookie = first visit

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 /* Critical CSS */

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 /* Critical CSS */

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 /* Critical CSS */
 ... Set-Cookie:

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 /* Critical CSS */
 ... Set-Cookie:

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“Technical cookie”, no personally identifiable information, 
 no cookie banner 🧑💻🔒

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4. Caching

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CMS Browser /home

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CMS Browser ⏳ Takes some time

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CMS Browser /home

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CMS Browser Cache /home

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CMS Browser Cache /home ...

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CMS Browser Cache /home ... /about ...

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CMS Browser Cache /home ... /about ... /blog ... /article-1 ... /article-2 ... /article-3 ...

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CMS Browser Cache /home

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CMS Browser Cache /home 🍪 ...

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CMS Browser Cache /home 🍪 ... - ...

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CMS Browser Cache /home 🍪 ... - ... /about 🍪 ... - ... /blog 🍪 ... - ...

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We now cache two versions for each URL 🍪

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• Pick one representative sample per template • Automate Critical CSS generation via a build tool • Inline critical CSS (only) for first time visitors • Set a cookie to di ff erentiate first vs repeat visits • Cache two versions of each URL

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🙏 @rungta @miranj