Slide 36
Slide 36 text
once at a meeting,
after i presented for 40 minutes on {new thing},
a dude raised his hand and said,
‘but do i _have_ to do this?’
“We don’t need any of these fancy digital people.
We need to hire some REAL LIBRARIANS.”
Here’s another atmosphere-killer. The top quote is another of my experiences, actually, a conversation about me that I overheard in the cube farm a month or so into my
first librarian job running the local institutional repository. A liaison librarian said {READ IT}. And I have to laugh at this, now that I’m not a Real Librarian any more—wow,
prophecy, right?—but I can assure you, I wasn’t laughing at the time. I immediately dived into the Anxiety Zone and honestly, I never really came back out.
The second one was a social-media bottle message, so I’ve redacted it a bit. {READ IT} A thing I see a lot in my bottle-messages is library staff in Edmondson’s too-
much-comfort zone who don’t like change in general, or a specific change the library is making in particular… these people start openly foot-dragging, trash-talking the
change, or even worse, taking their aggro out on the poor schmuck responsible for the new thing. Saima Kadir and Rick Peralez talked about this this morning—and
unlike Saima and Rick, a lot of times library so-called leadership just lets this happen.
Y’all, this is another of those things there ain’t no excuse for. Even highly collaborative environments CAN and DO make change without allowing this level of, and let me
be blunt here, sabotage from within. I mean, is the U-W Madison iSchool changing? Oh, yeah. We’ve only even been the iSchool for, like, a year and a half; we just did a
GIGANTIC identity change. Have I agreed with all the changes we’ve made? Nope. Have my colleagues? Naw. We’re an independent-minded and opinionated bunch; we
disagree with one another often.
But we talk it through beforehand, vote as needed, and get on with our lives afterward! Do ANY OF US trash-talk one another in public? No. It’s unimaginable. Do we
foot-drag and bellyache and white-mutiny? We ain’t got TIME for that nonsense. Has any of us intentionally sabotaged change that has been formally agreed upon?
Absolutely not—not even me, and y’all know by now how contrary I can be—and if any of us tried it I have full confidence our department chair would go to that person
and read them the riot act.
Because our department chair? Is a LEADER. Too many librarians with leadership titles are not leaders.