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CHG Chanko Hacking Guide @r7kamura

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1. 2. chanko.gemspec 3. lib/chanko.rb 4. lib/chanko/railtie.rb 5. lib/chanko/invoker.rb 6. lib/chanko/loader.rb 7. lib/chanko/function.rb

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Slide 3 text Chanko ! Chanko provides a simple framework for rapidly and safely prototyping new features in your production Rails app, and exposing these prototypes to specified segments of your user base. ! With Chanko, you can release many features concurrently and manage target users independently. When any errors are raised from chanko's features, it will be automatically hidden and fallback to its normal behavior.

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Slide 4 text = invoke(:unit_name, :function_name) do # fallback …

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rails >= 3.0.10 chanko.gemspec

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Bundler.require Loads all Gems listed in Gemfile. Open your config/application.rb to see the real example. ! # example Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)

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require "action_controller" require "action_view" require "active_record" require "active_support/all" require "rails" require "chanko/active_if" require "chanko/config" require "chanko/controller" require "chanko/exception_handler" require "chanko/function" require "chanko/helper" require "chanko/invoker" require "chanko/loader" require "chanko/logger" require "chanko/railtie" require "chanko/unit" require "chanko/unit_proxy" require "chanko/unit_proxy_provider" lib/chanko.rb external internal

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Rails::Railtie Railtie is the core of the Rails framework and provides several hooks to extend Rails and/or modify the initialization process. ! class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "my_initializer_name" do # some initialization behavior end end

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Rails Init Process 1. `rails s` 2. bin/rails 3. rails/commands/server … or using unicorn 4. 5. config/application.rb 6. Bundler.require 7. My::Application.initialize! 8. initializers.tsort_each… 9. run My::Application

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initializer "chanko" do ActionController::Base.include Controller ActionController::Base.include Invoker ActionController::Base.include UnitProxyProvider ActionView::Base.include Helper ActionView::Base.include Invoker ActionView::Base.include UnitProxyProvider end lib/chanko/railtie.rb

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.invoke(:x, :y) 1. find a module named “X” 2. find a function named “y” from “X” 3. stack local variables 4. call “y” 5. unstack local variables 6. call fallback block if any error occurred lib/chanko/invoker.rb

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Loader.load(name) 1. autoload_paths << app/extensions/#{name} 2. name.camelize.constantize 3. rescue Exception lib/chanko/loader.rb

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AS::Dependencies 1. Register auto load path 2. Find module if const_missing occurred 3. Clear loaded modules if any file changed

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lib/chanko/invoker.rb view.invoke(:x, :y) Loader.load(:x) AS::Dependencies “X”.constantize Loader.cache .clear in each request in development

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lib/chanko/invoker.rb view.invoke(:x, :y) X.find_function(view, :y) function.invoke(view) view.instance_eval X.scopes[view][:y] module X scopes(:view) { function(:y) { … } } end

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lib/chanko/function.rb instance _eval decoration exception handler view path stack unit stack fallback stack

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Thank you