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What’s going on at JuliaTokyo ? δϡϦΞ౦ژͷ׆ಈใࠂ Sorami Hisamoto, @sorami June 25, 2015 @ JuliaCon

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“World of Julia” by Jiahao Chen

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How is Julia in Japan? ‣ Quite a few people are interested. ‣ Some publications (next slide). ‣ The community: JuliaTokyo .

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Publications in Japanese “Learn Julia by Examples:
 Part I - Getting Started” @yomichi_137 Aug. 2013 @ Comiket
 *publicly available online “Learn Julia by Examples: v.0.3.3/v0.4.0-dev compat.” @yomichi_137 Dec. 2014 @ Comiket A Chapter in “Data Scientist Training Reader: Practical R Edition” S. Hisamoto & R. Nishizono Dec. 2014

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JuliaTokyo is … ‣ A community for Julia enthusiasts in Japan. ‣ June 2014 ~ . ‣ Next meetup in July 11, 2015. ‣ We have a fan!

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The Website:

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Meetup Online Sapces Translation

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Language Survey Number of People 0 10 20 30 40 50 Languages to use in Daily Basis Python R Java C++ Ruby Excel C Julia Matlab Scala Perl Others #2 #3 #4 ‣ Some other languages:
 SAS, Go, F#, Clojure, Mathematica, Visual Basic, Fortran, Clojure, SQL, F#, 
 D, Erlang, Haskell, .Net, CUDA, Swift, ObjectiveC, PHP, C#, ECMAScript, Elixir, … ‣ #2: 81 people, #3: 75 people, #4: 44 people (multiple answers allowed)

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“Deep RNN & LSTM” Andre Pemmelaar, @QuantixResearch April 2015, link

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“MeCab.jl” (Binding for a Japanese morphological analyser) Michiaki Ariga, @chezou Dec. 2015, link

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“AI Japanese Chess” Takeshi Kimura, @kimrin Jul. 2014, link

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“Software re-implemented in Julia overwhelmed the existing one in C/C++, so we decided to use the Julia-version for the tournament”

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(unofficial) Anime Character ‣ Tweets @JuliaAnimeChara ‣ Copyrights: ‣ CC BY-NC-SA ‣ Commercial use: grant by @kimrin ‣ Ninja: representing the “speed” of Julia ‣ link

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… and more! ‣ Introductory Session
 @sorami ‣ Julia in the Corporation
 @QuantixResearch ‣ Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method with Julia
 @bicycle1885 ‣ DataFrames.jl
 @weda_654 ‣ Parallel Computing with Julia
 @sfchaos ‣ Toolbox for Julia Development
 @yomichi_137 ‣ MeCab.jl
 @chezou ‣ Review of v0.3 release note
 yoshifumi_seki ‣ Using BinDeps.jl
 @r9y9 ‣ Julia Language Anime Character
 @kimrin ‣ julia-doc translation, design patterns by julia, C wrapper - @ohtaman, et al. ‣ Make Julia more popular in Japan!! - @chezou ‣ Deep learning sequence models (Deep RNN & LSTMs) in #julialang - @QuantixResearch ‣ On Macros - @yomichi_137 ‣ Construction and evaluation of machine learning models by Julia - @sfchaos ‣ Preprocessing with Julia - @weda_654 ‣ What's wrong with this Julia? - @bicycle1885 ‣ W2vUtils.jl - @mrkn ‣ Speech signal processing with Julia - @r9y9 ‣ Data Science Packages - @yutajuly ‣ (missed the title) - naoya_ikeda ‣ Pythonista tries Julia with Jupyter - @iktakahiro ‣ SVM with Julia - @uk24s ‣ Cooking with Julia - @nozawa0301 ‣ Mecha Joshi Shogi (AI Japanese chess) - @kimrin ‣ MsgPackRpcClient.jl: live pull-request - @keithseahus ‣ Julia: now and future
 @sorami ‣ Julia 100 exercises
 @chezou ‣ Let's make Julia packages!
 @bicycle1885 ‣ Visualize Julia
 @nezuq ‣ Mecha Joshi Shogi (AI chess in Julia)
 @kimrin ‣ A Brief JuliaCon Report / Natural Language Processing with Julia
 Pontus Stenetorp ‣ Writing Julia code properly
 Yoshifumi Seki ‣ Rondom Forests with Julia 0.3
 @gepuro ‣ Plotly Julia API
 @B_T_Budo ‣ Let's use LightTable

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Meetup Online Sapces Translation

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julia-wakalang ๏ wakalang (Θ͔ΒΜ):
 “don’t understand” in Japanese ๏ a casual place for people to
 ask questions, talk dreams, …

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Chat Room (Gitter)

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25 days, 25 articles

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25 days, 25 articles ๏ Dec 01: "Learn Julia in X Minutes" bicycle1885 ๏ Dec 02: "Julia v0.4.0-dev" yomichi_137 ๏ Dec 03: "Julia Environment Setup - 2014 ver." chezou ๏ Dec 04: "Let's Program in Unicode" bicycle1885 ๏ Dec 05: "Low-level Julia (LLVM IR & Native Code)" kimrin ๏ Dec 06: "Presented 'MaCab.jl' at JapanR" chezou ๏ Dec 07: "Introduction to The Classic Compiler Theories" kimrin ๏ Dec 08: "Running Stan.jl on Windows 8.1" berobero11 ๏ Dec 09: "Common Gotcha around ccall Pointer" r9y9 ๏ Dec 10: "NumericExtensions.jl / NumericFuns.jl" yomichi_137 ๏ Dec 11: "Releasing The Packages via REPL" chezou ๏ Dec 12: "100 Julia Q&As for Pythonista" bicycle1885 ๏ Dec 13: "Reading 'Introduction to Julia'" chezou *referring to the book above ๏ Dec 14: "Construction and Evaluation of Prediction Models by Julia" sfchaos ๏ Dec 15: "On Julia DataFrame - #1" weda_654 ๏ Dec 16: "Doing What I Usually Do in R with Julia" dichika ๏ Dec 17: "Building A Spam Classifier with Julia" yutajuly ๏ Dec 18: "Accelerating randn" yomichi_137 ๏ Dec 19: “Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks" sorami ๏ Dec 20: “Trouble points when doing Logistic Regression with Julia" ysks3n ๏ Dec 21: "Adding Julia to The Quine Relay" mametter ๏ Dec 22: "(something related to build?)" iizukak ๏ Dec 23: "(language comparisson?)" nezuq ๏ Dec 24: "Binding the Libraries Written in C" chezou ๏ Dec 25: “Make instruments with Julia" kimrin

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Slide 31 text Work in Progress! Contributions by @TaKeZo_I, people at BrainPad, Inc. …

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Slide 32 text Work in Progress! Contributions by @TaKeZo_I, people at BrainPad, Inc. … Moving to Transifex or Crowdin,
 for multi-language integration?
 c.f. Ismael-VC & julialang-es Julia-I18N !

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Come join us! ‣ Visit Japan and give a talk! ‣ No travel support (yet). 
 However, if you happen to visit Japan for some reason, do let us know!

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See you in Japan !