Harald Hasselblad
Volvo Car Group
Göteborg, Sweden
+46-31-325 9707
[email protected]
CAE has been used for a long time in the vehicle industry. CAE methods for replacing
physical testing will continue to develop however a shift in focus and application of CAE
methods for the early development phases can be seen in the vehicle industry. This
indicates a trend to a more CAE driven development. This will put high demands of
development of CAE methods and tools to drive the design.
To support this shift to more upfront CAE an Optimization Culture Arena has been
launched at Volvo Car Group. This arena is a cross technical network for knowledge
sharing and optimization competence development at VCG that consist of people from
CAE, attribute areas, design, testing, technical specialists, academy etc. The arena
function is to support implementation of an optimization culture and support development
of guidelines and methods regarding optimization. The arena in general and some good
examples from the organization and the future directions will be presented.
Optimization culture arena at Volvo Car group