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Etat des lieux de l'écosystème de Kotlin Paris JUG 12/11/2024 - 1

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Il était une fois un Devoxx 2024 2 Viens en parler au ParisJug Sais-tu tout ce que peut faire Kotlin ?

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Yassine Benabbas DevRel, Enseignant Lille Android User Group @yostane in/benabbasyassine - 4

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Agenda 6 Langage KMP Dev Front Dev Back Data Science

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Langage 7

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Kotlin idiomatique • Coder avec les conventions et capacités du langage • Par ex. : définir des fonctions getters et setters n’est pas idiomatique en Kotlin 8

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Et bien d’autres … Explicit backing field Array Literals guards Infinite loop Multi-field value classes Context parameters Kotlin statics and static extensions HexFormat - 10

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Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) 11

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KMP: principe 12 Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies Program.kt

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KMP: principe 14 Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies Program.kt

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 15 Code qui dépend du JDK / JVM

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 16 Code qui dépend du JDK / JVM

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 17 Code qui utilise UIKit (iOS)

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 18 Code qui utilise UIKit (iOS)

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 19 Code multiplateformes mobile

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 20 Code multiplateformes mobile

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Compiler backend Kotlin/ JVM Kotlin/ JS Kotlin/ Native Kotlin/ Wasm iOS Desktop Browser Android Backend Data science Compiler frontend Outillage Librairies 21 Code multiplatformes

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22 KMP: structure

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24 Un monorepo … Comment !

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KMP : implémentations spécifiques expect fun getPlatform(): String - 25

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KMP : implémentations spécifiques actual fun getPlatform() = "Android ${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}" actual fun getPlatform() = "iOS ${UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion}" expect fun getPlatform(): String - 26

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KMP: modes d’intégration - 28

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Développement Frontend 29

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Plusieurs choix JVM Pure Kotlin Kotlin/JS - WASM Compose JavaFx React Exemple 30

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??? 31

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JafaFx + KtFX 32

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@composable fun MyComposableView(){ Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().fillMaxHeight()) { Card(shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp), modifier = Modifier.padding(10.dp), ) { Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { Text(text = "Quiz", fontSize = 30.sp, modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 10.dp) ) Text(text = "A simple Quiz to discovers KMP, KMM and compose.", modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 10.dp)) Button(Text("Start the Quiz"), modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 10.dp), onClick = { } ) } } } Title 8:30 Start the Quiz Quizz A simple Quizz to discovers KMP, KMM and compose Compose multiplatform: UI déclarative Repose sur Skia et Skiko - 33

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???? Fait intéressant 34 SwingX Romain Guy

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DEMO TIME KMP + compose 37

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Développement backend 38

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Plusieurs choix JVM Pure Kotlin Kotlin/JS - WASM Examples 39

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DSL restassured DSL de test + nommage des fonctions avec des phrases - 40

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ExpressJS En Kotlin - 41

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Ktor server Par JetBrains • Gratuit et open source • Usage de DSLs • Fonctionnalités de base • Plugins - 42

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Etudes de cas 46

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Data science 47

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Jupyter Notebook • Markdown + code + sa sortie dans un fichier « .ipynb » • Format bien supporté: Jupyter lab, Datalore, VSCode, IntelliJ, GitHub ... • Support des langages via des Kernels (Kotlin maintenu par JetBrains) 48

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Librairies essentielles Kandy Dataframe 49

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Conclusion 57

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Kotlin en 2024 Back Data science Front Infra, Scripting, Gradle, … 58

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Kotlin en 2024 Back Data science Front Infra, Scripting, Gradle, … 59 Fondation Kotlin

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• Frontend : Compose, JavaFx • Backend : Ktor, Spring, Quarkus • Datascience : le kernel Kotlin utilise le JDK • Kotlin est interopérable avec Java 60 Kotlin JVM

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Kotlin training KMP training Merci pour votre attention Des questions ? 61 Diapos