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Don’t worry, there are only four. Fear Me Not Tips for Conquering Regular Expressions

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Contrary to popular opinion, Regex doesn’t have to make you feel like this => Popular Opinion

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Do I need help?

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Do I need help? My name is Dana and I like Regular Expressions

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Do I need help? My name is Dana and I like Regular Expressions It’s been two days since my last Regular Expression

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When is the end really the end?

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When is the end really the end? data[/\d+$/] # => "10"

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When is the end really the end? data[/\d+$/] # => "10" attendance = "Women = 10 Men = 215 Total = 225 "

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When is the end really the end? data[/\d+$/] # => "10" data[/\d+\z/] # => nil attendance = "Women = 10 Men = 215 Total = 225 "

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When is the end really the end? data[/\d+$/] # => "10" data[/\d+\z/] # => nil data[/\d+\Z/] # => "225" attendance = "Women = 10 Men = 215 Total = 225 "

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In Ruby dummy talk, please

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In Ruby dummy talk, please Symbol WTF?

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In Ruby dummy talk, please Symbol WTF? ^ Matches the beginning of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches

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In Ruby dummy talk, please Symbol WTF? ^ Matches the beginning of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches \A Matches the beginning of the string - at most 1 match

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In Ruby dummy talk, please Symbol WTF? ^ Matches the beginning of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches \A Matches the beginning of the string - at most 1 match $ Matches the end of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches

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In Ruby dummy talk, please Symbol WTF? ^ Matches the beginning of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches \A Matches the beginning of the string - at most 1 match $ Matches the end of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches \z Matches the end of the string - at most 1 match

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In Ruby dummy talk, please Symbol WTF? ^ Matches the beginning of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches \A Matches the beginning of the string - at most 1 match $ Matches the end of any line - 100 lines means 100 matches \z Matches the end of the string - at most 1 match \Z Matches the end of the string or just before the last \n - at most 1 match

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Getting exactly what I want

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Getting exactly what I want ["Gray is a great color.", "I like gray things.", "I’m hung up on a guy named Gray.", "He lives in Castle Grayskull."]

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Getting exactly what I want ["Gray is a great color.", "I like gray things.", "I’m hung up on a guy named Gray.", "He lives in Castle Grayskull."] /(\W|\A)gray(\W|\Z)/i

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Getting exactly what I want ["Gray is a great color.", "I like gray things.", "I’m hung up on a guy named Gray.", "He lives in Castle Grayskull."] /(\W|\A)gray(\W|\Z)/i /\bGray\b/i

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Getting exactly what I want ["Gray is a great color.", "I like gray things.", "I’m hung up on a guy named Gray.", "He lives in Castle Grayskull."] /(\W|\A)gray(\W|\Z)/i /\bGray\b/i ["Gray is a great color.", "I like gray things.", "I’m hung up on a guy named Gray."]

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Let’s discuss our differences What’s the difference between this - ( ... ) ! ! and this? - (?: ... )

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Let’s discuss our differences What’s the difference between this - ( ... ) ! ! and this? - (?: ... ) phone = "123-456-7890" phone =~ /\A(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/ puts "#{$1}#{$2}#{$3}" ! # >> 1234567890

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Let’s discuss our differences What’s the difference between this - ( ... ) ! ! and this? - (?: ... ) phone = "123-456-7890" phone =~ /\A(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/ puts "#{$1}#{$2}#{$3}" ! # >> 1234567890 name = "James Edward Gray II" name =~ /\A(\w+)(?:\s\w+)?\s(\w+)/ puts "#{$1} #{$2}" ! # >> James Gray

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When you can’t make up your mind Sometimes you just can’t decide exactly what you want

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When you can’t make up your mind Sometimes you just can’t decide exactly what you want /(42|41|40|...)/

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When you can’t make up your mind Sometimes you just can’t decide exactly what you want /(42|41|40|...)/ /[0-9]/

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When you can’t make up your mind Sometimes you just can’t decide exactly what you want /(42|41|40|...)/ /[0-9]/ /[1-3]?[0-9]/

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When you can’t make up your mind Sometimes you just can’t decide exactly what you want /(42|41|40|...)/ /[0-9]/ /[1-3]?[0-9]/ /(4[0-2]|[1-3]?[0-9])/

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No content

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"Fear Regex".sub!(/\AFear\b/, "Embrace")