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Elasticsearch on Rails

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Distributed full text search Based on Lucene RESTful web interface JSON NoSQL document store Scalable multi-tenancy What is Elasticsearch?

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Web Application Framework Model View Controller Active Record ORM Convention over Configuration Extracted from Basecamp What is Ruby on Rails?

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Full Text Search Sorting Filtering Faceting Pagination What can we do with it? Boosting Stemming Highlighting Document storage Analytics

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elasticsearch-model elasticsearch-rails elasticsearch-persistence elasticsearch gems

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ActiveRecord and Mongoid integration ActiveRecord::Relation-based Search Kaminari and WillPaginate pagination Model Serialization to JSON Automatic indexing updating callbacks elasticsearch-model

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Rake tasks for importing data to ES ActiveSupport Instrumentation Example application Templates generation elasticsearch-rails

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Use elasticsearch as a NoSQL database to store and retrieve documents using an ActiveModel interface. elasticsearch-persistence

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"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” Sir Isaac Newton

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Popular? Active? License? Documented? Contributor friendly? Follows SemVer? High bus factor? Is it dependable? How do you know if a library is worth using?

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It works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. ! The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.

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It works by counting the number and quality of dependencies to a library to determine a rough estimate of how important the library is. ! The underlying assumption is that more dependable libraries are likely to be more dependent on by other libraries.

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activesupport rails memcached devise waffleiron activemerchant

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760,425 projects from 24 package managers in 152 different languages

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Good defaults SQL-like query interface Zero-downtime reindexing Autocomplete Lots of nice little touches searchkick

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Multi-model indexes Atomic bulk imports Powerful query DSL Every index is observable by all related models chewy

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Deployment Elasticsearch::Model.client = url: ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_URL']

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Thanks! @teabass