.imasters {
/* Invalid color value */
color: #red;
/* Invalid property and attribute */
lorem: 'ipsum';
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λ csslint style.css
csslint: There are 2 problems in style.css.
1: error at line 3, col 10
Expected a hex color but found '#red' at line 3, col 10.
color: #red;
2: warning at line 6, col 3
Unknown property 'lorem'.
lorem: 'ipsum';
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Code styleguide
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Ensure code consistency by following a set
of predefined rules
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No content
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# config.yaml
# IDs, classes and placeholders should be all lowercase.
enabled: true
# Prefer hexadecimal color codes over color keywords.
enabled: true
# Reports when you define the same property twice.
enabled: true
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λ scss-lint -c config.yaml style.css
style.css:1 Selector `iMasters` should be written in lowercase
style.css:2 Color literals like `fuchsia` should be variables
style.css:2 Color `fuchsia` should be written in hexadecimal form
style.css:3 Property `color` already defined on line 2
style.css:3 Color `fuchsia` should be written in hexadecimal form
style.css:3 Color literals like `fuchsia` should be variables
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Code architecture
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A well structured code base make things flexible
and easier to change
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BEM, SMACSS, OOCSS, Your Own Cool Technique…
(pick your poison)
If you have a visual styleguide,
image diff regression test can be your best friend
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No content
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Testing UI is more than just making assertions
against HTML markup
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Computed style
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Consists in testing UI by matching computed style values
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(uses Selenium)
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Feature: iMasters UI Test
As a user I want visual consistency on the http://imasters.com.br
Scenario: Header layout
Given I visit 'http://imasters.com.br'
Then 'header > logo > a' should have 'color' of 'rgb(255, 165, 0)'