Slide 21
Slide 21 text
What’s new in pg_auto_failover 1.4 for Postgres
high availability
Postgres is an amazing RDBMS implementation. Postgres is
open source and it’s one of the most standard-compliant SQL
implementations that you will find (if not the most compliant.)
Postgres is packed with extensions to the standard, and it
makes writing and deploying your applications simple and
easy. After all, Postgres has your back and manages all the
complexities of concurrent transactions for you.
In this post I am excited to announce that a new version of
pg_auto_failover has been released, pg_auto_failover 1.4.
pg_auto_failover is an extension to Postgres built for high
availability (HA), that monitors and manages failover for
Postgres clusters. Our guiding principles from day one have
been simplicity, and correctness. Since pg_auto_failover is
open source, you can find it on GitHub and it’s easy to try out.
Let’s walk through what’s new in pg_auto_failover, and let’s
explore the new capabilities you can take advantage of.