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Human Capital Management System (HCM)

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W h a t i s H u m a n C a p i t a l M a n a g e m e n t ( H C M ) ? Human Capital Management (HCM) is a cloud-based Software System built for easing HR roles.

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How HCM Helps HR ? As HCM software helps HR to manage their daily tasks for employees.Here are the features it has. Payroll Management In Payroll Management System of HCM, HR can easily streamline their salary processes that is sent to bank accounts in just one click. Attendance Tracking HCM effortlessly manages attendance of employess and keep their finger prints records within few minutes. Leave Management You can manage leave system of your employees with the advanced and customized HCM systems.Keep records with HR leave management systems.

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How HCM Helps HR ? Employee Self-Service You can empower your team with HCM employee service and improve their self-service. Performance Evaluation Evaluate the performance of your employees effectively by creatong Performance Evaluation forms. Job Portal By using HCM services,attract top talent from industry by creating unlimited job portals.

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How HCM Helps HR ? Task Management Create and assign to your employees and evaluate the wholistic performance. Letters & Forms Design HCM generated professional letters and forms for employees.Enhance your HR roles by using HCM systems letters and forms. Loans Management Manage your loans,register and approve them by using customized HCM system.

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CONCLUSION Human Capital Management is a comprehensive software solution that is made to streamline HR processes for your company. Companies can use this HCM service through various platforms and can manage their workforce easily.