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Thinking metrics on
 React apps @jcemer

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I work on GloboPlay.

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React Router 2.0 & Server side render & Client side user login

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1. How can we 
 track our traffic with Google Analytics?

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@PureRender class PageView extends Component { static propTypes = { location: PropTypes.object.isRequired } componentDidMount() { const { action, state } = this.props.location trackPageView(action, state) } componentDidUpdate() { /* */ } }

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2. How can we 
 analyse custom data?

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Global metrics data:
 user account info & app version

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function handleStateChangeOnClient(vars) { setMetricsDataLayer(vars) } export default withSideEffect( reducePropsToState, handleStateChangeOnClient )(DocumentMetrics) gaearon/react-side-effect

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3. How can we track the user navigation flow?

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Playlist Recommendation

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Component metrics:
 playlist or
 other lists

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is a list of is a list of

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is a list of is a list of

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class Video extends Component { static contextTypes = { linkMetrics: PropTypes.object } render() { const state = { metrics: this.context.linkMetrics } return /* ... */ } }

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* redux should be 
 an option too

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Components React side effect Context

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Thank you! @jcemer