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Taking your dev team on the UX journey

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Adriaan Fenwick UI/UX Designer ! @adriaanfenwick

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Taking your dev team on the UX journey Why is it important? #BSGUXD

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Simple and Usable web, mobile and interaction design by Giles Colborne

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Three types of users ! Experts Happy to explore your product or service and to push the limits of what it can do. ! Willing adopters Tempted to use something more sophisticated, but they're not comfortable playing with something entirely new. ! Mainstreamers Don't use technology for its own sake; they use it to get a job done.

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Three types of users ! Experts Happy to explore your product or service and to push the limits of what it can do. ! Willing adopters Tempted to use something more sophisticated, but they're not comfortable playing with something entirely new. ! Mainstreamers Don't use technology for its own sake; they use it to get a job done. Developers Vast majority of people

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“Experts often want features that would horrify mainstreamers” - Simple and Usable by Giles Colborne

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“Simpler than a bike, until you try to ride it” - Simple and Usable by Giles Colborne Not that kind of simple

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Project team

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Project team Client

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Project team Business analysts

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Project team Project manager

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Project team Developers

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Project team UX designer

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Project team Users

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Project team Users Developers UX designer

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Key techniques #BSGUXD

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Heuristics Visibility of system status 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design. Jakob Nielsen Match between system and the real world User control and freedom Consistency and standards Error prevention Recognition rather than recall Flexibility and efficiency of use Aesthetic and minimalist design Help users recognise, diagnose, and recover from errors Help and documentation

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Developers Sprint Backlog Select a set of stories SCRUM an extremely high level view Release Sprint planning Sprint review

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Developers Sprint Backlog SCRUM an extremely high level view Definition of done Insert ______ here! heuristics Release Sprint planning Sprint review Select a set of stories

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Developers Every day at standup

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Solid examples #BSGUXD

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Design principles

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Examples 1. Automated 2. Simple and intuitive 3. Flexible 4. Generate insights from historical data 5. Stricter controls Source: These principles become the beacons for navigating decisions

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Observe & analyse

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No content

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Connect the dots

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It doesn’t exist - if it’s only in your head or on your computer.

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It doesn’t exist - if it’s only in your head or on your computer.

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Remember your readers are users - users don’t read…so tell a story with your data that’s easy to understand

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Take them to usability testing

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“…but aren’t all users like me?” Source:

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“Wow, I never thought they’d do that”

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Design standards document

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Blueprints to consistency in a way that makes sense to your development team

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Coaching Bonus

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“Simpler than a bike, until you try to ride it” - Simple and Usable by Giles Colborne Not that kind of simple STOP

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Walking encyclopaedia Over-share Explain why Mention the user Repeat DID YOU KNOW? 553 EXPERTS OFTEN WANT FEATURES THAT WOULD HORRIFY MAINSTREAMERS. Be that guy #BSGUXD

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Summary Heuristics Design principles Observe & analyse Share…share…share… Take them to usability testing Design standards document Coaching

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The way #BSGUXD

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“The consumerisation of IT has impacted many layers within organisations, from user expectations to mobility strategy, requiring a fundamental shift in the selection and adoption of technology. However less than 37% say it is currently a critical part of their application development process.” - Consumerisation changes user expectations, by IT-Online #BSGUXD

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No content

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#BSGUXD @adriaanfenwick @bsgafrica Stay in touch