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The Final Crontab Selena Deckelmann Data Architect, Mozilla @selenamarie

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socorro1 socorro3 WAL Socorro1 .dev Socorro1. stage base_backup copy Sunday noon PT streaming rep Prod socorro2 backup4 base_backup & pg_dump backup reporting1 WAL socorro-db-zeus-rw socorro-db-zeus-ro very architecture very architecture such replicas such replicas wow wow

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Tons more at:

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*/5 * * * * socorro

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image by @CoryLoftis

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Motivating factors

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No unit tests

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No unit tests

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Bespoke shell scripts

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Postgres stored procedures

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Email from cron

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0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Dec 5, 2010 May 5, 2011 Oct 5, 2011 Mar 5, 2012 Aug 5, 2012 Jan 5, 2013 Jun 5, 2013 Nov 5, 2013 Apr 5, 2014 Cron alert messages

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Email from cron that you need to read.

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Cron, what is it good for? • birthday reminders • status updates for a website • doxygen output for manuals every 12 hours • email nags about bugs filed wrong • ETL • Postgres -> Cloudwatch • Batch processing • Backups of RO DB • Machine heartbeat • “sweet fuck all” • “auto” updates • logging laptop IP • check for abandoned twitter accounts

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Running jobs on a predictable schedule

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How Socorro uses cron • Time-dependent reports or maintenance • “Simple” event detection and triggers • Status logging

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Our use cases • Stored procedures for materialized views in Postgres • Daily map-reduces (largely deprecated) • FTP Scraping into Postgres • Bulk email responses to crash submissions pulled from Elastic Search

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Jobs that don’t lend themselves to queue management because of time-dependencies, fragility or complexity.

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On Github: Peter Bengtsson @peterbe & Lars Lohn @twobraids

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pip install crontabber

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Our crontabber jobs

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Our config master/config/crontabber.ini-dist

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No more shell scripts

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#!/bin/bash . /etc/socorro/socorrorc NAME=`basename $0 .sh` lock --ignore-existing $NAME ${PYTHON} ${APPDIR}/socorro/cron/ \ --admin.conf=/etc/socorro/crontabber.ini \ >> /var/log/socorro/crontabber.log 2>&1 EXIT_CODE=$? unlock $NAME exit $EXIT_CODE

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Retries on failure

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Waits to run if a dependency fails

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Nagios alerts

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15:58 < nagios-phx1> | Sun 15:58:44 PDT [1085] Socorro Admin - crontab is CRITICAL: CRITICAL - correlations-addon-matview (CorrelationsAddonCronApp) (

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Allow configurable number of failures before CRITICAL

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Unit test framework for all jobs

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Documented dependencies

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Config can get hairy

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One-off runs aren’t simple

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Parallel execution coming soon! or...

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*/5 * * * * socorro crontabber \ --admin.conf=/etc/crontabber1.ini */5 * * * * socorro crontabber \ --admin.conf=/etc/crontabber2.ini */5 * * * * socorro crontabber \ --admin.conf=/etc/crontabber3.ini

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crontabber as a module is running in our stage environment

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Dependencies • Python 2.6 or higher • Postgres 9.2 or higher •

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Slide 61 text Ping us in #breakpad on Tune in: Tuesday June 10th at 7pm PDT at!

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The Final Crontab Selena Deckelmann Data Architect, Mozilla @selenamarie