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Use PHP arrays like a BOSS

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Carl Alexander

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No content

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You use arrays a LOT with WordPress

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You use loops a LOT with these arrays

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Loops are easy to overuse

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Makes your code complex

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Makes your code hard to read

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Makes your code hard to test

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PHP has a ton of array functions

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Relevant concepts

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Array data type

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Concept of array in computer science

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Used to store a collection of values

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Each value stored at a specific location

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Retrieved using an index or key

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Arrays are also used in mathematics

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with mathematical functions

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Functional programming

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Important with PHP array functions

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Revolves around functions

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Mathematical ones, not PHP ones

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What’s special about these functions?

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They always take an input

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They always return a value

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They also come in two categories

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Higher-order functions

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Accept functions as arguments

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Anonymous functions

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Serve higher-order functions

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Same as a string or array data type

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PHP callables

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Defines a function or method call

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Also known as a callback

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They have three different forms

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Array and string: norm with WordPress

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Anonymous function: new with PHP 5.3

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Same type of functions as earlier

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We can do functional programming!

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This is what we’ll use to replace loops

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You can use the other forms in your code

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Replacing loops

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When can you use array functions?

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Not a definitive list

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Just a starting point

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Validating array values

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Using a loop to remove array values

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array(); foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { $posts_with_valid_meta_key[] = $post; } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array(); foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { $posts_with_valid_meta_key[] = $post; } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array(); foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { $posts_with_valid_meta_key[] = $post; } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array(); foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { $posts_with_valid_meta_key[] = $post; } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array(); foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { $posts_with_valid_meta_key[] = $post; } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array(); foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { $posts_with_valid_meta_key[] = $post; } }

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array_filter function

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Filters the values inside an array

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You pass it an array and a callable

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Iterates through each array value

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Callable decides if value is kept or not

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Returns filtered array

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Replacing loop with array_filter

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key') ); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key’ )); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key’ )); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key’ )); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key’ )); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key’ )); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key’ )); $posts_with_valid_meta_key = array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } );

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Slide 72

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Generating new arrays

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Using a loop to create a new array

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array(); foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { $recent_post_permalinks[] = get_post_permalink($post->ID); }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array(); foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { $recent_post_permalinks[] = get_post_permalink($post->ID); }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array(); foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { $recent_post_permalinks[] = get_post_permalink($post->ID); }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array(); foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { $recent_post_permalinks[] = get_post_permalink($post->ID); }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array(); foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { $recent_post_permalinks[] = get_post_permalink($post->ID); }

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array_map function

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Modifies an array using a callable

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Each array value passed to callable

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Callable applies changes to it

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Returns transformed array

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Replacing loop with array_map

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $recent_post_permalinks = array_map( function(WP_Post $post) { return get_post_permalink($post->ID); }, $recent_posts );

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Transforming array of posts into links

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Powerful concept

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Searching an array

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Using a loop to get an array value

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = null; foreach ($recent_posts as $post) { if (!$longest_recent_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_recent_post->post_content) ) { $longest_recent_post = $post; } }

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array_reduce function

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Shrinks an array to a single value

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Compares array values using callable

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More complex than earlier callable

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Callable uses two parameters

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Current return value

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Current array value

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Compare the two and return one of them

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Replacing loop with array_reduce

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$recent_posts = get_posts(); $longest_recent_post = array_reduce( $recent_posts, function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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Searching for a valid array value

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Combines two loops from earlier

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Validates array values

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But also finds the longest post

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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Please don't do this loop in practice!

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = null; foreach ($posts_with_meta_key as $post) { if (my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key)) { if (!$longest_post_with_valid_meta_key instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post_with_valid_meta_key->post_content) ) { $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = $post; } } }

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Combining array functions

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No new array function!

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New concept: function composition

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Used with functional programming

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No content

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No need to create large functions

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Make functions as small as possible

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Compose multiple functions together

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Composing array functions

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

Slide 149

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

Slide 150

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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$posts_with_meta_key = get_posts(array( 'meta_key' => ‘post_meta_key' )); $longest_post_with_valid_meta_key = array_reduce( array_filter( $posts_with_meta_key, function(WP_Post $post) { return my_plugin_is_meta_key_valid($post->post_meta_key); } ), function($longest_post, WP_Post $post) { if (!$longest_post instanceof WP_Post || str_word_count($post->post_content) > str_word_count($longest_post->post_content) ) { return $post; } return $longest_post; } );

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Why do this?

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Loops are familiar

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Using array functions isn’t

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You won’t always feel that way

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You’ll get better with time

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Reduces complexity

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Improves code quality

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Prevents technical debt

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Thank you!