Slide 10
Slide 10 text
“ We live in an Internet age, which means we
live in an age mostly built by engineers-
ergo, we live in a very engineer-centric
And what engineers love to tell us is that
marketing shouldn’t matter. Only the
product should matter. If you need
marketing, that’s only because you haven’t
designed the product well enough.
This is what we call “Window dressing
marketing”. Marketing as an appendage.
Marketing as an afterthought. Marketing
that doesn’t matter, in other words.
And that’s what most marketing is. And
most of it is quite rightly ignored.
I don’t know about you, but we can’t afford
to have marketing that’s ignored. Our
marketing has to matter. Our marketing has
to get people to care, or else we're out of
Source: Gapingvoid Creative Design Group
The day after I submitted my Gluecon talk proposal,
this Gapingvoid newsletter landed in my inbox.
Further reinforcing the need to talk about this.