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JavaScript, Concurrency, and the DOM Malte Ubl and Kristofer Baxter

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Concurrency is a technical word for multiple parts of a computer program running at the same time. If your computer/phone has more than one core (it does) or you have more than one computer (the cloud does) then this can make things get done much faster. It generally makes things more complicated

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Threads Programs that run on a computer Photo: D-BASE, Getty Images, DigitalVision

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Single-threaded Application has only 
 one thread Photo: D-BASE, Getty Images, DigitalVision

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Traditionally web browsers have only a single thread. The main thread. Your JavaScript runs on that thread. If your JavaScript runs and until it is done running, your browser cannot do anything else.

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OMG, 60 frames 
 per second

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OMG, 60 frames 
 per second JANK

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You have 16ms to update the screen, right?

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You, layout, style recalc, paint, composite, actual physical pixel flip

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0 16 Browser You: Developer JavaScript 8

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0 8 You: Developer JavaScript Event Processing Determine New State State Change Processing Issue DOM Updates click

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0 10 Developer JavaScript Event Processing Determine New State State Change Processing Issue DOM Updates click

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0 18 Browser You: Developer JavaScript 10 JANK

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It’s common to exceed your budget. Don’t feel bad! We all do it!

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Not All Mobile Devices Are Created Equal

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0 100 Brand New Devices Categorized by Price Segments

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15th Percentile ($80) 75th Percentile ($600) 90th Percentile ($1000) 0 100

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0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 2011 2013 2016 2018 Mobile Device Single Core Performance Over Time iPhone X Pixel Nokia 2 Samsung J3 Remember the Performance Gap

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What’s Multicore Performance Like?

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0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 2011 2013 2016 2018 Low End Devices Multi Core Performance Over Time Samsung J3 Nokia 2

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Seriously, it can’t be that bad right? Oh, it is.

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Video Showing Ares-6 Benchmark on iPhone X versus Nokia 2

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OK, we need some concurrency in our JavaScript

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Introducing a super amazing new API … Web Workers! Photo: JStevensJr, Getty Images, Creatas Video+ / Getty Images Plus

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Web Workers A way to do multi-threading in JavaScript in web browsers. Workers share no state with each other or the main-thread. Workers only have access to a very limited set of web APIs. In particular, they do not have access to the DOM

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const worker = new Worker('worker.js'); const inputEl = document.createElement(‘input'); inputEl.onchange = _ => { worker.postMessage({value: inputEl.value}); console.log(`value, ${inputEl.value} passed to worker`); }; document.body.appendChild(inputEl);

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const worker = new Worker('worker.js'); const inputEl = document.createElement(‘input'); inputEl.onchange = _ => { worker.postMessage({value: inputEl.value}); console.log(`value, ${inputEl.value} passed to worker`); }; document.body.appendChild(inputEl); worker.onmessage = e => { console.log(`result, ${} received from worker thread’); }; Main Thread self.onmessage = e => { console.log(`value, ${} received from main thread`); const result = `Result: ${}`; console.log(`result, ${result} passed to main thread`); postMessage(result); } Worker Thread change postMessage onMessage onMessage postMessage

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Low Level Primitive Is there something a bit more abstracted, perhaps usable?

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(async function() { class MyRemoteClass { doExpensiveCalculation(a, b) { return a + b; } } const instance = await Clooney.spawn(MyRemoteClass); console.log(await instance.doExpensiveCalculation(5, 23)); })();

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const endpoint = '”; const result = await worker{| const res = await fetch(endpoint); const json = await res.json(); return json[2].firstName; |};

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I thought this talk was about the DOM? Yes, you’re right of course.

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WorkerDOM The same DOM API and Frameworks you know, but in a Web Worker.

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Original Requirements “Hey Kris, make it so that React works in a Web Worker.” That is actually the full list. But then we realized we could be a bit more abstract.

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Makes the full[1] DOM available to your Web Worker. Effectively this means you can run your existing web app in a Web Worker. And It Just Works™ [1] [1] Terms and Conditions apply.

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Use Cases Speed up your existing app. Support framework authors in speeding up their existing framework. Isolate performance impact of third party scripts on your app.

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Event Processing Determine New State State Change Processing Issue DOM Updates 10 Browser 18 Main Thread Time on main thread: 18ms / janky Time until event processed: 18ms

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Event Processing Determine New State State Change Processing Issue DOM Updates 2 Browser 10 Main Thread Background Thread Time on main thread: 10ms / silky smooth Time until event processed: 18ms (latency unchanged)

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Limitations Some DOM APIs aren’t yet implemented. A small number of DOM APIs cannot be implemented and alternatives are provided. A smaller number of DOM APIs cannot be implemented and no alternative can be provided.

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Unimplementable with alternative Primarily DOM APIs that provide synchronous access to computed layout. Think getBoundingClientRect and getComputedStyle Alternatives are provided with Async suffix like getBoundingClientRectAsync which return a promise. Side benefit: This automatically prevents performance red flags like “double sync layout in a single frame”.

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Unimplementable without alternative Synchronous methods on Event like preventDefault and stopPropagation. Transferable events may come to browsers soon which would make this work. Until then: If you need these methods, you may need to run them manually on the main thread.

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How does this work? No need to understand the guts to use it, but it is fun stuff.

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Main Thread Worker Thread UpgradedElement HTMLDivElement WorkerDOM Document HTMLDivElement Runtime Hydration Mutation Upgrade Element Click Handler Mouse Handler

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Hydration Compare and Upgrade String Markup Into Usable DOM Nodes Photo: Claudia Miranda / EyeEm, Getty Images, EyeEm

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spaner Hello World!
HTMLSectionElement HTMLDivElement Text HTMLSpanElement Text HTMLInputElement

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spaner Hello World!
HTMLSectionElement HTMLDivElement Text HTMLSpanElement Text HTMLInputElement

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export interface HydrateableNode { readonly nodeType: NodeType; // NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE readonly nodeName: string; // "div" readonly _index_: number; // 3 readonly transferred: boolean; // false readonly attributes?: Array; // [] readonly properties?: Array; // [] readonly childNodes?: Array; // [...] readonly textContent?: string; // undefined readonly namespaceURI?: string; // undefined } spaner Hello World!
HydrateableNode HydrateableNode HydrateableNode HydrateableNode HydrateableNode HydrateableNode export interface HydrateableNode { readonly nodeType: NodeType; readonly nodeName: string; readonly _index_: number; readonly transferred: boolean; readonly attributes?: Array; readonly properties?: Array; readonly childNodes?: Array; readonly textContent?: string; readonly namespaceURI?: string; } HTMLSectionElement HTMLDivElement Text HTMLSpanElement Text HTMLInputElement

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{ "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "section", "childNodes": [ { "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "div", "childNodes": [...], "_index_": 5, "transferred": false } ], "_index_": 4, "transferred": false, } [“nodeType”, “nodeName”, “childNodes”, “_index_”, “transferred”] => [0, 1, 4, 7, 8]

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{ "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "section", "childNodes": [ { "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "div", "childNodes": [...], "_index_": 5, "transferred": false } ], "_index_": 4, "transferred": false, } { 0: 1, 1: "section", 4: [ { 0: 1, 1: "div", 4: [...], 7: 5, 8: false } ], 7: 4, 8: false, } [“nodeType”, “nodeName”, “childNodes”, “_index_”, “transferred”] => [0, 1, 4, 7, 8]

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{ "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "section", "childNodes": [ { "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "div", "childNodes": [...], "_index_": 5, "transferred": false } ], "_index_": 4, "transferred": false, } [false, true] => [0, 1] { 0: 1, 1: "section", 4: [ { 0: 1, 1: "div", 4: [...], 7: 5, 8: 0 } ], 7: 4, 8: 0, }

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{ "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "section", "childNodes": [ { "nodeType": 1, "nodeName": "div", "childNodes": [...], "_index_": 5, "transferred": false } ], "_index_": 4, "transferred": false, } { 0: 1, 1: 1, 4: [ { 0: 1, 1: 2, 4: [...], 7: 5, 8: 0 } ], 7: 4, 8: 0, } [“section”, “div”] => [1, 2]

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export interface HydrationFromWorker { readonly type: MessageType.HYDRATE; readonly strings: Array; readonly nodes: HydrateableNode; readonly addedEvents: Array; } { 9: 2, 39: ["#document", "body", "div", "#text", "Hello World!", …], 35: {…}, 20: [], }

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Mutation A Static Document Would be Quite Boring

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const span = document.createElement('span'); span.addEventListener('click', (e) => { span.classList.toggle('clicked'); = === “green” ? "red" : "green"; });

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Does it actually work? Demo Time

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Can I try this? worker-dom became available on GitHub and npm a few minutes ago. It is still very alpha. If you maintain a framework or build tool, we’d love to work with you to make sure it works with WorkerDOM!

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Why we are building this WorkerDOM will allow authors of AMP documents to run their own JavaScript. WorkerDOM is alpha today, we will make it rock-solid.

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Thank you! GitHub: Blog post:
 @kristoferbaxter & @cramforce