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Android Wear Development Johnny Sung 2015.01.28 @ Android Taipei

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Agenda • Overview • Basic Setup • Notifications • Layout • Data Layer • Comparison with WatchKit

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Android Wear 設計理念 • Launched automatically (⾃自動啟動) • Glanceable (可⼀一眼瞥⾒見) • All about suggest and demand (推薦與需求) • Zero or low interaction (盡可能減少點擊滑動步驟)

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Basic setup

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Debugging over Bluetooth • ⼿手機設定 Debugging over bluetooth • ⼿手錶設定 ADB Debug
 & Debugging over bluetooth • 執⾏行

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Debugging over Bluetooth

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Android Wear Emulator
 & Phone Emulator

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Android Wear Emulator
 & Phone Emulator • Choose x86 Emulator (faster) • Install Google Search (2min) • Install Android Wear (2min) • Be patient

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No content

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WearHost for Genymotion • Install ARM Translation Installer • Install GApps • Install Google Search • Install Android Wear • Run Script:

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Eclipse user?

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Compile Wear in Eclipse • Install Google Repository in SDK Manager • Find wearable-1.1.0.aar in SDK
 android-sdks/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/support/ wearable/1.0.0/wearable-1.1.0.aar • Rename aar to zip and unzip it • Import from existing code • Check it Is Library • Import google-play-service-lib

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Compile Wear in Android Studio • Edit Gradle dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: compile compile } [Wearable module]

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Packaging structure Android App Android App Code Resources Code Resources Wear App WearApp Module HandledApp Module

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Packaging Wearables using Ant 1. Export and Sign Wearable Apps APK
 (eg: demowearapp.apk) 2. Add a meta-data tag in AndroidManifest.xml 3. Put your wearable binary in res/raw directory
 (eg: res/raw/demowearapp.apk) 4. Write reference descriptions xml
 (eg: res/xml/wearable_app_desc.xml) 5. Turn off Asset Compression

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Packaging Wearables in Eclipse 1. Export and Sign Wearable Apps APK
 (eg: demowearapp.apk) #!/bin/bash cd ../wearable-1.1.0 android update lib-project --path . ant clean release cd ../DemoWearApp android update project --path . ant clean release key.alias= key.alias.password= config.logging=true Generate build.xml [Wearable project]

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Packaging Wearables in Eclipse 2. Add a meta-data tag in AndroidManifest.xml [Smartphone project]

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Packaging Wearables in Eclipse 3. Put your wearable binary in res/raw directory
 (eg: res/raw/demowearapp.apk) 4. Write reference descriptions xml
 (eg: res/xml/wearable_app_desc.xml) 1 1.0 demowearapp [Smartphone project]

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Packaging Wearables in Eclipse 5. Turn off Asset Compression From /tools/ant/build.xml, search -package-resources Add this [Smartphone project]

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[Smartphone module] dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: compile compile wearApp project( } Packaging Wearables in Android Studio • Edit Gradle

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Code Examples AndroidWearable-Samples DemoWearApp

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世新廣播電臺 Personal Works

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Shih Hsin Radio Station • Actions • WearableExtender • Background • Page

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Notification 整理 • Notification 到底要怎麼發? • 從⼿手機發送 • 同步到⼿手錶(含變更樣式) • 不同步到⼿手錶 • 從⼿手錶發送 mBuilder.setLocalOnly(true);

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Notification 整理 • Notification 變更樣式? • 從⼿手機發送 • 設定⼿手機樣式,再變更⼿手錶樣式 • ⾃自訂樣式(只適⽤用於⼿手機) • 從⼿手錶發送 • ⾃自訂樣式(只適⽤用於⼿手錶) WearableExtender WearableExtender
 setDisplayIntent RemoteView

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基本款 Notification NotificationCompat = new mBuilder mBuilder mBuilder Notification int NOTIFICATION_ID NotificationManager = getSystemService mNotificationManager 建⽴立 發送

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Notification notification 基本款 Notification 舊寫法 (deprecated  in  API  level  11) 拜託別再寫了哈~

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基本款 Notification NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher); mBuilder.setContentTitle("Awesome app"); mBuilder.setContentText("The description"); Notification notification =;

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Android  4.1  (API  16) BigTextStyle String msg = "\"The quick brown fox …"; NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher); mBuilder.setContentTitle("Awesome app"); mBuilder.setContentText(msg); mBuilder.setStyle( new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(msg)); Notification notification =;

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NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(; mBuilder.setContentTitle("Awesome app"); mBuilder.setContentText("The description"); Bitmap bg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource( getResources(),; NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle style = new NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle(); style.bigPicture(bg); style.setBigContentTitle("My title"); style.setSummaryText("The description"); mBuilder.setStyle(style); Notification notification =; BigPictureStyle Android  4.1  (API  16)

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Notification Height Limit • Normal view layouts: 64 dp • Expanded view layouts: 256 dp. 256dp 64dp

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基本款 Notification + 背景 • Background size • 400 x 400 • 640 x 400 (Parallax scrolling) • Put the picture at /res/drawable-nodpi NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(; mBuilder.setContentTitle("Awesome app"); mBuilder.setContentText("The description"); Bitmap bg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource( getResources(),; NotificationCompat.WearableExtender wearExt = new NotificationCompat.WearableExtender() .setBackground(bg); mBuilder.extend(wearExt); Notification notification =;

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RemoteControlClient Android  4.0  (API  14) METADATA_KEY_ARTIST

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RemoteControlClient Android  4.0  (API  14) • Attribute Keys • METADATA_KEY_ARTIST • METADATA_KEY_TITLE • Attribute Keys • METADATA_KEY_TITLE • METADATA_KEY_ALBUM RemoteView

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NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(; mBuilder.setContentTitle("Awesome app"); mBuilder.setContentText("The description"); Intent clickInt = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); PendingIntent clickPenInt = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, clickInt, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mBuilder.setContentIntent(clickPenInt); Notification notification =; 按鈕按下的⾏行為

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24dp 48dp The Problem is…

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NotificationCompat = new mBuilder mBuilder mBuilder mBuilder ( mBuilder ( NotificationCompat wExt ( Notification item-icon-sizing-vs-phone-notification-action-item-sizing The solutions

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Code Examples Wearable Notifications Basic Notifications Custom Notifications

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• WatchViewStub • 指定 Round layout • 指定 Rect layout • BoxInsetLayout • 設定 app:layout_box="all" Layout

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Layout • Card • 繼承 CardFragment • CardScrollView + CardFrame

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UI Structure

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Data Layer

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Google  Play  Services

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Bluetooth Mini

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Data Layer 資料傳輸層 • DataApi • MessageApi • NodeApi

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Data Items • Path
 例如:/path/to/data • Payload
 ⼀一個字節數組,你可允許進⾏行對象的序列化 (Serialize) 與反序列化 (Deserialize)
 ⼤大⼩小不能超過100KB。 1BUI 1BZMPBE 100KB

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連接⽅方式 • 在 Activity 中建⽴立連線,實作 Callback 監聽 • 使⽤用 WearableListenerService • Callback • DataApi.DataListener • MessageApi.MessageListener • NodeApi.NodeListener

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Listener • DataApi.DataListener • NodeApi.NodeListener • MessageApi.MessageListener public void onPeerConnected(Node node) public void onPeerDisconnected(Node node) public void onDataChanged(DataEventBuffer dataEvents) public void onMessageReceived(MessageEvent messageEvent)

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連接⽅方式 • onCreate() 建⽴立 GoogleApiClient,掛載 Callbacks @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) .addApi(Wearable.API) .addConnectionCallbacks(this) .addOnConnectionFailedListener(this) .build(); }

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連線 Callback public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) • GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks • GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener public void onConnectionSuspended(int cause)

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連接⽅方式 • onStart() 呼叫 connect() 做連線 @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); if (!mResolvingError) { mGoogleApiClient.connect(); } } @Override //ConnectionCallbacks public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) { Log.d(TAG, "Google API Client was connected"); mResolvingError = false; Wearable.DataApi.addListener(mGoogleApiClient, this); Wearable.MessageApi.addListener(mGoogleApiClient, this); Wearable.NodeApi.addListener(mGoogleApiClient, this); } • onConnected() 時候,掛載 Listener

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@Override protected void onStop() { if (!mResolvingError) { Wearable.DataApi.removeListener(mGoogleApiClient, this); Wearable.MessageApi.removeListener(mGoogleApiClient, this); Wearable.NodeApi.removeListener(mGoogleApiClient, this); mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); } super.onStop(); } 連接⽅方式 • onStop() 移除Listener,並且斷線

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WearableListenerService • 在系統需要的時候就會⾃自動綁定 public class DataLayerListenerService extends WearableListenerService { @Override public void onDataChanged(DataEventBuffer dataEvents) { // Do Somthing } @Override public void onMessageReceived(MessageEvent messageEvent) { // Do Somthing } } AndroidManifest.xml

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DataItem private void sendSampleDataItem() { final PutDataMapRequest putRequest = PutDataMapRequest.create("/SAMPLE"); final DataMap map = putRequest.getDataMap(); map.putInt("num", 12345); map.putString("example", "Sample String"); Wearable.DataApi.putDataItem(mGoogleApiClient, putRequest.asPutDataRequest()); } @Override public void onDataChanged(DataEventBuffer dataEvents) { final List events = FreezableUtils.freezeIterable(dataEvents); dataEvents.close(); for(DataEvent event : events) { String path = event.getDataItem().getUri().getPath(); if(path.equals("/SAMPLE")) { final DataMap map = DataMapItem.fromDataItem(event.getDataItem()).getDataMap(); // read your values from map: int num = map.getInt("num"); String str = map.getString(“example"); Log.v(TAG, " num = " + num + " str = " + str); } } } • 傳送 • 接收

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String msg = "Sample String"; NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult nodes = Wearable.NodeApi .getConnectedNodes(mGoogleApiClient).await(); for (Node node : nodes.getNodes()) { SendMessageResult result = Wearable.MessageApi.sendMessage( mGoogleApiClient, node.getId(), "/SAMPLE", msg.getBytes()) .await(); if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) { // Success } else { // Error } } @Override public void onMessageReceived(MessageEvent messageEvent) { if (messageEvent.getPath().equals("/SAMPLE")) { final String message = new String(messageEvent.getData()); // Do Something } } • 傳送Message (AsyncTask) • 接收Message Message

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Code Examples WearMessageBringFront WearDataLayerDemo DataLayer

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vs Apple Watch (WatchKit) Android Wear

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Android Wear WatchKit Packaging structure Android App Android App Code Resources Code Resources Wear App WearApp Module HandledApp Module

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Android Wear Google Play Services Google Play Services Android Device Controller Model View Mini Controller View Model Controller View Model App structure Android Wear WatchKit iOS App

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震動 。 超⾃自然 的

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震動 Vibrator mVibrator = (Vibrator) getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE); myVibrator.vibrate(100); AndroidManifest.xml

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震動 mVibrator.vibrate(new long[]{80, 150, 80, 150, 80, 150}, -1); Repeat Pattern mVibrator 震動 Pattern 取消

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Q & A

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Troubleshooting: ⼿手錶 Offline 解決⽅方式 • Android Wear (設定 > 應⽤用程式) 1. 停⽤用 2. 清除資料 3. 啟⽤用 • Google Play 服務 (設定 > 應⽤用程式) 4. 清除所有資料(管理空間) • 硬體 5. 重置⼿手錶 6. ⼿手機重新啟動 $ adb devices List of devices attached dcfbbafd device localhost:4444 offline

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Android Wear
 (設定 > 應⽤用程式) Google Play 服務 (設定 > 應⽤用程式 > 管理空間) 重置 Moto360 Troubleshooting: ⼿手錶 Offline 解決⽅方式

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Troubleshooting: ⼿手錶 unauthorized 解決⽅方式 • 請使⽤用 Eclipse 做第⼀一次連接 $ adb devices List of devices attached dcfbbafd device localhost:4444 unauthorized