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Hacking the Angular Compiler with our own Syntax! by Dominic Elm and Kwinten Pisman

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Do you still understand the code you wrote 6 months ago ? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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…or the code your co-workers wrote 6 months ago ? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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… or someone else’s code ? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP

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Code should express intent! @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP

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What did you do last night? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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What did you do last night? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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- . / ❤ @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP
Data found!#
{{ item }}#
Custom Styles#

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@elmd_ @KwintenP
Data found!#
{{ item }}#
Custom Styles#

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@elmd_ @KwintenP
Data found!#
{{ item }}#
Custom Styles#

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@elmd_ Dominic Elm @KwintenP Kwinten Pisman thoughtram StackBlitz strongbrew StackBlitz Google Developer Expert Google Developer Expert

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Angular Checklist @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Angular Profiler DevTools @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP

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js js JS @elmd_ @KwintenP ???

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js js JS @elmd_ @KwintenP Compiler

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A compiler is a computer program that translates computer code written in one programming language into another language. @elmd_ @KwintenP ”

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Declarative vs Imperative @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Tasks of the Angular Compiler @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Tasks of the Angular Compiler Type checking of our templates @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Tasks of the Angular Compiler Type checking of our templates @elmd_ @KwintenP Find errors in the structure of our application

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Tasks of the Angular Compiler Type checking of our templates @elmd_ @KwintenP Find errors in the structure of our application Transform decorators into static properties

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Tasks of the Angular Compiler Type checking of our templates @elmd_ @KwintenP Find errors in the structure of our application Transform decorators into static properties Transpile TypeScript into JavaScript

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Tasks of the Angular Compiler Type checking of our templates @elmd_ @KwintenP Find errors in the structure of our application Transform decorators into static properties Transpile TypeScript into JavaScript Generate template instructions

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How do we build an Angular application? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP Angular CLI

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@elmd_ @KwintenP Webpack

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@elmd_ @KwintenP Webpack *.bundle.js *.bundle.js main.bundle.js App

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@elmd_ @KwintenP Webpack *.bundle.js *.bundle.js main.bundle.js main.ts AppModule AppComponent

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin AngularCompilerPlugin

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Angular Code AngularCompilerPlugin

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Angular Code AngularCompilerPlugin

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Resolve AOT Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Type Checking Resolve AOT Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Type Checking Emit Resolve AOT Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT Transformer

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Type Checking Emit Angular Code Resolve AOT Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT Transformer

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Cool. But what’s next? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP Loader .html

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@elmd_ @KwintenP Loader .html
Angular rocks! #

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@elmd_ @KwintenP
Angular rocks! #
Loader .html
Angular rocks! #

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin HTML Loader Custom Loader

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How?!? @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP $

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@elmd_ @KwintenP $ ng add ngx-build-plus $

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@elmd_ @KwintenP $ ng add ngx-build-plus touch extra-webpack-config.js $ $

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module.exports = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.html$/, use: [ { loader: path.resolve('path/to/custom/html/loader') }, { loader: 'raw-loader' #// import file as a string } ] } ] } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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module.exports = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.html$/, use: [ { loader: path.resolve('path/to/custom/html/loader') }, { loader: 'raw-loader' #// import file as a string } ] } ] } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP $ ng add ngx-build-plus touch extra-webpack-config.js $ $

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@elmd_ @KwintenP $ ng add ngx-build-plus touch extra-webpack-config.js $ touch ng-emoji-plugin.js $ $

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export default { pre() { #// before build }, post() { #// after build }, config(config: webpack.Configuration) { #// after webpack config was built by the CLI } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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export default { pre() { #// before build }, post() { #// after build }, config(config: webpack.Configuration) { #// after webpack config was built by the CLI } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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export default { pre() { #// before build }, post() { #// after build }, config(config: webpack.Configuration) { const acp = findAngularCompilerPlugin(config) as AngularCompilerPlugin; if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); @elmd_ @KwintenP

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export default { pre() { #// before build }, post() { #// after build }, config(config: webpack.Configuration) { const acp = findAngularCompilerPlugin(config) as AngularCompilerPlugin; if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP $ ng serve

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But wait, inline templates @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Type Checking Emit Angular Code Resolve AOT Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT Transformer

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@elmd_ @KwintenP webpack.config.js Webpack Loader Loader Loader ngc Plugin Plugin AngularCompilerPlugin Generated Angular Code Resolve Dependencies, Bundle AngularCompilerPlugin WebpackCompilerHost ts.CompilerHost Type Checking Emit Angular Code Resolve AOT Analysis AOT ngProgram AOT ts.Program JIT Transformer Transformer Custom TS Transformer

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TypeScript Transformers @elmd_ @KwintenP

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AST @elmd_ @KwintenP

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AST @elmd_ @KwintenP

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AST @elmd_ @KwintenP

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AST @elmd_ @KwintenP

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AST ( )=> @elmd_ @KwintenP

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export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { #// change sourceFile (AST) }; } @elmd_ @KwintenP

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; } function findInlineTemplate(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) { return tsquery(sourceFile, INLINE_TEMPLATE_QUERY); }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; } function updateInlineTemplate( nodes: Array, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, context: ts.TransformationContext) { const visitor: ts.Visitor = (node: ts.Node) #=> { #// ast walker function return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context); }; return ts.visitNode(sourceFile, visitor); }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; } function updateInlineTemplate( nodes: Array, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, context: ts.TransformationContext) { const visitor: ts.Visitor = (node: ts.Node) #=> { #// ast walker function return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context); }; return ts.visitNode(sourceFile, visitor); }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; } function updateInlineTemplate( nodes: Array, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, context: ts.TransformationContext) { const visitor: ts.Visitor = (node: ts.Node) #=> { #// ast walker function return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context); }; return ts.visitNode(sourceFile, visitor); }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP export function transformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) { return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) #=> { const template = findInlineTemplate(sourceFile); return updateInlineTemplate(template, sourceFile, context); }; } function updateInlineTemplate( nodes: Array, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, context: ts.TransformationContext) { const visitor: ts.Visitor = (node: ts.Node) #=> { #// ast walker function return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context); }; return ts.visitNode(sourceFile, visitor); }

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@elmd_ @KwintenP function updateInlineTemplate( nodes: Array, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, context: ts.TransformationContext) { const visitor: ts.Visitor = (node: ts.Node) #=> { #// ast walker function return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context); }; return ts.visitNode(sourceFile, visitor); }

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function updateInlineTemplate( nodes: Array, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, context: ts.TransformationContext) { const visitor: ts.Visitor = (node: ts.Node) #=> { if (nodes.includes(node)) { const prop = node as ts.PropertyAssignment; const currentTpl = prop.initializer.getFullText(); const inlineTpl = ts.createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral( updateDirectives(currentTpl, true) ); return ts.updatePropertyAssignment(prop,, inlineTpl); } return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context); }; return ts.visitNode(sourceFile, visitor); @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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if (!acp) { throw new Error('AngularCompilerPlugin not found'); } const options: AngularCompilerPluginOptions = { ##...acp.options, directTemplateLoading: false #// ##<-- IMPORTANT }; config.plugins = removeCompilerPlugin(config.plugins, acp); const newCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin(options); acp._transformers = [inlineTplTransformer, ##...acp._transformers]; config.plugins.push(newCompilerPlugin); return config; } }; @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Reactive Programming! @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Click Me @Component({...}) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { clicks$ = new Subject(); ngOnInit() { // we can either manually subscribe // or use the async pipe this.clicks$.subscribe(console.log); } }

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Click Me @Component({...}) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @ObservableEvent() clicks$: Observable; ngOnInit() { // we can either manually subscribe // or use the async pipe this.clicks$.subscribe(console.log); } }

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Key Takeaways @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Key Takeaways @elmd_ @KwintenP What the Angular Compiler does and how it works

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Key Takeaways @elmd_ @KwintenP TypeScript Transformers What the Angular Compiler does and how it works

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Key Takeaways @elmd_ @KwintenP TypeScript Transformers ngx-template-streams What the Angular Compiler does and how it works

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Key Takeaways @elmd_ @KwintenP TypeScript Transformers ngx-template-streams Experiment yourself! What the Angular Compiler does and how it works

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BUT most importantly, you can learn so much while at the same time having FUN! @elmd_ @KwintenP

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Thank You revo.js! @elmd_ @KwintenP