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Django Deployments Done Right Peter Baumgartner Founder, Lincoln Loop DjangoCon US 2015

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About Me

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Founder at Lincoln Loop

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Co-author of High Performance Django

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Django Deployments Done Right

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Python Deployments Done Right

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Deployments Done Right

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What is a deployment?

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What is a deployment? • Noun: The way your servers and software are setup

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What is a deployment? • Noun: The way your servers and software are setup • Verb: The techniques used to install and update your software on 
 the servers

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Why do you want a good deployment?

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Bad Deployments

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Bad Deployments • Stressful • Cause of burnout • Employee turnover

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Good Deployments

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Good Deployments • Non-events • Empowering

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Good Deployments • Ship faster • new features • bug fixes • failure recovery • Happy Humans • more productive • less turnover

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What makes a good deployment?

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It works

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It is reliable

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It is boring

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It is user-friendly

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It is fast

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It is not disruptive

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It is idempotent & deterministic

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How to…

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Use Configuration Management!

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Configuration Management • Use Salt or Ansible 
 (unless other in-house experience) • Fabric is not a configuration management tool • Use it for everything
 (setup, updates, deploys, etc.)

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Pin Dependencies

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Pin Dependencies • Install exact versions PyPI, e.g. Django==1.8.4 • Consider and install_requires over requirements.txt • Can’t use PyPI? • Setup your own (pip2pi + Nginx or S3) • Vendor • Use a repo that you own

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Reload, Don’t Restart

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Reload, Don’t Restart • Don’t drop requests during a deploy • service {nginx,varnish} reload • Gracefully reload WSGI servers
 (gunicorn, uWSGI, etc.) • Works out-of-the-box with Upstart • systemd?
 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

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Make it User- Friendly

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Make it User-Friendly ssh salt "sudo salt 'web*' state.highstate"

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Make it User-Friendly ssh salt "sudo salt 'web*' state.highstate" ansible-playbook -i production web.yml

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Make it User-Friendly ssh salt "sudo salt 'web*' state.highstate" ansible-playbook -i production web.yml

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Make it User-Friendly ssh salt "sudo salt 'web*' state.highstate" ansible-playbook -i production web.yml fab production deploy

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ssh salt "sudo salt 'web*' state.highstate" ansible-playbook -i production web.yml fab production deploy Make it User-Friendly

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Make it User-Friendly fab production deploy fab staging deploy:my-branch fab staging logs fab production status

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Make it User-Friendly

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Make it User-Friendly

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Isolate Each Build

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Isolate Each Build • New build/release = New virtualenv • Broken builds don't take down the site • No cruft from previous builds • Fast painless rollbacks

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Isolate Each Build

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Isolate Each Build

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Isolate Each Build • Multiple servers?
 Build once, deploy everywhere 1. Build wheels 2. Bundle 3. Ship • See

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Database Migrations

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Database Migrations • Maintain backwards compatibility
 (for a few releases) • Big database and lots of traffic? • Avoid long table locks • See

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Track Releases

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Track Releases • Store commit hash and timestamp • Invaluable for regression tracking • NewRelic, Opbeat, Slack, etc.

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Always Be Improving

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Always Be Improving • Remember to think of the humans! • Can failures be avoided? • Can you make it faster? • Can you make it easier?

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Thank You! Peter Baumgartner @ipmb [email protected]