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Getting Started with GraphQL And Atlas @JoeKarlsson1

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{ name: “Joe Karlsson”, company: “MongoDB”, title: [ “Developer Advocate”, “Software Engineer” ], } twitter: “@JoeKarlsson1”, twitch: “joe_karlsson”, website: “”, opinions: “my own”, links: “” GraphQLAtlas

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Before we get started… @JoeKarlsson1

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Thank you for coming! @JoeKarlsson1

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Who is this talk for? @JoeKarlsson1

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@JoeKarlsson1 A quick audience poll @JoeKarlsson1

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GraphQL? @JoeKarlsson1

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Want to follow along? @JoeKarlsson1

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AGENDA @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Apollo Client ‣ Making Queries ‣ Mutating Data

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AGENDA @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Apollo Client ‣ Making Queries ‣ Mutating Data

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What Is GraphQL? @JoeKarlsson1

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@JoeKarlsson1 MFW I first started learning GraphQL

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Imagine This @JoeKarlsson1

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GET /api/v2/user/{ID}/recent-orders @JoeKarlsson1 Endpoint Returns [0128, 7298, 6715, … ]

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We now need a hydrated list of orders @JoeKarlsson1

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What’s the best way update our API? @JoeKarlsson1

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GET /hydrated-recent-orders GET /hydrate-skus GET /recent-orders?hydrated=true @JoeKarlsson1 ???

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REST GRAPHQL @JoeKarlsson1

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Why Use GraphQL? @JoeKarlsson1

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@JoeKarlsson1 Let’s jump in!

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CAN USE MULTIPLE COLLECTIONS Users.Info IoT.Data Movies.Data @JoeKarlsson1

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@JoeKarlsson1 Control the shape and content of your documents {
 "properties": {
 "_id": {
 "bsonType": "objectId"
 "description": {
 "bsonType": "string"
 "imageUrl": {
 "bsonType": "string"

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GraphiQL @JoeKarlsson1 One of my favorite features of GraphQL…

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*SUPER FAST @JoeKarlsson1

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@JoeKarlsson1 WHAT I NEEDED { "name": "Joe Karlsson", "company": "MongoDB", "title": [ "Developer Advocate", "Software Engineer" ] } GET /api/user/JoeKarlsson

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@JoeKarlsson1 vs. What I got

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GraphQL makes working with data easy @JoeKarlsson1

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL REST GRAPHQL Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ What is GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative Getting Started with GraphQL

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Declarative Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Validated and structured ‣ What is GraphQL? {
 "properties": {
 "_id": {
 "bsonType": "objectId"
 "description": {
 "bsonType": "string"
 "imageUrl": {
 "bsonType": "string"

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ UNIFIES ALL API ENDPOINTS ‣ What is GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ UNIFIES ALL API ENDPOINTS ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ NO MORE WRITING DOCUMENTATION

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ UNIFIES ALL API ENDPOINTS ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ NO MORE WRITING DOCUMENTATION ‣ NO MORE API VERSIONING

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Makes working with data easy

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AGENDA @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Apollo Client ‣ Making Queries ‣ Mutating Data

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Let’s checkout something practical @JoeKarlsson1 GraphQLAtlas

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Cloud Client MongoDB Atlas GraphQL Apollo Client React @JoeKarlsson1 +

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A Brief Intro to Apollo @JoeKarlsson1

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UI COMPONENTS GraphQL Query Requests Data Sends Result Updates UI @JoeKarlsson1

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import { HttpLink, InMemoryCache, ApolloClient } from 'apollo-boost'; import { setContext } from 'apollo-link-context'; import CONFIG from '../config'; // Add an Authorization header to each GraphQL request const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => ({ headers: { ...headers, Authorization: `Bearer ${CONFIG.accessToken}`, }, })); // Connect Apollo to the GraphQL Endpoint const GRAPHQL_URL = `${STICH_APP_ID}/graphql`; const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: GRAPHQL_URL }); // Instantiate the Apollo Client const client = new ApolloClient({ link: authLink.concat(httpLink), cache: new InMemoryCache(), }); Setup Apollo with GraphQL and Atlas

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Connect Apollo to React Provider function InstaPostApp() { return ( ); } import { HttpLink, InMemoryCache, ApolloClient } from 'apollo-boost'; import { setContext } from 'apollo-link-context'; import CONFIG from '../config'; // Add an Authorization header to each GraphQL request const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => ({ headers: { ...headers, Authorization: `Bearer ${CONFIG.accessToken}`, }, })); // Connect Apollo to the GraphQL Endpoint const GRAPHQL_URL = `${STICH_APP_ID}/graphql`; const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: GRAPHQL_URL }); // Instantiate the Apollo Client const client = new ApolloClient({ link: authLink.concat(httpLink), cache: new InMemoryCache(), }); import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/react-hooks';

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo?

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts + +

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts ‣ How does Apollo work? Getting Started with GraphQL

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts ‣ How does Apollo work? ‣ Setup Apollo with GraphQL and Atlas // Connect Apollo to the GraphQL Endpoint const GRAPHQL_URL = `${STICH_APP_ID}/graphql`; const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: GRAPHQL_URL }); // Instantiate the Apollo Client const client = new ApolloClient({ link: authLink.concat(httpLink), cache: new InMemoryCache(), });

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts ‣ How does Apollo work? ‣ Setup Apollo with GraphQL and Atlas function InstaPostApp() { return ( ); } ‣ Connected Apollo to React

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AGENDA @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Apollo Client ‣ Efficient Queries ‣ Mutating Data

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@JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL QUERY query { } 1) Is this a Query or a Mutation?

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@JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL QUERY query { } instaposts { } 2) What do you want to query?

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@JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL QUERY query { } instaposts { } 3) What data do you want? _id description imageUrl

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Querying GraphQL with Apollo and React import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from '@apollo/react-hooks'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import ListPage from './ListPage'; const FIND_ALL_INSTAPOSTS = gql` query { instaposts { _id description imageUrl } } `; function ListPageContainer(props) { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(FIND_ALL_INSTAPOSTS, { pollInterval: 500, }); } export default ListPageContainer; return ( {loading &&
} {error &&
{`encountered an error: ${error}`}
} {data && } );

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ MongoDB automatically generates the queries

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ MongoDB automatically generates the queries ‣ How to construct a GraphQL query query { instaposts { _id description imageUrl } } Query or a Mutation? What do you want to query? What data do you want?

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ MongoDB automatically generates the queries ‣ How to construct a GraphQL query ‣ Querying GraphQL with Apollo and React function ListPageContainer(props) { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(FIND_ALL_INSTAPOSTS, { pollInterval: 500, }); return ( {loading &&
} {error &&
{`encountered an error: ${error}`}
} {data && } ); }

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AGENDA @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Apollo Client ‣ Making Queries ‣ Mutating Data

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mutation ( ) { } @JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION Is this a Query or a Mutation?

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mutation ( ) { } @JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION Operation name describes the GraphQL String CreatePostMutation

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@JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION mutation CreatePostMutation( ) { } Arguments allow you to pass data to fields $data: InstapostInsertInput! Argument Type. This is defined by the GraphQl server

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@JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION mutation CreatePostMutation( ) { } $data: InstapostInsertInput! Bang - This means the argument is required.

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mutation CreatePostMutation( ) { } insertOneInstapost (data: $data) { } @JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION Mutation type. This is defined by the GraphQl server $data: InstapostInsertInput! Arguments

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insertOneInstapost (data: $data) { } @JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION mutation CreatePostMutation( ) { } What data do you returned, once the data has been mutated? $data: InstapostInsertInput! _id description imageUrl

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@JoeKarlsson1 CONSTRUCTING A GRAPHQL MUTATION mutation CreatePostMutation($data: InstapostInsertInput!) { insertOneInstapost(data: $data) { _id description imageUrl } } Query or a Mutation? Operation name Arguments Mutation Type What data do you want?

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GraphQL Mutations with Apollo and React function CreatePage(props) { let imageUrl = { value: '' }; let description = ''; const [addPost] = useMutation(ADD_INSTAPOST); return ( ); } import React from 'react'; import { useMutation } from '@apollo/react-hooks'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; // CreatePage.js const ADD_INSTAPOST = gql` mutation CreatePostMutation($data: InstapostInsertInput!) { insertOneInstapost(data: $data) { _id description imageUrl } } `; { e.preventDefault(); // Invoke the mutation method // and pass in the required variables addPost({ variables: { data: { description: description.value, imageUrl: imageUrl.value, }, }, }); }} > { imageUrl = url; }} /> { description = str; }} /> Post

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Do you want to learn GraphQL? @JoeKarlsson1

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL REST GRAPHQL Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ What is GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative Getting Started with GraphQL

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Declarative Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Validated and structured ‣ What is GraphQL? {
 "properties": {
 "_id": {
 "bsonType": "objectId"
 "description": {
 "bsonType": "string"
 "imageUrl": {
 "bsonType": "string"

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ UNIFIES ALL API ENDPOINTS ‣ What is GraphQL?

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ UNIFIES ALL API ENDPOINTS ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ NO MORE WRITING DOCUMENTATION

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ UNIFIES ALL API ENDPOINTS ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ NO MORE WRITING DOCUMENTATION ‣ NO MORE API VERSIONING

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ REST vs GraphQL ‣ Validated and structured ‣ Facilitates Collaboration Getting Started with GraphQL ‣ Why use GraphQL? ‣ Declarative ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ Makes working with data easy

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo?

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts + +

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@JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts ‣ How does Apollo work? Getting Started with GraphQL

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts ‣ How does Apollo work? ‣ Setup Apollo with GraphQL and Atlas // Connect Apollo to the GraphQL Endpoint const GRAPHQL_URL = `${STICH_APP_ID}/graphql`; const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: GRAPHQL_URL }); // Instantiate the Apollo Client const client = new ApolloClient({ link: authLink.concat(httpLink), cache: new InMemoryCache(), });

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Introduced InstaPosts ‣ How does Apollo work? ‣ Setup Apollo with GraphQL and Atlas function InstaPostApp() { return ( ); } ‣ Connected Apollo to React

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ MongoDB automatically generates the queries

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ MongoDB automatically generates the queries ‣ How to construct a GraphQL query query { instaposts { _id description imageUrl } } Query or a Mutation? What do you want to query? What data do you want?

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ MongoDB automatically generates the queries ‣ How to construct a GraphQL query ‣ Querying GraphQL with Apollo and React function ListPageContainer(props) { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(FIND_ALL_INSTAPOSTS, { pollInterval: 500, }); return ( {loading &&
} {error &&
{`encountered an error: ${error}`}
} {data && } ); }

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ Mutating data with GraphQL

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ Mutating data with GraphQL ‣ Constructing a GraphQL Mutation mutation CreatePostMutation($data: InstapostInsertInput!) { insertOneInstapost(data: $data) { _id description imageUrl } } Query or a Mutation? Operation name Arguments Mutation Type What data do you want?

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Getting Started with GraphQL @JoeKarlsson1 ‣ What is GraphQL? ‣ What is Apollo? ‣ Making effective queries ‣ Mutating data with GraphQL ‣ Constructing a GraphQL Mutation ‣ GraphQL mutations with Apollo and React function CreatePage(props) { let imageUrl = { value: '' }; let description = ''; const [addPost] = useMutation(ADD_INSTAPOST); return ( { e.preventDefault(); addPost({ variables: { data: { description: description.value, imageUrl: imageUrl.value, }, }, }); }} > { imageUrl = url; }} /> { description = str; }} /> Post ); }

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@JoeKarlsson1 Questions?

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All resources and links used in this talk can be found here: @JoeKarlsson1

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Want $200 in free Atlas credits? @JoeKarlsson1 Use code JOEKARLSSON200

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Do you have feedback about this talk? @JoeKarlsson1

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THANK YOU! @JoeKarlsson1

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{ name: “Joe Karlsson”, company: “MongoDB”, title: [ “Developer Advocate”, “Software Engineer” ], twitter: “@JoeKarlsson1”, twitch: “joe_karlsson”, website: “”, links: “” } GraphQLAtlas

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Addtional Resources ‣Link to all resources: ‣Source Code: ‣GraphQL Official Docs: ‣GraphQL Hub: ‣Apollo Official Docs: @JoeKarlsson1

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