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@robdcrowley | robdcrowley GraphQL A query language to empower your API consumers

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Goals for the session -Explore the motivation behind GraphQL and the category of problems it helps to solve. -Take a tour of GraphQL’s features and see it in action. -Investigate how to effectively leverage GraphQL in your delivery process. -Most of all sufficiently motivate you to continue to learn GraphQL after leaving this conference.

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The shift to microservices, cloud native and rich web apps have made it challenging to deliver compelling API experiences

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No content

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Image Service Cross Sell Service Product Service Product Service Product Service Review Service Price Service Inventory Service Promotions Service Other Sellers Service Price Service Image Service Inventory Service Order Service Image Service Price Service

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Cross Sell Component Header Component Product Image Component Product Review Component Product Price Component Product Inventory Component Product Purchase Component Alternate Sellers Component Product Details Component Offers Component Product Header Component

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How can we efficiently deliver the data to the client?

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A naïve approach Microservice Microservice Microservice Microservice Component Potentially high latency connection Component Component Component

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Leveraging an API Gateway to reduce latency Microservice Microservice Microservice Microservice API Gateway Wait, we support more than one customer experience channel. How to handle these? Component Component Component Component

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Introducing Backends for Frontends (BFFs) Microservice Microservice Microservice Microservice Mobile BFF Desktop BFF Wearables BFF What about the different data requirements between versions? V4, V5… On page reload V1, V2…

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Retrieve exactly the data you require in a single round trip to the server

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GraphQL as the translation layer Microservice Relational DB Graph DB Web Service GraphQL API Retrieve exactly the data every version of each channel experience requires in one round trip. optimised { data }

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Source code available at

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Our Example Domain Album Artist Label User Album Review compose submit favourite released on refers to 1 * * 1 1 * * 1 1 * artistId: int name: string albumId: int title: string labelId: int name: string founded: int userId: int name: string reviewId: int albumId: int review: string rating: int

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Demo time: Just show me how it works already

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Hey, just what are you trying to pull here!? Couldn’t we already do this with REST? Absolutely, but GraphQL makes it trivial and ensures a consistent interface.

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GraphQL Core Concepts

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Type System Execution Engine Anatomy of GraphQL Query Language

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“Reliability problems largely occur at module boundaries, and most result from inconsistencies in both sides expectations” - Bertrand Meyer

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type Artist { id: ID! name: String! aliases: [String] albums: [Album] }

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let queryArtist = (_, {id}, {dao}) => { // arbitrary code to retrieve artist return dao.getArtist(id); } let artistName = artist => { return; }

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root query { artist(id: “5”) { name albums { title label { name } } } } Label Producer Album User Artist Review

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root query { artist(id: “5”) { name albums { } } } Label Producer Album User Artist Review

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root Label Producer Album User Artist Review query { artist(id: “5”) { name albums { title label { } } } }

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root Label Producer Album User Artist Review query { artist(id: “5”) { name albums { title label { name } } } }

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Capabilities exposed as schema Requirements expressed as query GraphQL focusses on accessing data exposed by the graph This is a fundamental difference to REST which is concerned with modelling resources and state transitions. Clients Single /graphql endpoint *

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GraphQL Operations -Query -> Read ( 1 : 1 ) -Mutation -> Write ( 1 : 1 ) -Subscription -> Observe Event ( 1 : 0..* )

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-The second killer feature of GraphQL -Enables ‘reflection’ type queries on fields, types and schema -Extremely powerful for tooling support - Autocomplete (as seen in Graphiql) - Code generation - Documentation Introspection

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Efficiency -Avoid overfetching and underfetching (particularly across the slow portion of the network to the client). -Reduced data handling complexity in the client. -Simpler extension model for backend API developers.

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GraphQL is not tied to JavaScript. Server implementations exist for many languages.

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GraphQL is protocol agnostic. So long as the protocol supports exchanging character data you’re set.

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GraphQL is not about binary data streams

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“Every time time you change a version identifier, you’re potentially orphaning clients who ‘speak’ that language.” - Mark Nottingham

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In place of versioning prefer an extension model to enable graceful evolution of the API contract

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The @deprecated directive provides an elegant mechanism to facilitate this in GraphQL

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GraphQL is not a shortcut to great API design. Solid modelling skills are still table stakes. (sorry, not sorry)

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Think in Graphs* Avoid creating fields that should be types

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Getting the most out of GraphQL

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The schema solves one part of the API documentation challenge, it does not solve it completely

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graphdoc + schema = professional static API documentation

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Do not roll your own GraphQL client

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Decide whether you will support Relay early

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Naming is difficult and as such is a problem suited to API governance

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is / can / has prefix for Boolean fields plural nouns for collections

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Strive for field and type names that mirror the language of the business domain

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“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” - Phil Karlton

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GraphQL requires a different approach to caching

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Caching Approaches for RESTful APIs Client Side Caching Server Side Caching HTTP offers rich caching functionality via caching headers: Cache-Control, ETag, Expires, Pragma & Vary.

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Caching Approaches for RESTful APIs Client Side Caching Server Side Caching Intermediate Caching Proxy HTTP offers rich caching functionality via caching headers: Cache-Control, ETag, Expires, Pragma & Vary.

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Caching Approaches for GraphQL APIs Client Side Caching Server Side Caching Intermediate Caching Proxy GraphQL does not play nice with the rest of the web, as it treats HTTP as a dump pipe. As such we need to rely on server and client caching.

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Server Caching - Utilise a dedicated cache layer to minimize traffic downstream. - DataLoader implementations assist with per request batching and caching.

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Client Caching - GraphQL clients such as Apollo or Relay help massively in this regard. - Hierarchical responses are flattened to create normalized caches where each record is stored exactly once. - Clients can leverage this cache to generate network efficient queries. query: { album (id: “1”): { name: “Endtroducing…" artist: { name: “DJ Shadow" } } } Map { 1: Map { name: “Endtroducing…”, author: Link(2), }, 2: Map { name: ‘DJ Shadow' }, }; Hierarchical Normalized

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Inter API Communication - Inter API calls are easily supported in REST APIs based of the media type semantics. - In fact, Hypermedia is the under- pinning architectural style of the web. GET /artistsapi/artist/1 HTTP/1.1 ContentType: application/vnd.hal+json { “_links”: { “events” : { “href”: “/eventsapi/performers/8”, “type” : “application/vnd.siren+json” } /* … other fields … */ } Events API Artists API

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Inter API Communication - Inter API calls are easily supported in REST APIs based of the media type semantics. - In fact, Hypermedia is the under- pinning architectural style of the web. GET /eventsapi/events/8 HTTP/1.1 ContentType: application/vnd.siren+json { "class": [ “event" ], "properties": { “startDate": “2017-09-18T15:00:00+10:00”, “endDate: “2017-08-18T16:00:00+10:00”, “availableTicketCount": 42 }, /* … other fields … */ } Events API Artists API

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{ “data”: { “artist” : { “events”: [ { “url”: “/eventsapi/performers/8” } ] } } } Inter API Communication - There is no easy way to federate calls across GraphQL schemas. - Ideally model these as additional nodes and edges in the same GraphQL schema. - Failing this we must defer to ‘out of band’ sources such as API documentation. POST /graphql HTTP/1.1 { artist { events { url } } } Events API GraphQL API

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{ “data”: { “artist” : { “events”: [ { “url”: “/eventsapi/performers/8” } ] } } } Inter API Communication - There is no easy way to federate calls across GraphQL schemas. - Ideally model these as additional nodes and edges in the same GraphQL schema. - Failing this we must defer to ‘out of band’ sources such as API documentation. POST /graphql HTTP/1.1 { artist { events { url } } } Events API GraphQL API ?

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Authentication & Authorization

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GraphQL REST RPC Business Logic Authentication Authentication Authorization HTTP TCP based protocol

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As a User, I want to be the only one permitted to see my personal details So that my right to privacy is respected

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No content

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No content

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This approach works well for 1st party systems. What about 3rd party systems with delegated access?

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Authentication Authentication HTTP TCP based protocol REST RPC Coarse Grained Authorization GraphQL Business Logic Authorization

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No content

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No content

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Image by toffehoff via So far we have been pulling data what if we could we enable the pushing of data

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As a User, I want to be notified when my favourite artists release albums So that I can keep to up to date with the music that I love

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Real Time APIs -Pull -Polling -Push -Live Queries (standard query with infinitely fast polling) -Subscriptions (event based)

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Subscriptions RFC has been raised facebook/graphql#267

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Event Based Subscriptions -Concept: Server pushes message to client when ‘something’ occurs -Read only -Expressed using GraphQL syntax -Not a replacement for GraphQL queries!

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Client Request / Response GraphQL Business Domain

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Subscriptions Client Request / Response GraphQL Events Bi-directional Transport Business Domain

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Subscriptions Client Request / Response GraphQL Events Bi-directional Transport Business Domain Subscription Event

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Example subscription workflow / use case User Admin GraphQL Server Connect to WS endpoint (ws://

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Example subscription workflow / use case Subscribe to advertised event ( subscription onAlbumAdded { albumAdded(userId: “1”) { album { title } artist { name } } } User Admin GraphQL Server Web socket connection open and waiting for published events

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Example subscription workflow / use case User Admin mutation addAlbum { addAlbum(album: {title: "Cold Water Music", artistId: 1, labelId: 1 }) { artist { id name } } } Admin user adds new album using addAlbum mutation GraphQL Server Web socket connection open and waiting for published events

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Album added event document pushed to client Example subscription workflow / use case User Admin { albumAdded: { album: { title: “Cold Water Music” } artist: { name: “Aim” } } } GraphQL Server

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Low friction development of GraphQL APIs

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GraphQL Dev Workflow - Front end and back end teams agree on schema. - UI is developed using mocked data based on schema - API is built out with any changes being communicated to front end team - Integrate front and back ends - Ship - Repeat Schema App Api Product

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GraphQL Dev Workflow - Front end and back end teams agree on schema. - UI is developed using mocked data based on schema - API is built out with any changes being communicated to front end team - Integrate front and back ends - Ship - Repeat Schema App Api Product

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GraphQL Dev Workflow - Front end and back end teams agree on schema. - UI is developed using mocked data based on schema - API is built out with any changes being communicated to front end team - Integrate front and back ends - Ship - Repeat Schema App Api Product

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GraphQL Dev Workflow - Front end and back end teams agree on schema. - UI is developed using mocked data based on schema - API is built out with any changes being communicated to front end team - Integrate front and back ends - Ship - Repeat Schema App Api Product

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{ real { data } fake { data } } { real { data } } { real { data: “resolved” } } { real { data: “resolved” } fake { data: “stubbed” } } IDL application/graphql application/json GraphQL Faker facilitates low friction experimentation when modelling schema. It’s quicker to change IDL than the API.

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GraphQL Faker Demo

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Query execution telemetry is vital for identifying performance bottlenecks

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Build support for a phased release approach for API changes

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Thank you!

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Resources - Official Docs: - Specification: - Reference: - Community: - Awesome List: - Humble Additions - Code: - Slides: